PhD Thesis
- Benchmark-based Software Product Quality Evaluation, Defended on May 2012. (PDF)
- Quality Assurance Challenges in the OutSystems Platform, Tiago L. Alves, INForum 2013 - Industrial Challenges, Simpósio de Informática. (PDF)
- Benchmark-based Aggregation of Metrics to Ratings, Tiago L. Alves, José Pedro Correia, and Joost Visser, IWSM/MENSURA 2011, The Joint Conference of the 21th International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM) and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (Mensura). To Appear. (PDF)
- Categories of Source Code in Industrial Systems, Tiago L. Alves, ESEM 2011, 5th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. To Appear. (PDF) (Presentation)
- Comparative Study of Code Query Technologies, Tiago L. Alves, Peter Rademaker, and Jurriaan Hage, SCAM 2011, 11th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation. To appear. (PDF) (For the full queries used in the paper please contact the authors).
- Comparative Study of Code Query Technologies, Tiago L. Alves, Peter Rademaker, and Jurriaan Hage, Technical Report UU-CS-2011-009, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 2011, ISSN 0924-3275 (PDF)
- Type-safe Evolution of Spreadsheets, Jácome Cunha, Joost Visser, Tiago Alves, and João Saraiva, FASE 2011, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering. To appear. (PDF)
- Deriving Metric Thresholds from Benchmark Data, Tiago L. Alves, Christiaan Ypma, and Joost Visser, ICSM 2010, 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance. To appear. (PDF) (Presentation)
- Assessment of Product Maintainability for Two Space Domain Simulators, Tiago L. Alves, ICSM 2010, 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance. To appear. (PDF) (Presentation)
- Tool-based Analysis of Space Domain Simulators, Tiago L. Alves, SESP 2010, 11th International Workshop on Simulation for European Space Programmes. To appear. (Abstract) (Paper) (Presentation)
- Static Estimation of Test Coverage, Tiago L. Alves and Joost Visser, SCAM 2009, Ninth IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation. To appear. (PDF) (For detailled analysis results or the SemmleCode queries, please contact the authors).
- Requirements for Technical Quality of Software Products, Tiago L. Alves, European Ground System Architecture Workshop (ESAW), Darmstadt, Germany, 2009 (Abstract) (Poster)
- A Case Study in Grammar Engineering, Tiago L. Alves and Joost Visser, 1st International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2008), Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, 2008. (PDF)
- Constraint-aware Schema Transformation, Tiago L. Alves, Paulo F. Silva, and Joost Visser, 9th International Workshop on Rule-Based Programming (RULE 2008), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2008. To appear. (PDF)
- Evaluation of code query technologies for industrial use, Tiago L. Alves and Peter Rademaker, Presented in the Query Technologies and Applications for Program Comprehension (QTAPC 2008), May 2008 (PDF)
- Static Estimation of Test Coverage (abstract), Tiago L. Alves and Joost Visser, 7th BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution workshop (Benevol 2008), Technical report of Eindhoven University of Technology, 2008. CS-Report 08-30. (PDF)
- SdfMetz: Extraction of Metrics and Graphs From Syntax Definitions - Tool Demonstration, Tiago Alves and Joost Visser, Presented In Seventh Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (LDTA 2007), but not published, 2007. (PDF)
- Strategic Term Rewriting And Its Application To A VDM-SL to SQL Conversion, Tiago L. Alves, Paulo F. Silva, Joost Visser, and José Nuno Oliveira, Formal Methods 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3582, July 2005, Pages 399-414, Springer© [[[(PDF)]]
- Grammar-centered Development of VDM Support, Tiago Alves and Joost Visser, In Fitzgerald, J. S., Larsen, P. G., Plat, N. (eds.), Towards Next Generation Tools for VDM: Contributions to the First International Overture Workshop, Newcastle, July 2005, Technical Report CS-TR969, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, June 2006. (PDF)
- Development of an Industrial Strength Grammar for VDM, Tiago Alves and Joost Visser, Technical Report DI-Research.PURe-05.04.29, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, April 2005 (PDF).
- Metrication of SDF Grammars, Tiago Alves and Joost Visser, Technical Report DI-Research.PURe-05.05.01, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, May 2005 (PDF).
- SdfMetz: Extraction of Metrics and Graphs From Syntax Definitions, Tiago L. Alves and Joost Visser, Draft July 2008 (PDF) Grammar Metrics Spreadsheet: (XLS)
- Benchmark-based Software Product Quality
- Comparative Study of Code Query Technologies
- Static Estimation of Test Coverage
- A Case Study in Grammar Engineering
- Constraint-aware Schema Transformation
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