Tiago Miguel Laureano Alves
Since October 2013 I've joined Microsoft Portugal where I've been working as Software Development Engineer in Test.
Here you can find information about my background, past and present projects and my publication list.
In 2004, I've graduated
Computer Science and Systems Engineering in University of Minho.
Between 2004 and 2005, I worked in the
Research.IKF project (Research.IKF-P E-Learning Vertical Application Area) financed by a research grant (BI).
Between 2005 and 2006, I worked as "monitor" at the
Department of Informatics teaching practical classes of the
PL I and
MP III courses.
In June 2005 I finished the
MSc in Informatics presenting the thesis "VooDooM: Support for understanding and re-engineering of VDM-SL specifications".
Between July 2006 to June 2007, I worked at
European Space Operations Center (ESOC) as
Young Graduate Trainee (YGT), in Darmstadt, the German facilities of the
European Space Agency (ESA).
Between June 2009 to August 2009, I've participated in the Space Studies Program 2009 from the
International Space University at
NASA Ames Research Center.
Between July 2008 and June 2011 I've done research at the
Software Improvement Group having concluded the PhD in Informatics in the University of Minho in May 2012.
My PhD thesis is entitled "Benchmark-based Software Product Quality Evaluation" and was financed by a grant from
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) with the reference SFRH/BD/30215/2006.
Between June 2012 and October 2013 I've worked in the Software Engineering R&D Department of
Research Projects
As past projects I have been involved in:
- VooDooM Transform hierarchical formal specifications into its relational equivalent (SQL).
- SdfMetz Computes metrics for SDF, Bnf, Antlr, and Bison.
- 2LT Two-level data transformation.
At the present moment I am working in empirical software engineering, in particular defining methodologies and techniques to assess software product quality.
Besides program comprehension techniques I am interested in language engineering.
Publications & Presentations
My publication list and given presentations can be found in the
Publications web page.