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Índice do material disponível:
- C.B. Jones. Systematic Software Development Using VDM. Series in Computer Science. Prentice-Hall International, 1986 (first edition).
(345 pages)
(Mais bibliografia a adicionar à medida que as aulas prossigam)
- J.N. Oliveira. Data type invariants: starting where (static) type checking stops
(24 slides) 2010
- J.N. Oliveira. Pre / post-conditions -- starting where (pure) functions stop
(31 slides) (updated 2011)
- J.N. Oliveira. PF transform: when everything becomes a relation
(54 slides) (updated: 8-12-2011)
- J.N. Oliveira. PF transform: conditions and coreflexives for ESC
(28 slides)
- J.N. Oliveira. PF-transform: using Galois connections to structure relational algebra (35 slides)
- J.N. Oliveira. “Theorems for free”: a (calculational) introduction
(27 slides)
- J.N. Oliveira. PF-notation and Alloy: "Relational thinking'' at work
(50 slides)
(Mais acetatos a adicionar à medida que as aulas prossigam)
Modulo PAS (Software architecture for reactive systems)
Acetatos e Notas
- David Garlan. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Software Architecture: Components, Connectors, and Events, Springer LNCS (2804), 2004. (updated: 8-12-2011)
- Ian Gorton. Essential Software Architecture (table of contents and chapter 1), Springer 2006. (updated: 8-12-2011)
- Colin Striling. Modal and temporal logics for processes, Springer LNCS (1043), 1996. (updated: 17-01-2012)
- P. Blackburn, M. Rijke, I. Venema. Modal Logic (table of contents and chapter 1), CUP 2001. (updated: 17-01-2012)
- F. Arbab. F. Arbab Inaugural Lecture at Leiden, Leiden University 2005. (updated: 10-02-2012)
- F. Arbab. Abstract Behavior Types: a foundation model for components and their composition, SCP, 2005. (updated: 10-02-2012)
- C. Baier et al. Modeling Component Connectors in Reo by Constraint Automata, SCP, 2006. (updated: 10-02-2012)
- D. Clarke, D. Costa, F. Arbab. Connector colouring I: Synchronisation and context dependency, SCO, 2007. (updated: 10-02-2012)
Enunciados de provas de avaliação individual
 Copyright © by the contributing authors. Ideas, requests, problems? Send feedback.
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