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Education.CP Home of Education/CP web Search Education/CP web Recent changes in the Education/CP web Get notified of changes to the Education/CP web Cálculo de Programas Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática e Licenciatura em Ciências da Computação
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Education.EL Home of Education/EL web Search Education/EL web Recent changes in the Education/EL web Get notified of changes to the Education/EL web Engenharia de Linguagens
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Education.EL0809 Home of Education/EL0809 web Search Education/EL0809 web Recent changes in the Education/EL0809 web Get notified of changes to the Education/EL0809 web Engenharia de Linguagens
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Education.LC Home of Education/LC web Search Education/LC web Recent changes in the Education/LC web Get notified of changes to the Education/LC web Licenciatura em Ciências da Computação - 2º ano
Education.LI1 Home of Education/LI1 web Search Education/LI1 web Recent changes in the Education/LI1 web Get notified of changes to the Education/LI1 web Laboratórios de Informática 1 Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática (2012/13)
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Education.LI11011 Home of Education/LI11011 web Search Education/LI11011 web Recent changes in the Education/LI11011 web Get notified of changes to the Education/LI11011 web Laboratórios de Informática I Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática (2010/11)
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Education.MAPiICS Home of Education/MAPiICS web Search Education/MAPiICS web Recent changes in the Education/MAPiICS web Get notified of changes to the Education/MAPiICS web MAPi - Interactive Computing Systems MAPi Doctoral Programme
Education.MFES Home of Education/MFES web Search Education/MFES web Recent changes in the Education/MFES web Get notified of changes to the Education/MFES web Métodos Formais em Engenharia de Software Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática - MFES 2020/2021
Education.MFES0910 Home of Education/MFES0910 web Search Education/MFES0910 web Recent changes in the Education/MFES0910 web Get notified of changes to the Education/MFES0910 web Métodos Formais em Engenharia de Software Mestrado de [Engenharia] Informática (2009/10)
Education.MFES1011 Home of Education/MFES1011 web Search Education/MFES1011 web Recent changes in the Education/MFES1011 web Get notified of changes to the Education/MFES1011 web Mestrado de [Engenharia] Informática (2010/11)
Education.MFES1112 Home of Education/MFES1112 web Search Education/MFES1112 web Recent changes in the Education/MFES1112 web Get notified of changes to the Education/MFES1112 web Métodos Formais em Engenharia de Software Mestrado de [Engenharia] Informática (2011/12)
Education.MFES1213 Home of Education/MFES1213 web Search Education/MFES1213 web Recent changes in the Education/MFES1213 web Get notified of changes to the Education/MFES1213 web Métodos Formais em Engenharia de Software Mestrado de [Engenharia] Informática (2012/13)
Education.MFES1314 Home of Education/MFES1314 web Search Education/MFES1314 web Recent changes in the Education/MFES1314 web Get notified of changes to the Education/MFES1314 web Métodos Formais em Engenharia de Software Mestrado de [Engenharia] Informática (13/14)
Education.MFES1415 Home of Education/MFES1415 web Search Education/MFES1415 web Recent changes in the Education/MFES1415 web Get notified of changes to the Education/MFES1415 web Métodos Formais em Engenharia de Software Mestrado de [Engenharia] Informática (14/15)
Education.MFES1617 Home of Education/MFES1617 web Search Education/MFES1617 web Recent changes in the Education/MFES1617 web Get notified of changes to the Education/MFES1617 web Métodos Formais em Engenharia de Software Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática [16/17]
Education.MFES1718 Home of Education/MFES1718 web Search Education/MFES1718 web Recent changes in the Education/MFES1718 web Get notified of changes to the Education/MFES1718 web Métodos Formais em Engenharia de Software Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática [17/18]
Education.MFES1819 Home of Education/MFES1819 web Search Education/MFES1819 web Recent changes in the Education/MFES1819 web Get notified of changes to the Education/MFES1819 web Métodos Formais em Engenharia de Software (2018/2019) Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática - MFES 2018/2019
Education.MFES1920 Home of Education/MFES1920 web Search Education/MFES1920 web Recent changes in the Education/MFES1920 web Get notified of changes to the Education/MFES1920 web Métodos Formais em Engenharia de Software Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática - MFES 2019/2020
Education.MICEI Home of Education/MICEI web Search Education/MICEI web Recent changes in the Education/MICEI web Get notified of changes to the Education/MICEI web Mestrado em Informática e Curso de Especialização em Informática Mestrado em Informática e Curso de Especialização em Informática
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