Welcome to HASLab
Our Motto
"Improving Practice Through Theory"
Software technology is pre-scientific in its lack of an effective basis for predicting computers' behaviour. HASLab research aims at improving scientific standards in software design through rigorous methods and mathematical techniques.
HASLab researchers have a long tradition of linking their research to national and international industry partners, and a deep involvement in the department's teaching activities, at both the undergraduate and the postgraduate level.
Regular group's activities include a
research seminar that provides a stimulating meeting opportunity for the whole team, including post-grad (Ph.D and M.Sc) students.
The HASLab "Tripod"
- Formal methods
- Dependable Distributed Systems
- Cryptography & Information security
Research Topics
- High-assurance Model-driven Software Engineering
- Foundations for architectural design (service certification, dynamic reconfiguration and self-adaptability)
- Formal verification of real-time Systems
- Secure embedded systems (static ckecking of embedded systems against safety policies)
- Theoretical Cryptography / Provable Security
- Implementation, Verification, and Analysis of Cryptographic Software
- Dependability of interactive systems (model checking-based analysis of interactive systems)