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MenuTopics 12 Feb 2007 - 19:20 - r3 JoseBacelarAlmeida
Mmb 13 Feb 2012 - 18:09 - NEW PedroRangelHenriques

Mario Marcelo Beron

staff member of
        Área de Metodologías, Programación y Desarrollo de Software

        (Software Engineering Group at Universidad Nacional de San Luis)
        Departamento de Informática

Universidad Nacional de San Luis
Ejército de los Andes 950
San Luis - Argentina

External Member of  gEPL Processing Language Group at Universidade do Minho

  • Ph. D. on Computer Science at Universidad Nacional de San Luis and Universidade do Minho
  • MEng at Universidad Nacional de San Luis

  • Lincenciado en Ciencias de la Computación at Universidad Nacional de San Luis
  • Profesor en Ciencias de la Computación at Universidad Nacional de San Luis
  • Bachelor in Computer Science at Universidad Nacional de San Luis

Research Subjects
  • Program Comprehension (Models, Approaches and Tools)
  • Language Specification and Processing (Methods & Tools)
  • Programming Language and Paradigms (Imperative, Declarative, Functional and Object Oriented)

Educational Activities
  • Planeamiento Informático. Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
  • Introducción a la Computación. Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
  • Programación II. Tecnicatura Universitaria en Web. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.

Ph. D. Thesis Supervision

Master Thesis Supervision
  • Esteban Pelaez. A System to Detect False Path in Digital Circuits. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina. Undergoing.

  • Martín Aristaraín. A Mechanism for Factorizing Classes to Support Multiple Inheritance. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina. Undergoing.
  • Alejandro Nuñes. Criteria for Evaluating Specific Digital Circuits. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina. Undergoing.
  • José Albanes. Behavioral Analysis a Strategy for Relating the Problem and Program Domains. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Claudio Baieli. Análisis de Trazas de Ejecución. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina. Undergoing.

Licenciate Thesis Supervision
  • Hernán Bernardis. Dynamic Extraction Information from Programs Written in Java Language for Program Comprehesion. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Mariano Luzza. Domain Specific Language: Design and Construction. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Enrique Miranda. Evaluation of Visualization Libraries. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Ignacio El Kadre. Linking the Program Identifiers with Language Ontology. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Javier Azcurra. Identifier Analysis to abstract Problem Domain Concepts. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Maria Matkovic. Program Domain Specification Using Ontologies, an Exercise to Explore Protégè. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.

External Advisor
  • Nuno A.R. Carvalho. An Ontology toolkit for problem domain concept location in Program Comprehension. MAPi program. Universidade do Minho. Portugal.

  • Quixote: Desarrollo de Modelos del Dominio del Problema para Inter-relacionar las Vistas Comportamental y Operacional de Sistemas de Software. 
  • Ingeniería de Software. Conceptos, Métodos y Herramientas en un Contexto de "Ingeniería de Software en Evolución". Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
  • PCVIA: Program Comprehension by Visual Inspection and Animation;  Universidade do Minho. 2006-2008.
No olvidar de colocar los links a los proyectos.

  • Internationals
    • Look on my CV
  • Nationals
    • Look on my CV.

Program Committees
  • The Third International Conference on Resource Intensive Applications and Services.  May 22-27. Venice. Italy. 2011.
  • Workshop on Compiler and Related Technologies and Applications. Portugal. 2010.
  • The Second International Conference on Resource Intensive Applications and Services.  March 7-13. Cancún. Mexico. 2010.

  • The First International Conference on Resource Intensive Applications and Services.  April 20-25. Valencia. Spain. 2009.

Conferences and Other Scientifc Events
  • ICPC 2011. 19th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension.
  • CoRTA. Workshop on Compiler and Related Technologies and Applications. Portugal.
  • WICC 2011. Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación. Argentina.
  • CACIC 2011. Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación. Argentina.

Institutional Links
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

MPAi Doctoral Programme in Computer Science
Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva

last update: 15/02/2011

-- PedroRangelHenriques - 13 Feb 2012

PdD 17 Sep 2017 - 22:53 - r2 PedroRangelHenriques

How the languages we speak shape the ways we think

by Lera Boroditsky (Associate Professor of Cognitive Science at UCSD and Editor in Chief of Frontiers in Cultural Psychology), SPLASH 2017 Keynote Speaker

Humans communicate with one another using 7,000 or so different languages, and each language differs from the next in innumerable ways. Do people who speak different languages think differently? Do languages merely express thoughts, or do they secretly shape the very thoughts we wish to express? Are some thoughts unthinkable without language? The question of whether the languages we speak shape the ways we think has been at the center of controversy for centuries, and with good reason. At stake are basic questions all of us have about ourselves, human nature, and reality. Why do we think the way we do? Why does the world appear to us the way it does? I will discuss research conducted around the world and focus on how language shapes the way we think about space, time, number, causality, and agency.

-- PedroRangelHenriques - 17 Sep 2017

PdD1 17 Sep 2017 - 08:01 - NEW PedroRangelHenriques

Eve: tackling a giant with a change in perspective

by Chris Granger (Kodowa) a SPLASH 2017 Keynote Speaker

There are many perspectives you could take on the purpose of programming, from “building systems” to “modeling the world”, but none has further reaching consequences than “to augment humans.” With computers so ubiquitous that they live in our pockets, what can we do to help realize the vision of programming for everyone? To even begin answering that, we have to dig into what “augmenting humans” really means and see how that perspective leads us to somewhere very different than our current programming systems. To find a path forward, we’ll have to look at domains that seem far from ours, but doing so might just give us a hint at what the future could look like. (see more)

Eve is a modern relational language for writing data-driven programs without the boilerplate.

-- PedroRangelHenriques - 17 Sep 2017

WebAppViewer 16 Mar 2007 - 21:55 - NEW AlbertoSimoes


PHP Sucks!

-- AlbertoSimoes - 16 Mar 2007

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Language Specification and Processing Group Thoughs of the Day Lera Boroditsky Eve, by Chris Granger Members Rangel Henriques (staff) ...
PdD 17 Sep 2017 - 22:53 - r2 PedroRangelHenriques
How the languages we speak shape the ways we think by Lera Boroditsky (Associate Professor of Cognitive Science at UCSD and Editor in Chief of Frontiers in Cultural ...
PdD1 17 Sep 2017 - 08:01 - NEW PedroRangelHenriques
Eve: tackling a giant with a change in perspective by Chris Granger (Kodowa) a SPLASH 2017 Keynote Speaker There are many perspectives you could take on the purpose ...
Mmb 13 Feb 2012 - 18:09 - NEW PedroRangelHenriques
mberon Mario Marcelo Beron staff member of Área de Metodologías, Programación y Desarrollo de Software (Software Engineering Group at Universidad Nacional ...
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Language Specification and Processing Group: Members Staff Rangel Henriques José Carlos Ramalho Alexandre Saraiva João Almeida Jorge ...
Conferences 12 Feb 2007 - 19:36 - r11 JoseBacelarAlmeida
Relevant Conferences in our areas Language Specification and Processing Group Conferences (planning)
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WebHome 28 Jan 2020 - 17:03 - r40 PedroRangelHenriques

Language Specification and Processing Group

Thoughs of the Day


Group Description

Although all the technological advances related to multimedia, in a computer system most relevant digital data still circulates in textual format: computer programs, specifications, documents and other information resources have their content in this format. In order to be read and interpreted by a machine, texts should be valid sentences of a known language to be possible to associate them some meaning. The path towards this meaning takes us to syntax and then to semantics.

The "Language Processing" area is concerned with approaches, methods and tools for the "specification of languages" and the "systematic development of their processors".

Language syntax and semantics is formally defined by a Grammar; in this area we support our work on regular grammars (or regular expressions), context free grammars, translation or attribute grammars, affix grammars, stochastic-dependency or transition-network grammars, graph grammars, annotation schemas, etc.

Language Processors are systematic and automatically built using tools, called Generators, that read a grammar and produce the analysers/translators.

Although we keep the same approach, different kind of texts require specialized methods and tools. So the area is split into three main research directions:

  • 1) completely structured texts, that belong to "formal languages" (FLP);
  • 2) semi-structured texts, that belong to "annotation languages" (ALP);
  • 3) unstructured texts, that belong to "natural languages" (NLP).

Inside the "LP@di/cctc.uminho.pt" group:

1) Pedro Rangel Henriques, Maria João Varanda Pereira, Daniela da Cruz, Nuno Oliveira, and Mario Berón, work on the first direction (formal language processing).

At moment the research topics are:

  • textual and visual languages;
  • program analysis and transformation;
  • program visualization/animation;
  • program comprehension.

2) José Carlos Ramalho, Pedro Rangel Henriques, Alda Gançarski, Ricardo, Cristiana, Renato work on the second direction (semi-structured document processing).

At moment the research topics are:

  • document markup and XML standards;
  • archiving and digital libraries;
  • semantic web and virtual museums;
  • web-services and location aware services.

3) José João Dias de Almeida, Alberto Simões and Nuno Carvalho, work on the third direction (natural language processing).

At moment the research topics are:

  • Text classification and Automatic summarization;
  • Discourse analysis and Part-of-speech tagging;
  • Machine Translation;
  • Information extraction (IE) (including named entity recognition and relationship extraction);
  • Information retrieval (IR) and text mining.

Notice that "definition and support of Domain Specific Languages" and "ontology processing" are transversal research trends on which all the subgroups are working. In a similar way, it is clear that "ETL process" (extract-transform-load) is a target, an application area, common to all the subgroups.

The Master course on Language Engineering, UCE30-EL (Engenharia de Linguagens), offered by the "LP@di/ctcc.uminho.pt" group composed of the four modules below, directly reflects this status-quo and this organization: Grammar Engineering; Software Analysis and Transformation; Document Processing; Natural Language Processing.

Also the events and journals that the group members are co-founders and organizers corroborate the three research trends described:

  • SLaTE, International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology, that integrates the previous events:
    • XATA, XML -- Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas;
    • CoRTA, Compilers, programming languages, Related Technologies and Applications;

  • Linguamática, Revista para o Processamento Automático das Línguas Ibéricas (ISSN: 1647-0818)

Some Int.Conference Organization and Program Committees membership can reinforce the characterization below:

  • ICPC'2010 -- IEEE conference organization at Braga
  • ICPC'2011 -- PC member (also SC member)
  • SCAM'2011 -- PC member


Research Projects & Tools

FCT founded R&D projects:

  • PTDC/CLE-LLI/108948/2008 — Per-Fide, Portuguese in parallel with six other languages

  • PTDC/PSI-PCO/104679/2008 — Procura Palavras: a computerized tool for the evaluation of objective and subjective psycholinguistic indexes for the European Portuguese

  • PTDC/EIA-CCO/108995/2008 -- CROSS: An Infrastructure for Certification and Re-engineering of Open Source Software; supported by FCT; 2010-2012.

  • Quixote: Desenvolvimento de modelos do domínio do problema para inter-relacionar as vistas operacional e comportamental em sistemas de software; bilateral Argentina-Portugal joint-research project supported by FCT (Departamento das Relações Europeias, Bilaterais e Multilaterais); team leader; 2010-2011.

  • AsCoP: Assessing Comprehension of Domain Specific Programs; bilateral Slovenia-Portugal joint-research project supported by FCT (Departamento das Relações Europeias, Bilaterais e Multilaterais); team leader; 2010/2011.

  • PCVIA: Program Comprehension by Visual Inspection and Animation

  • DSLPC: Program Comprehension for Domain Specific Languages (bilateral Cooperation Project (Slovenia-Portugal))

  • Hermes: Aprendizagem e Povoamento de Ontologias a partir de Fontes Textuais; bilateral Brasil-Portugal joint-research project supported by Programa CAPES-FCT2009 (Departamento das Relações Europeias, Bilaterais e Multilaterais); 2010-2012.

  • [[http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/wiki/bin/view/OntXQuery/WebHome][OntXQuery: An Information Retrieval System, interactive and iteractive/incremental, based on XQuery++ to search XML documents over the Semantic-Web using ontologies


Some selected Publications:

Journal papers:

- Miguel Ferreira, Ana Alice Baptista, José Carlos Ramalho. An intelligent decision support system for digital preservation. International Journal on Digital Libraries; Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; issn: 1432-5012 (Print) 1432-1300 (Online); 05; 2007; URI no RepositoriUM? : http://hdl.handle.net/1822/6648;

- Giovani Rubert Librelotto, Renato Preigschadt de Azevedo, José Carlos Ramalho, and Pedro Rangel Henriques. Topic maps constraint languages: understanding and comparing. Int. Journal Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, 1(3/4):173–181, Jun 2009.

- Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques. Advances in Computer Science and IT, chapter Slicing techniques to derive the User Interface Abstract Model, pages 249–276. In-Teh, December 2009

- Nuno Oliveira, Maria João Varanda Pereira, Pedro Rangel Henriques, Daniela da Cruz, and Bastian Cramer. VisualLisa? : A visual environment to develop attribute grammars. ComSIS? – Computer Science an Information Systems Journal, Special issue on Advances in Languages, Related Technologies and Applications, 7(2):266 – 289. May 2010

- Daniela da Cruz, Mario Béron, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Maria João Varanda Pereira. Code inspection approaches for program visualization. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, 9(3):32–42, Jul-Sep 2009. ISSN: 1335-8243

- Maria João Varanda Pereira, Marjan Mernik, Daniela da Cruz, and Pedro Rangel Henriques. Program comprehension for domain-specific languages (invited paper). ComSIS? – Computer Science an Information Systems Journal, Special Issue on Compilers, Related Technologies and Applications, 5(2):1–17, Dec 2008. ISSN: 1820-0214

- Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Maria João Varanda. Alma versus ddd. ComSIS? – Computer Science an Information Systems Journal, Special Issue on Compilers, Related Technologies and Applications, 5(2):119–136, Dec 2008. ISSN: 1820-0214

- Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Maria João Varanda. Constructing program animations using a pattern-based approach. ComSIS? – Computer Science an Information Systems Journal, Special Issue on Advances in Programming Languages, 4(2):97–114, Dec 2007. ISSN: 1820-0214

International Conference papers:

- José João Almeida, Alberto Simões. Automatic parallel corpora and bilingual terminology extraction from parallel websites. In Reinhard Rapp, Pierre Zweigenbaum, and Serge Sharoff, editors, 3rd Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora, pages 50–55. Valletta, Malta, May 2010.

- Alberto Simões, José João Almeida. Bilingual terminology extraction based on translation patterns. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 41:281–288. Sept 2008.

- Christoph Becker, Michael Kraxner, Andreas Rauber, Miguel Ferreira, Ana Alice Baptista, José Carlos Ramalho. Distributed Preservation Services: Integrating Planning and Actions. ECDL2008 - European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries; Aarhus, Danmark; URI no RepositoriUM? : http://hdl.handle.net/1822/8239. 2008

- José Carlos Ramalho, Miguel Ferreira, Luís Faria. RODA and CRiB? a service-oriented digital repository. International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, iPRESS 2008, 5. London, 2008

- José Carlos Ramalho, Miguel Ferreira, Luís Faria, Rui Castro. Relational database preservation through XML modelling. Extreme Markup Languages 2007, Montréal - Canada; URI no RepositoriUM? : http://hdl.handle.net/1822/7120; August 2007.

- José Bernardo Barros, Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Jorge Sousa Pinto. Assertion-based slicing and slice graphs. In SEFM’10—8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, pages 93–102, Pisa, Italy, Sept 2010. IEEE Computer Society, Conference Publishing Services (CPS)

- Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Jorge Sousa Pinto. Contract-based slicing. In Tiziana Margaria and Bernhard Steffen, editors, Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA? ’2010–FLDVES track) LNCS- Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 6415, pages 106–120, Creta, Greece, Oct 2010. Springer

- Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Jorge Sousa Pinto. GamaSlicer? : an Online Laboratory for Program Verification and Analysis. In LDTA2010 — Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications, Paphos, Cyprus, March 2010

- Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques. Exploring, visualizing and slicing the soul of XML documents. In Proceedings of 25th Symposium On Applied Computing - Document Engineering (SAC-DE), 2010

- Nuno Oliveira, Nuno Rodrigues, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Luís Soares Barbosa. Pattern language for architectural analysis. In SBLP 2010 14th Brazilian Symposium in Programming Languages, volume 2, pages 167–180,Salvador, Brasil, Sep 2010. SBC: Brazilian Computer Society (ISSN: 2175-5922)

- Nuno Oliveira, Maria João Varanda Pereira, Daniela da Cruz, and Pedro Rangel Henriques. Visualization of domain-specific programs’ behavior. In Proceedings of VISSOFT’09 — 5th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software forUnderstanding and Analysis, Edmonton, Canada, pages 37—40. IEEE Computer Society, Sept 2009

- Nuno Oliveira, Pedro Rangel Henriques, Daniela da Cruz, Maria João Varanda Pereira, Marjan Mernik, Tomaz Kosar, and Matej Crepinsek. Applying program comprehension techniques to Karel robot programs. In Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology – 2nd Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages (WAPL’2009), pages 697 — 704, Mragowo, Poland, October 2009. IEEE Computer Society Press

- Tomaz Kosar, Marjan Mernik, Matej Crepinsek, Pedro Rangel Henriques, Daniela da Cruz, Maria João Varanda Pereira, and Nuno Oliveira. Influence of domain-specific notation to program understanding. In Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology– 2nd Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages (WAPL’2009), pages 673-680, Mragowo, Poland, October 2009. IEEE Computer Society Press

- Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Henriques, and Jorge Sousa Pinto. Code analysis: Past and present. In Luis Barbosa, Antonio Cerone, and Siraj Shaikh (Guest Eds.), editors, Proceedings of the Third Int. Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification (OpenCert? 2009), volume X (2009). Electronic Communications of the EASST, March 2009.


Some basilar and important Concepts:

- Language Workbench: a term coined by Martin Fowler (Fowler, 2005), Language Workbenches are tools aimed to implement new languages as well as theirs IDEs. In addition to ease the development of languages, they also make language-oriented programming environments practical.


Working material




Conferences and Journals in LP area:

  • Target Conferences:
    • (A) European Association of Computational Linguistics (EACL)
    • (A) International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING)
    • (A) ACM-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)
    • (A) ACM-SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)
    • (A) IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM)
    • (A) International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
    • (A) Automated Software Engineering Conference (ASE)
    • (A) IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE)
    • (A) IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (was VL)
    • (A) International Colloquium on Automata Languages and Programming (ICALP)
    • (A) European Symposium on Programming
    • (A) IEEE Information Visualization Conference
    • (A) International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA)
    • (A) International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA)

    • (B) Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
    • (B) Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (LDTA)
    • (B) International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM)
    • (B) ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)
    • (B) Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages
    • (B) European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL)
    • (B) ACM Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)
    • (B) International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
    • (B) Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
    • (B) Databases and Programming Language
    • (B) International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE)
    • (B) ACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE)
    • (B) IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis (VisSoft? )
    • (B) ACM Internacional Conference on Advances in Geographic Informacion Systems (SIGSPATIAL)

    • (C) Geographic Information Science
    • (C) AGILE (Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe) International Conference on Geographic Information Science
    • (C) Free an Open Source Software for Geomatics conference (FOSS4G? )
    • (C) International Workshop on Program Comprehension (now ICPC)
    • (C) IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)
    • (C) ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Language Design and Implementation (was TIC)
    • (C) International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications
    • (C) International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA? )
    • (C) Domain - Specific Languages for Software Engineering
    • (C) Domain Specific Aspect Languages
    • (C) Forum on Specification, Verification and Design Languages
    • (C) Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases,
    • (C) Extreme Markup Languages
    • (C) International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web Information Technology (ALP&WIT)
    • (C) International Symposium on Static Analysis
    • (C) Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Advanced Programming Languages
    • (C) Knowledge Domain Visualisation (KDV)
    • (C) Knowledge Visualization and Visual Thinking
    • (C) Program Visualization Workshop
    • (C) Visual Languages and Formal Methods
    • (C) Visualization in Software Engineering (ViSE? )

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mberon Mario Marcelo Beron staff member of Área de Metodologías, Programación y Desarrollo de Software (Software Engineering Group at Universidad Nacional ...
PdD 17 Sep 2017 - 22:53 - r2 PedroRangelHenriques
How the languages we speak shape the ways we think by Lera Boroditsky (Associate Professor of Cognitive Science at UCSD and Editor in Chief of Frontiers in Cultural ...
PdD1 17 Sep 2017 - 08:01 - NEW PedroRangelHenriques
Eve: tackling a giant with a change in perspective by Chris Granger (Kodowa) a SPLASH 2017 Keynote Speaker There are many perspectives you could take on the purpose ...
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WebAppViewer PHP Sucks! AlbertoSimoes 16 Mar 2007
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Mmb 13 Feb 2012 - 18:09 - NEW PedroRangelHenriques

Mario Marcelo Beron

staff member of
        Área de Metodologías, Programación y Desarrollo de Software

        (Software Engineering Group at Universidad Nacional de San Luis)
        Departamento de Informática

Universidad Nacional de San Luis
Ejército de los Andes 950
San Luis - Argentina

External Member of  gEPL Processing Language Group at Universidade do Minho

  • Ph. D. on Computer Science at Universidad Nacional de San Luis and Universidade do Minho
  • MEng at Universidad Nacional de San Luis

  • Lincenciado en Ciencias de la Computación at Universidad Nacional de San Luis
  • Profesor en Ciencias de la Computación at Universidad Nacional de San Luis
  • Bachelor in Computer Science at Universidad Nacional de San Luis

Research Subjects
  • Program Comprehension (Models, Approaches and Tools)
  • Language Specification and Processing (Methods & Tools)
  • Programming Language and Paradigms (Imperative, Declarative, Functional and Object Oriented)

Educational Activities
  • Planeamiento Informático. Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
  • Introducción a la Computación. Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
  • Programación II. Tecnicatura Universitaria en Web. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.

Ph. D. Thesis Supervision

Master Thesis Supervision
  • Esteban Pelaez. A System to Detect False Path in Digital Circuits. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina. Undergoing.

  • Martín Aristaraín. A Mechanism for Factorizing Classes to Support Multiple Inheritance. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina. Undergoing.
  • Alejandro Nuñes. Criteria for Evaluating Specific Digital Circuits. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina. Undergoing.
  • José Albanes. Behavioral Analysis a Strategy for Relating the Problem and Program Domains. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Claudio Baieli. Análisis de Trazas de Ejecución. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina. Undergoing.

Licenciate Thesis Supervision
  • Hernán Bernardis. Dynamic Extraction Information from Programs Written in Java Language for Program Comprehesion. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Mariano Luzza. Domain Specific Language: Design and Construction. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Enrique Miranda. Evaluation of Visualization Libraries. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Ignacio El Kadre. Linking the Program Identifiers with Language Ontology. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Javier Azcurra. Identifier Analysis to abstract Problem Domain Concepts. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Undergoing.
  • Maria Matkovic. Program Domain Specification Using Ontologies, an Exercise to Explore Protégè. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.

External Advisor
  • Nuno A.R. Carvalho. An Ontology toolkit for problem domain concept location in Program Comprehension. MAPi program. Universidade do Minho. Portugal.

  • Quixote: Desarrollo de Modelos del Dominio del Problema para Inter-relacionar las Vistas Comportamental y Operacional de Sistemas de Software. 
  • Ingeniería de Software. Conceptos, Métodos y Herramientas en un Contexto de "Ingeniería de Software en Evolución". Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
  • PCVIA: Program Comprehension by Visual Inspection and Animation;  Universidade do Minho. 2006-2008.
No olvidar de colocar los links a los proyectos.

  • Internationals
    • Look on my CV
  • Nationals
    • Look on my CV.

Program Committees
  • The Third International Conference on Resource Intensive Applications and Services.  May 22-27. Venice. Italy. 2011.
  • Workshop on Compiler and Related Technologies and Applications. Portugal. 2010.
  • The Second International Conference on Resource Intensive Applications and Services.  March 7-13. Cancún. Mexico. 2010.

  • The First International Conference on Resource Intensive Applications and Services.  April 20-25. Valencia. Spain. 2009.

Conferences and Other Scientifc Events
  • ICPC 2011. 19th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension.
  • CoRTA. Workshop on Compiler and Related Technologies and Applications. Portugal.
  • WICC 2011. Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación. Argentina.
  • CACIC 2011. Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación. Argentina.

Institutional Links
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

MPAi Doctoral Programme in Computer Science
Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva

last update: 15/02/2011

-- PedroRangelHenriques - 13 Feb 2012

PdD 17 Sep 2017 - 22:53 - r2 PedroRangelHenriques

How the languages we speak shape the ways we think

by Lera Boroditsky (Associate Professor of Cognitive Science at UCSD and Editor in Chief of Frontiers in Cultural Psychology), SPLASH 2017 Keynote Speaker

Humans communicate with one another using 7,000 or so different languages, and each language differs from the next in innumerable ways. Do people who speak different languages think differently? Do languages merely express thoughts, or do they secretly shape the very thoughts we wish to express? Are some thoughts unthinkable without language? The question of whether the languages we speak shape the ways we think has been at the center of controversy for centuries, and with good reason. At stake are basic questions all of us have about ourselves, human nature, and reality. Why do we think the way we do? Why does the world appear to us the way it does? I will discuss research conducted around the world and focus on how language shapes the way we think about space, time, number, causality, and agency.

-- PedroRangelHenriques - 17 Sep 2017

PdD1 17 Sep 2017 - 08:01 - NEW PedroRangelHenriques

Eve: tackling a giant with a change in perspective

by Chris Granger (Kodowa) a SPLASH 2017 Keynote Speaker

There are many perspectives you could take on the purpose of programming, from “building systems” to “modeling the world”, but none has further reaching consequences than “to augment humans.” With computers so ubiquitous that they live in our pockets, what can we do to help realize the vision of programming for everyone? To even begin answering that, we have to dig into what “augmenting humans” really means and see how that perspective leads us to somewhere very different than our current programming systems. To find a path forward, we’ll have to look at domains that seem far from ours, but doing so might just give us a hint at what the future could look like. (see more)

Eve is a modern relational language for writing data-driven programs without the boilerplate.

-- PedroRangelHenriques - 17 Sep 2017

WebAppViewer 16 Mar 2007 - 21:55 - NEW AlbertoSimoes


PHP Sucks!

-- AlbertoSimoes - 16 Mar 2007

WebChanges 16 Aug 2001 - 19:58 - NEW PeterThoeny?

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Language Specification and Processing Group Thoughs of the Day Lera Boroditsky Eve, by Chris Granger Members Rangel Henriques (staff) ...
PdD 17 Sep 2017 - 22:53 - r2 PedroRangelHenriques
How the languages we speak shape the ways we think by Lera Boroditsky (Associate Professor of Cognitive Science at UCSD and Editor in Chief of Frontiers in Cultural ...
PdD1 17 Sep 2017 - 08:01 - NEW PedroRangelHenriques
Eve: tackling a giant with a change in perspective by Chris Granger (Kodowa) a SPLASH 2017 Keynote Speaker There are many perspectives you could take on the purpose ...
Mmb 13 Feb 2012 - 18:09 - NEW PedroRangelHenriques
mberon Mario Marcelo Beron staff member of Área de Metodologías, Programación y Desarrollo de Software (Software Engineering Group at Universidad Nacional ...
WebPreferences 26 Mar 2011 - 12:35 - r7 JoseBacelarAlmeida
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WebAppViewer PHP Sucks! AlbertoSimoes 16 Mar 2007
Members 16 Mar 2007 - 21:52 - r18 AlbertoSimoes
Language Specification and Processing Group: Members Staff Rangel Henriques José Carlos Ramalho Alexandre Saraiva João Almeida Jorge ...
Conferences 12 Feb 2007 - 19:36 - r11 JoseBacelarAlmeida
Relevant Conferences in our areas Language Specification and Processing Group Conferences (planning)
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WebIndex 24 Nov 2001 - 11:41 - r2 PeterThoeny?
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See also the verbose WebIndex.
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Found 19 topics.

See also: rss-small RSS feed, recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes

WebHome 28 Jan 2020 - 17:03 - r40 PedroRangelHenriques

Language Specification and Processing Group

Thoughs of the Day


Group Description

Although all the technological advances related to multimedia, in a computer system most relevant digital data still circulates in textual format: computer programs, specifications, documents and other information resources have their content in this format. In order to be read and interpreted by a machine, texts should be valid sentences of a known language to be possible to associate them some meaning. The path towards this meaning takes us to syntax and then to semantics.

The "Language Processing" area is concerned with approaches, methods and tools for the "specification of languages" and the "systematic development of their processors".

Language syntax and semantics is formally defined by a Grammar; in this area we support our work on regular grammars (or regular expressions), context free grammars, translation or attribute grammars, affix grammars, stochastic-dependency or transition-network grammars, graph grammars, annotation schemas, etc.

Language Processors are systematic and automatically built using tools, called Generators, that read a grammar and produce the analysers/translators.

Although we keep the same approach, different kind of texts require specialized methods and tools. So the area is split into three main research directions:

  • 1) completely structured texts, that belong to "formal languages" (FLP);
  • 2) semi-structured texts, that belong to "annotation languages" (ALP);
  • 3) unstructured texts, that belong to "natural languages" (NLP).

Inside the "LP@di/cctc.uminho.pt" group:

1) Pedro Rangel Henriques, Maria João Varanda Pereira, Daniela da Cruz, Nuno Oliveira, and Mario Berón, work on the first direction (formal language processing).

At moment the research topics are:

  • textual and visual languages;
  • program analysis and transformation;
  • program visualization/animation;
  • program comprehension.

2) José Carlos Ramalho, Pedro Rangel Henriques, Alda Gançarski, Ricardo, Cristiana, Renato work on the second direction (semi-structured document processing).

At moment the research topics are:

  • document markup and XML standards;
  • archiving and digital libraries;
  • semantic web and virtual museums;
  • web-services and location aware services.

3) José João Dias de Almeida, Alberto Simões and Nuno Carvalho, work on the third direction (natural language processing).

At moment the research topics are:

  • Text classification and Automatic summarization;
  • Discourse analysis and Part-of-speech tagging;
  • Machine Translation;
  • Information extraction (IE) (including named entity recognition and relationship extraction);
  • Information retrieval (IR) and text mining.

Notice that "definition and support of Domain Specific Languages" and "ontology processing" are transversal research trends on which all the subgroups are working. In a similar way, it is clear that "ETL process" (extract-transform-load) is a target, an application area, common to all the subgroups.

The Master course on Language Engineering, UCE30-EL (Engenharia de Linguagens), offered by the "LP@di/ctcc.uminho.pt" group composed of the four modules below, directly reflects this status-quo and this organization: Grammar Engineering; Software Analysis and Transformation; Document Processing; Natural Language Processing.

Also the events and journals that the group members are co-founders and organizers corroborate the three research trends described:

  • SLaTE, International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology, that integrates the previous events:
    • XATA, XML -- Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas;
    • CoRTA, Compilers, programming languages, Related Technologies and Applications;

  • Linguamática, Revista para o Processamento Automático das Línguas Ibéricas (ISSN: 1647-0818)

Some Int.Conference Organization and Program Committees membership can reinforce the characterization below:

  • ICPC'2010 -- IEEE conference organization at Braga
  • ICPC'2011 -- PC member (also SC member)
  • SCAM'2011 -- PC member


Research Projects & Tools

FCT founded R&D projects:

  • PTDC/CLE-LLI/108948/2008 — Per-Fide, Portuguese in parallel with six other languages

  • PTDC/PSI-PCO/104679/2008 — Procura Palavras: a computerized tool for the evaluation of objective and subjective psycholinguistic indexes for the European Portuguese

  • PTDC/EIA-CCO/108995/2008 -- CROSS: An Infrastructure for Certification and Re-engineering of Open Source Software; supported by FCT; 2010-2012.

  • Quixote: Desenvolvimento de modelos do domínio do problema para inter-relacionar as vistas operacional e comportamental em sistemas de software; bilateral Argentina-Portugal joint-research project supported by FCT (Departamento das Relações Europeias, Bilaterais e Multilaterais); team leader; 2010-2011.

  • AsCoP: Assessing Comprehension of Domain Specific Programs; bilateral Slovenia-Portugal joint-research project supported by FCT (Departamento das Relações Europeias, Bilaterais e Multilaterais); team leader; 2010/2011.

  • PCVIA: Program Comprehension by Visual Inspection and Animation

  • DSLPC: Program Comprehension for Domain Specific Languages (bilateral Cooperation Project (Slovenia-Portugal))

  • Hermes: Aprendizagem e Povoamento de Ontologias a partir de Fontes Textuais; bilateral Brasil-Portugal joint-research project supported by Programa CAPES-FCT2009 (Departamento das Relações Europeias, Bilaterais e Multilaterais); 2010-2012.

  • [[http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/wiki/bin/view/OntXQuery/WebHome][OntXQuery: An Information Retrieval System, interactive and iteractive/incremental, based on XQuery++ to search XML documents over the Semantic-Web using ontologies


Some selected Publications:

Journal papers:

- Miguel Ferreira, Ana Alice Baptista, José Carlos Ramalho. An intelligent decision support system for digital preservation. International Journal on Digital Libraries; Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; issn: 1432-5012 (Print) 1432-1300 (Online); 05; 2007; URI no RepositoriUM? : http://hdl.handle.net/1822/6648;

- Giovani Rubert Librelotto, Renato Preigschadt de Azevedo, José Carlos Ramalho, and Pedro Rangel Henriques. Topic maps constraint languages: understanding and comparing. Int. Journal Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, 1(3/4):173–181, Jun 2009.

- Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques. Advances in Computer Science and IT, chapter Slicing techniques to derive the User Interface Abstract Model, pages 249–276. In-Teh, December 2009

- Nuno Oliveira, Maria João Varanda Pereira, Pedro Rangel Henriques, Daniela da Cruz, and Bastian Cramer. VisualLisa? : A visual environment to develop attribute grammars. ComSIS? – Computer Science an Information Systems Journal, Special issue on Advances in Languages, Related Technologies and Applications, 7(2):266 – 289. May 2010

- Daniela da Cruz, Mario Béron, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Maria João Varanda Pereira. Code inspection approaches for program visualization. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, 9(3):32–42, Jul-Sep 2009. ISSN: 1335-8243

- Maria João Varanda Pereira, Marjan Mernik, Daniela da Cruz, and Pedro Rangel Henriques. Program comprehension for domain-specific languages (invited paper). ComSIS? – Computer Science an Information Systems Journal, Special Issue on Compilers, Related Technologies and Applications, 5(2):1–17, Dec 2008. ISSN: 1820-0214

- Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Maria João Varanda. Alma versus ddd. ComSIS? – Computer Science an Information Systems Journal, Special Issue on Compilers, Related Technologies and Applications, 5(2):119–136, Dec 2008. ISSN: 1820-0214

- Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Maria João Varanda. Constructing program animations using a pattern-based approach. ComSIS? – Computer Science an Information Systems Journal, Special Issue on Advances in Programming Languages, 4(2):97–114, Dec 2007. ISSN: 1820-0214

International Conference papers:

- José João Almeida, Alberto Simões. Automatic parallel corpora and bilingual terminology extraction from parallel websites. In Reinhard Rapp, Pierre Zweigenbaum, and Serge Sharoff, editors, 3rd Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora, pages 50–55. Valletta, Malta, May 2010.

- Alberto Simões, José João Almeida. Bilingual terminology extraction based on translation patterns. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 41:281–288. Sept 2008.

- Christoph Becker, Michael Kraxner, Andreas Rauber, Miguel Ferreira, Ana Alice Baptista, José Carlos Ramalho. Distributed Preservation Services: Integrating Planning and Actions. ECDL2008 - European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries; Aarhus, Danmark; URI no RepositoriUM? : http://hdl.handle.net/1822/8239. 2008

- José Carlos Ramalho, Miguel Ferreira, Luís Faria. RODA and CRiB? a service-oriented digital repository. International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, iPRESS 2008, 5. London, 2008

- José Carlos Ramalho, Miguel Ferreira, Luís Faria, Rui Castro. Relational database preservation through XML modelling. Extreme Markup Languages 2007, Montréal - Canada; URI no RepositoriUM? : http://hdl.handle.net/1822/7120; August 2007.

- José Bernardo Barros, Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Jorge Sousa Pinto. Assertion-based slicing and slice graphs. In SEFM’10—8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, pages 93–102, Pisa, Italy, Sept 2010. IEEE Computer Society, Conference Publishing Services (CPS)

- Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Jorge Sousa Pinto. Contract-based slicing. In Tiziana Margaria and Bernhard Steffen, editors, Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA? ’2010–FLDVES track) LNCS- Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 6415, pages 106–120, Creta, Greece, Oct 2010. Springer

- Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Jorge Sousa Pinto. GamaSlicer? : an Online Laboratory for Program Verification and Analysis. In LDTA2010 — Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications, Paphos, Cyprus, March 2010

- Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques. Exploring, visualizing and slicing the soul of XML documents. In Proceedings of 25th Symposium On Applied Computing - Document Engineering (SAC-DE), 2010

- Nuno Oliveira, Nuno Rodrigues, Pedro Rangel Henriques, and Luís Soares Barbosa. Pattern language for architectural analysis. In SBLP 2010 14th Brazilian Symposium in Programming Languages, volume 2, pages 167–180,Salvador, Brasil, Sep 2010. SBC: Brazilian Computer Society (ISSN: 2175-5922)

- Nuno Oliveira, Maria João Varanda Pereira, Daniela da Cruz, and Pedro Rangel Henriques. Visualization of domain-specific programs’ behavior. In Proceedings of VISSOFT’09 — 5th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software forUnderstanding and Analysis, Edmonton, Canada, pages 37—40. IEEE Computer Society, Sept 2009

- Nuno Oliveira, Pedro Rangel Henriques, Daniela da Cruz, Maria João Varanda Pereira, Marjan Mernik, Tomaz Kosar, and Matej Crepinsek. Applying program comprehension techniques to Karel robot programs. In Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology – 2nd Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages (WAPL’2009), pages 697 — 704, Mragowo, Poland, October 2009. IEEE Computer Society Press

- Tomaz Kosar, Marjan Mernik, Matej Crepinsek, Pedro Rangel Henriques, Daniela da Cruz, Maria João Varanda Pereira, and Nuno Oliveira. Influence of domain-specific notation to program understanding. In Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology– 2nd Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages (WAPL’2009), pages 673-680, Mragowo, Poland, October 2009. IEEE Computer Society Press

- Daniela da Cruz, Pedro Henriques, and Jorge Sousa Pinto. Code analysis: Past and present. In Luis Barbosa, Antonio Cerone, and Siraj Shaikh (Guest Eds.), editors, Proceedings of the Third Int. Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification (OpenCert? 2009), volume X (2009). Electronic Communications of the EASST, March 2009.


Some basilar and important Concepts:

- Language Workbench: a term coined by Martin Fowler (Fowler, 2005), Language Workbenches are tools aimed to implement new languages as well as theirs IDEs. In addition to ease the development of languages, they also make language-oriented programming environments practical.


Working material




Conferences and Journals in LP area:

  • Target Conferences:
    • (A) European Association of Computational Linguistics (EACL)
    • (A) International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING)
    • (A) ACM-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)
    • (A) ACM-SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)
    • (A) IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM)
    • (A) International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
    • (A) Automated Software Engineering Conference (ASE)
    • (A) IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE)
    • (A) IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (was VL)
    • (A) International Colloquium on Automata Languages and Programming (ICALP)
    • (A) European Symposium on Programming
    • (A) IEEE Information Visualization Conference
    • (A) International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA)
    • (A) International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA)

    • (B) Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
    • (B) Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (LDTA)
    • (B) International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM)
    • (B) ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)
    • (B) Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages
    • (B) European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL)
    • (B) ACM Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)
    • (B) International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
    • (B) Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
    • (B) Databases and Programming Language
    • (B) International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE)
    • (B) ACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE)
    • (B) IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis (VisSoft? )
    • (B) ACM Internacional Conference on Advances in Geographic Informacion Systems (SIGSPATIAL)

    • (C) Geographic Information Science
    • (C) AGILE (Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe) International Conference on Geographic Information Science
    • (C) Free an Open Source Software for Geomatics conference (FOSS4G? )
    • (C) International Workshop on Program Comprehension (now ICPC)
    • (C) IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)
    • (C) ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Language Design and Implementation (was TIC)
    • (C) International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications
    • (C) International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA? )
    • (C) Domain - Specific Languages for Software Engineering
    • (C) Domain Specific Aspect Languages
    • (C) Forum on Specification, Verification and Design Languages
    • (C) Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases,
    • (C) Extreme Markup Languages
    • (C) International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web Information Technology (ALP&WIT)
    • (C) International Symposium on Static Analysis
    • (C) Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Advanced Programming Languages
    • (C) Knowledge Domain Visualisation (KDV)
    • (C) Knowledge Visualization and Visual Thinking
    • (C) Program Visualization Workshop
    • (C) Visual Languages and Formal Methods
    • (C) Visualization in Software Engineering (ViSE? )

WebIndex 24 Nov 2001 - 11:41 - r2 PeterThoeny?
DI/EPL Web Changed Changed by
Conferences 12 Feb 2007 - 19:36 - r11 JoseBacelarAlmeida
Relevant Conferences in our areas Language Specification and Processing Group Conferences (planning)
Members 16 Mar 2007 - 21:52 - r18 AlbertoSimoes
Language Specification and Processing Group: Members Staff Rangel Henriques José Carlos Ramalho Alexandre Saraiva João Almeida Jorge ...
MenuTopics 12 Feb 2007 - 19:20 - r3 JoseBacelarAlmeida
Teaching Conferences
Mmb 13 Feb 2012 - 18:09 - NEW PedroRangelHenriques
mberon Mario Marcelo Beron staff member of Área de Metodologías, Programación y Desarrollo de Software (Software Engineering Group at Universidad Nacional ...
PdD 17 Sep 2017 - 22:53 - r2 PedroRangelHenriques
How the languages we speak shape the ways we think by Lera Boroditsky (Associate Professor of Cognitive Science at UCSD and Editor in Chief of Frontiers in Cultural ...
PdD1 17 Sep 2017 - 08:01 - NEW PedroRangelHenriques
Eve: tackling a giant with a change in perspective by Chris Granger (Kodowa) a SPLASH 2017 Keynote Speaker There are many perspectives you could take on the purpose ...
WebAppViewer 16 Mar 2007 - 21:55 - NEW AlbertoSimoes
WebAppViewer PHP Sucks! AlbertoSimoes 16 Mar 2007
WebChanges 16 Aug 2001 - 19:58 - NEW PeterThoeny?
WebHome 28 Jan 2020 - 17:03 - r40 PedroRangelHenriques
Language Specification and Processing Group Thoughs of the Day Lera Boroditsky Eve, by Chris Granger Members Rangel Henriques (staff) ...
WebIndex 24 Nov 2001 - 11:41 - r2 PeterThoeny?
See also the faster WebTopicList
WebLeftBar 16 Aug 2004 - 09:01 - NEW ArthurClemens?
Web Web Home Changes Index Search Webs
WebNotify 25 Jan 2003 - 10:06 - r2 PeterThoeny?
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this DI/EPL web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to ...
WebPreferences 26 Mar 2011 - 12:35 - r7 JoseBacelarAlmeida
TWiki.DI/EPL Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the TWiki.DI/EPL web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ...
WebRss 30 Jan 2003 - 08:15 - NEW PeterThoeny?
TWiki's DI/EPL web /view/DI/EPL The DI/EPL web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World.
WebSearch 08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 - NEW PeterThoeny?
WebSearchAdvanced 17 May 2007 - 14:51 - NEW TWikiGuest
WebStatistics 12 Feb 2007 - 01:57 - r782 TWikiGuest
Statistics for DI/EPL Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and ...
WebTopicList 24 Nov 2001 - 11:40 - NEW PeterThoeny?
See also the verbose WebIndex.
WorkshopOntology2004 22 Apr 2004 - 19:23 - r2 GiovaniRubertLibrelotto
Workshop Ontology 2004
Found 19 topics.

See also the faster WebTopicList

WebLeftBar 16 Aug 2004 - 09:01 - NEW ArthurClemens?

WebNotify 25 Jan 2003 - 10:06 - r2 PeterThoeny?
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e-mail when topics change in this DI/EPL web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come back and check all the time if something has changed. To subscribe, please add a bullet with your WikiName in alphabetical order to this list:

Format: <space><space><space>, followed by:
* Main.yourWikiName (if you want that the e-mail address in your home page is used)
* Main.yourWikiName - yourEmailAddress (if you want to specify a different e-mail address)
* Main.anyTWikiGroup (if you want to notify all members of a particular TWikiGroup)

Related topics: TWikiUsers, TWikiRegistration

WebPreferences 26 Mar 2011 - 12:35 - r7 JoseBacelarAlmeida

TWiki.DI/EPL Web Preferences

The following settings are web preferences of the TWiki.DI/EPL web. These preferences overwrite the site-level preferences in TWikiPreferences, and can be overwritten by user preferences (your personal topic, i.e. TWikiGuest in the TWiki.Main web)


    • Set WEBTITLE = Especificação e Processamento de Linguagens

  • List of topics of the TWiki.DI/EPL web:

  • Web specific background color: (Pick a lighter one of the StandardColors)
    • Set WEBBGCOLOR = #00CCCC

  • List this web in the SiteMap:
    • If yes, set SITEMAPLIST to on, do not set NOSEARCHALL, and add the "what" and "use to..." description for the site map. Make sure to list only links that include the name of the web, e.g. DI/EPL.Topic links.
    • Set SITEMAPLIST = on
    • Set SITEMAPWHAT = DI.EPL Group
    • Set SITEMAPUSETO = ...collaborate on

  • Exclude web from a web="all" search: (Set to on for hidden webs)

  • Default template for new topics and form(s) for this web:
    • WebTopicEditTemplate? : Default template for new topics in this web. (Site-level is used if topic does not exist)
    • TWiki.WebTopicEditTemplate: Site-level default template
    • TWikiForms: How to enable form(s)
    • Set WEBFORMS =

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    • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = EplGroup
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  • Web preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by user preferences:


  • A preference is defined as:
    6 spaces * Set NAME = value
  • Preferences are used as TWikiVariables by enclosing the name in percent signs. Example:
    • When you write variable %WEBBGCOLOR% , it gets expanded to #00CCCC .
  • The sequential order of the preference settings is significant. Define preferences that use other preferences first, i.e. set WEBCOPYRIGHT before WIKIWEBMASTER since %WEBCOPYRIGHT% uses the %WIKIWEBMASTER% variable.
  • You can introduce new preferences variables and use them in your topics and templates. There is no need to change the TWiki engine (Perl scripts).

Related Topics:

WebRss 30 Jan 2003 - 08:15 - NEW PeterThoeny?
TWiki's DI/EPL web http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL The DI/EPL web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. en-us Copyright 2020 by contributing authors TWiki Administrator [webmaster@di.uminho.pt] The contributing authors of TWiki TWiki DIUM.DI/EPL http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL /twiki/pub/Main/LocalLogos/um_eengP.jpg WebHome http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/WebHome Language Specification and Processing Group Thoughs of the Day Lera Boroditsky Eve, by Chris Granger Members Rangel Henriques (staff) ... (last changed by PedroRangelHenriques) 2020-01-28T17:03:48Z PedroRangelHenriques PdD http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/PdD How the languages we speak shape the ways we think by Lera Boroditsky (Associate Professor of Cognitive Science at UCSD and Editor in Chief of Frontiers in Cultural ... (last changed by PedroRangelHenriques) 2017-09-17T22:53:55Z PedroRangelHenriques PdD1 http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/PdD1 Eve: tackling a giant with a change in perspective by Chris Granger (Kodowa) a SPLASH 2017 Keynote Speaker There are many perspectives you could take on the purpose ... (last changed by PedroRangelHenriques) 2017-09-17T08:01:04Z PedroRangelHenriques Mmb http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/Mmb mberon Mario Marcelo Beron staff member of Área de Metodologías, Programación y Desarrollo de Software (Software Engineering Group at Universidad Nacional ... (last changed by PedroRangelHenriques) 2012-02-13T18:09:15Z PedroRangelHenriques WebPreferences http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/WebPreferences TWiki.DI/EPL Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the TWiki.DI/EPL web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ... (last changed by JoseBacelarAlmeida) 2011-03-26T12:35:48Z JoseBacelarAlmeida WebSearchAdvanced http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/WebSearchAdvanced (last changed by TWikiGuest) 2007-05-17T14:51:36Z guest WebAppViewer http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/WebAppViewer WebAppViewer PHP Sucks! AlbertoSimoes 16 Mar 2007 (last changed by AlbertoSimoes) 2007-03-16T21:55:36Z AlbertoSimoes Members http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/Members Language Specification and Processing Group: Members Staff Rangel Henriques José Carlos Ramalho Alexandre Saraiva João Almeida Jorge ... (last changed by AlbertoSimoes) 2007-03-16T21:52:05Z AlbertoSimoes Conferences http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/Conferences Relevant Conferences in our areas Language Specification and Processing Group Conferences (planning) (last changed by JoseBacelarAlmeida) 2007-02-12T19:36:00Z JoseBacelarAlmeida MenuTopics http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/MenuTopics Teaching Conferences (last changed by JoseBacelarAlmeida) 2007-02-12T19:20:19Z JoseBacelarAlmeida WebLeftBar http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/WebLeftBar Web Web Home Changes Index Search Webs (last changed by ArthurClemens) 2004-08-16T09:01:46Z ArthurClemens WorkshopOntology2004 http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/WorkshopOntology2004 Workshop Ontology 2004 (last changed by GiovaniRubertLibrelotto) 2004-04-22T19:23:48Z GiovaniRubertLibrelotto WebRss http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/WebRss TWiki's DI/EPL web /view/DI/EPL The DI/EPL web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2003-01-30T08:15:57Z PeterThoeny WebNotify http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/WebNotify This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this DI/EPL web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to ... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2003-01-25T10:06:00Z PeterThoeny WebIndex http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/WebIndex See also the faster WebTopicList (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-11-24T11:41:09Z PeterThoeny WebTopicList http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/twiki/bin/view/DI/EPL/WebTopicList See also the verbose WebIndex. (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-11-24T11:40:47Z PeterThoeny
WebSearch 08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 - NEW PeterThoeny?

Web Search

Search: \.*

Found 0 topics.

  Advanced search | Help
TIP: to search for all topics that contain "SOAP", "WSDL", a literal "web service", but not "shampoo", write: soap wsdl "web service" -shampoo
Search where:       
(otherwise search DI/EPL Web only)

Other search options:
WebSearchAdvanced 17 May 2007 - 14:51 - NEW TWikiGuest

Can't INCLUDE TWiki.WebSearchAdvanced repeatedly, topic is already included.
WebStatistics 12 Feb 2007 - 01:57 - r782 TWikiGuest

Statistics for DI/EPL Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Feb 2007 231 0 0  82 WebHome
 27 Members
 20 WebStatistics
 16 WebSearch
 16 WebChanges
 14 Conferences
 11 WebNotify
  8 WebIndex
  8 WebPreferences
  6 WebTopicList
  6 WebRss
Jan 2007 617 0 0 170 WebHome
113 WebStatistics
 60 Members
 46 WebSearch
 46 Conferences
 31 WebNotify
 27 WebChanges
 26 WebIndex
 20 WebRss
 20 MenuTopics
 17 WebPreferences
Dec 2006 707 0 0 162 WebHome
147 WebStatistics
138 Conferences
 33 WebChanges
 33 Members
 30 WebSearch
 28 WebIndex
 25 WebNotify
 19 WebRss
 17 WebPreferences
 17 WorkshopOntology2004
Nov 2006 456 0 0 185 WebHome
 48 Conferences
 41 Members
 36 WebStatistics
 32 WebChanges
 29 WebSearch
 27 WebNotify
 15 WebIndex
 12 WorkshopOntology2004
  8 MenuTopics
  7 WebRss
Oct 2006 538 0 0 189 WebHome
117 WebStatistics
 54 Members
 45 Conferences
 17 WebIndex
 17 WebPreferences
 16 WebNotify
 16 WebSearch
 14 WebChanges
 13 MenuTopics
  9 WebRss
Sep 2006 460 0 0 174 WebHome
 59 WebStatistics
 51 Members
 30 Conferences
 22 WebIndex
 19 WebSearch
 16 WebChanges
 15 WebNotify
 14 MenuTopics
 13 WebRss
 10 WebTopicList
Aug 2006 1036 0 0 661 WebStatistics
144 WebHome
 42 Conferences
 41 Members
 25 WebRss
 24 WebIndex
 17 WebNotify
 16 WebSearch
 15 WebChanges
 12 WebPreferences
 10 WebLeftBar
Jul 2006 949 0 0 242 WebHome
199 WebStatistics
 97 Conferences
 91 Members
 63 WebIndex
 47 WebSearch
 44 WebChanges
 35 WebRss
 27 WebNotify
 27 WebPreferences
 22 MenuTopics
Jun 2006 1228 0 0 459 WebStatistics
276 WebHome
105 Members
 82 Conferences
 61 WebIndex
 45 WebChanges
 40 WebSearch
 38 WebRss
 23 WebNotify
 21 WebPreferences
 19 MenuTopics
May 2006 1408 0 0 505 WebStatistics
349 WebHome
120 Members
 74 Conferences
 69 WebIndex
 58 WebChanges
 52 WebSearch
 33 WebNotify
 33 WebRss
 23 WebPreferences
 21 MenuTopics
Apr 2006 1291 0 0 338 WebStatistics
305 WebHome
209 Conferences
104 Members
 51 WebIndex
 45 WebChanges
 40 WebRss
 40 WebSearch
 35 WebNotify
 21 MenuTopics
 21 WorkshopOntology2004
Mar 2006 2166 0 0 523 WebStatistics
430 WebHome
253 Members
175 Conferences
104 WebNotify
101 WebIndex
 94 WebChanges
 90 WebSearch
 80 WebPreferences
 68 WebRss
 56 WebSearchAdvanced
Feb 2006 1212 0 0 286 WebHome
196 WebStatistics
147 Members
123 Conferences
 67 WebIndex
 66 WebSearch
 56 WebNotify
 54 WebChanges
 51 WebPreferences
 36 WebSearchAdvanced
 32 WebTopicList
Jan 2006 1102 0 0 276 WebHome
159 WebStatistics
130 Members
 98 Conferences
 68 WebIndex
 62 WebNotify
 60 WebSearch
 54 WebChanges
 36 WebPreferences
 35 MenuTopics
 28 WebSearchAdvanced
Dec 2005 1260 0 0 289 WebHome
212 WebStatistics
156 Members
 94 Conferences
 75 WebChanges
 72 WebSearch
 69 WebIndex
 68 WebNotify
 49 WebPreferences
 41 WebSearchAdvanced
 31 MenuTopics
Nov 2005 1076 0 0 269 WebHome
155 WebStatistics
122 Members
 81 WebIndex
 79 Conferences
 77 WebNotify
 68 WebChanges
 61 WebSearch
 29 MenuTopics
 26 WebSearchAdvanced
 26 WebPreferences
Oct 2005 1439 0 0 369 WebStatistics
301 WebHome
135 Members
 92 Conferences
 78 WebIndex
 72 WebChanges
 65 WebSearch
 62 WebNotify
 50 WebPreferences
 43 WebRss
 42 WebTopicList
Sep 2005 1101 0 0 250 WebHome
176 WebStatistics
137 Members
 76 WebIndex
 72 Conferences
 60 WebNotify
 60 WebChanges
 55 WebSearch
 48 WebPreferences
 42 WebRss
 31 WebTopicList
Aug 2005 1309 0 0 252 WebStatistics
209 WebHome
152 WebRss
117 Members
 87 WebIndex
 80 Conferences
 62 WebNotify
 59 WebChanges
 51 WebSearch
 49 WebPreferences
 44 MenuTopics
Jul 2005 1288 0 0 251 WebHome
213 WebStatistics
116 WebIndex
101 Members
 95 Conferences
 82 WebChanges
 65 WebNotify
 62 WebSearch
 56 WebPreferences
 55 WebRss
 45 WorkshopOntology2004
Jun 2005 1519 2 0 441 WebStatistics
298 WebHome
119 Members
108 WebIndex
 87 Conferences
 82 WebChanges
 77 WebSearch
 65 WebNotify
 43 WebRss
 39 WebPreferences
 34 WorkshopOntology2004
  1 AlbertoSimoes
  1 AlcinoCunha
May 2005 1020 0 0 160 WebHome
142 WebStatistics
109 WebIndex
100 Members
 95 WebChanges
 81 Conferences
 76 WebNotify
 71 WebSearch
 38 WebRss
 38 MenuTopics
 29 WorkshopOntology2004
Apr 2005 937 0 0 161 WebHome
137 WebStatistics
107 WebChanges
 91 WebIndex
 89 Members
 71 WebNotify
 65 Conferences
 62 WebSearch
 31 WebPreferences
 27 MenuTopics
 24 WebRss
Mar 2005 999 0 0 216 WebStatistics
162 WebHome
101 WebChanges
 87 WebIndex
 81 Members
 73 Conferences
 61 WebSearch
 57 WebNotify
 41 WebPreferences
 28 MenuTopics
 26 WebRss
Feb 2005 893 0 0 187 WebStatistics
146 WebHome
 88 WebChanges
 75 Members
 73 WebIndex
 51 Conferences
 50 WebSearch
 47 WebNotify
 38 MenuTopics
 34 WebPreferences
 27 WebRss
Jan 2005 696 0 0 135 WebHome
105 WebStatistics
 88 WebChanges
 57 WebIndex
 48 WebSearch
 46 Members
 46 WebNotify
 36 Conferences
 34 WebPreferences
 23 WorkshopOntology2004
 21 MenuTopics
Dec 2004 690 2 0 130 WebHome
 73 WebStatistics
 61 WebSearch
 60 WebChanges
 57 WebNotify
 56 WebIndex
 41 Conferences
 38 WebPreferences
 36 Members
 35 WorkshopOntology2004
 28 WebRss
  2 AlcinoCunha
Nov 2004 1889 0 0 1200 WebStatistics
138 WebHome
123 Conferences
 75 WebChanges
 74 WebIndex
 41 Members
 37 WebNotify
 36 WebSearch
 35 WebPreferences
 31 WorkshopOntology2004
 27 WebRss
Oct 2004 517 0 0 130 WebHome
 89 WebStatistics
 44 Members
 36 Conferences
 35 WebIndex
 32 WebChanges
 28 WorkshopOntology2004
 27 WebRss
 23 WebSearch
 20 WebPreferences
 16 WebNotify
Sep 2004 765 13 0 212 WebHome
133 WebStatistics
 67 Members
 63 Conferences
 59 WebIndex
 55 WebChanges
 48 WebSearch
 23 WebRss
 23 WebNotify
 20 WebPreferences
 20 MenuTopics
 11 AlcinoCunha
  2 JoseCarlosRamalho
Aug 2004 2336 1 0 1379 WebStatistics
309 Conferences
225 WebHome
 85 Members
 62 WebIndex
 58 WebSearch
 56 WebChanges
 49 WebPreferences
 27 WebNotify
 25 WorkshopOntology2004
 24 WebRss
  1 GiovaniRubertLibrelotto
Jul 2004 1798 0 0 945 WebStatistics
281 Conferences
204 WebHome
100 Members
 54 WebIndex
 45 WebSearch
 45 WebChanges
 37 WebPreferences
 21 MenuTopics
 19 WebRss
 18 WorkshopOntology2004
Jun 2004 321 3 0 172 WebHome
 33 WebStatistics
 24 Members
 18 WebChanges
 15 WebSearch
 12 Conferences
 11 WebIndex
  9 WebNotify
  7 WebPreferences
  7 MenuTopics
  6 WebTopicList
  3 PedroRangelHenriques
May 2004 905 5 0 507 WebStatistics
134 WebHome
124 Conferences
 59 Members
 13 WebPreferences
 12 WebIndex
 11 WebSearch
 11 MenuTopics
  9 WebChanges
  8 WebNotify
  6 WorkshopOntology2004
  4 PedroRangelHenriques
  1 AlbertoSimoes
Apr 2004 137 7 0  71 WebHome
 25 Members
 15 Conferences
  6 WorkshopOntology2004
  4 WebStatistics
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebChanges
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebIndex
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebRss
  5 GiovaniRubertLibrelotto
  1 PedroRangelHenriques
  1 AlcinoCunha
Mar 2004 389 56 1 168 WebHome
 96 Conferences
 51 Members
 39 WorkshopOntology2004
  7 MenuTopics
  5 WebStatistics
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebSearch
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebRss
 22 GiovaniRubertLibrelotto
 13 JoseCarlosRamalho
 12 AlbertoSimoes
 10 PedroRangelHenriques


  • Do not edit this topic, it is updated automatically. (You can also force an update)
  • TWikiDocumentation tells you how to enable the automatic updates of the statistics.
  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
WebTopicList 24 Nov 2001 - 11:40 - NEW PeterThoeny?

See also the verbose WebIndex.

WorkshopOntology2004 22 Apr 2004 - 19:23 - r2 GiovaniRubertLibrelotto

Workshop Ontology 2004

Found 19 topics.

  Simple search | Help
TIP: to search for all topics that contain "SOAP", "WSDL", a literal "web service", but not "shampoo", write: soap wsdl "web service" -shampoo
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(otherwise search DI/EPL Web only)
Sort results by:

Make search:
(semicolon ; for and) about regular expression search
Don't show:

Do show: about BookView
Limit results to: (all to show all topics)

Other search options:
WebStatistics 12 Feb 2007 - 01:57 - r782 TWikiGuest

Statistics for DI/EPL Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Feb 2007 231 0 0  82 WebHome
 27 Members
 20 WebStatistics
 16 WebSearch
 16 WebChanges
 14 Conferences
 11 WebNotify
  8 WebIndex
  8 WebPreferences
  6 WebTopicList
  6 WebRss
Jan 2007 617 0 0 170 WebHome
113 WebStatistics
 60 Members
 46 WebSearch
 46 Conferences
 31 WebNotify
 27 WebChanges
 26 WebIndex
 20 WebRss
 20 MenuTopics
 17 WebPreferences
Dec 2006 707 0 0 162 WebHome
147 WebStatistics
138 Conferences
 33 WebChanges
 33 Members
 30 WebSearch
 28 WebIndex
 25 WebNotify
 19 WebRss
 17 WebPreferences
 17 WorkshopOntology2004
Nov 2006 456 0 0 185 WebHome
 48 Conferences
 41 Members
 36 WebStatistics
 32 WebChanges
 29 WebSearch
 27 WebNotify
 15 WebIndex
 12 WorkshopOntology2004
  8 MenuTopics
  7 WebRss
Oct 2006 538 0 0 189 WebHome
117 WebStatistics
 54 Members
 45 Conferences
 17 WebIndex
 17 WebPreferences
 16 WebNotify
 16 WebSearch
 14 WebChanges
 13 MenuTopics
  9 WebRss
Sep 2006 460 0 0 174 WebHome
 59 WebStatistics
 51 Members
 30 Conferences
 22 WebIndex
 19 WebSearch
 16 WebChanges
 15 WebNotify
 14 MenuTopics
 13 WebRss
 10 WebTopicList
Aug 2006 1036 0 0 661 WebStatistics
144 WebHome
 42 Conferences
 41 Members
 25 WebRss
 24 WebIndex
 17 WebNotify
 16 WebSearch
 15 WebChanges
 12 WebPreferences
 10 WebLeftBar
Jul 2006 949 0 0 242 WebHome
199 WebStatistics
 97 Conferences
 91 Members
 63 WebIndex
 47 WebSearch
 44 WebChanges
 35 WebRss
 27 WebNotify
 27 WebPreferences
 22 MenuTopics
Jun 2006 1228 0 0 459 WebStatistics
276 WebHome
105 Members
 82 Conferences
 61 WebIndex
 45 WebChanges
 40 WebSearch
 38 WebRss
 23 WebNotify
 21 WebPreferences
 19 MenuTopics
May 2006 1408 0 0 505 WebStatistics
349 WebHome
120 Members
 74 Conferences
 69 WebIndex
 58 WebChanges
 52 WebSearch
 33 WebNotify
 33 WebRss
 23 WebPreferences
 21 MenuTopics
Apr 2006 1291 0 0 338 WebStatistics
305 WebHome
209 Conferences
104 Members
 51 WebIndex
 45 WebChanges
 40 WebRss
 40 WebSearch
 35 WebNotify
 21 MenuTopics
 21 WorkshopOntology2004
Mar 2006 2166 0 0 523 WebStatistics
430 WebHome
253 Members
175 Conferences
104 WebNotify
101 WebIndex
 94 WebChanges
 90 WebSearch
 80 WebPreferences
 68 WebRss
 56 WebSearchAdvanced
Feb 2006 1212 0 0 286 WebHome
196 WebStatistics
147 Members
123 Conferences
 67 WebIndex
 66 WebSearch
 56 WebNotify
 54 WebChanges
 51 WebPreferences
 36 WebSearchAdvanced
 32 WebTopicList
Jan 2006 1102 0 0 276 WebHome
159 WebStatistics
130 Members
 98 Conferences
 68 WebIndex
 62 WebNotify
 60 WebSearch
 54 WebChanges
 36 WebPreferences
 35 MenuTopics
 28 WebSearchAdvanced
Dec 2005 1260 0 0 289 WebHome
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Nov 2005 1076 0 0 269 WebHome
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Oct 2005 1439 0 0 369 WebStatistics
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Sep 2005 1101 0 0 250 WebHome
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Aug 2005 1309 0 0 252 WebStatistics
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Jul 2005 1288 0 0 251 WebHome
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Jun 2005 1519 2 0 441 WebStatistics
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May 2005 1020 0 0 160 WebHome
142 WebStatistics
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Apr 2005 937 0 0 161 WebHome
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Mar 2005 999 0 0 216 WebStatistics
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Feb 2005 893 0 0 187 WebStatistics
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Jan 2005 696 0 0 135 WebHome
105 WebStatistics
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 23 WorkshopOntology2004
 21 MenuTopics
Dec 2004 690 2 0 130 WebHome
 73 WebStatistics
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  2 AlcinoCunha
Nov 2004 1889 0 0 1200 WebStatistics
138 WebHome
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 31 WorkshopOntology2004
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Oct 2004 517 0 0 130 WebHome
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Sep 2004 765 13 0 212 WebHome
133 WebStatistics
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 11 AlcinoCunha
  2 JoseCarlosRamalho
Aug 2004 2336 1 0 1379 WebStatistics
309 Conferences
225 WebHome
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  1 GiovaniRubertLibrelotto
Jul 2004 1798 0 0 945 WebStatistics
281 Conferences
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100 Members
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Jun 2004 321 3 0 172 WebHome
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  3 PedroRangelHenriques
May 2004 905 5 0 507 WebStatistics
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  6 WorkshopOntology2004
  4 PedroRangelHenriques
  1 AlbertoSimoes
Apr 2004 137 7 0  71 WebHome
 25 Members
 15 Conferences
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  4 WebStatistics
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  2 WebIndex
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebRss
  5 GiovaniRubertLibrelotto
  1 PedroRangelHenriques
  1 AlcinoCunha
Mar 2004 389 56 1 168 WebHome
 96 Conferences
 51 Members
 39 WorkshopOntology2004
  7 MenuTopics
  5 WebStatistics
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  3 WebSearch
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebRss
 22 GiovaniRubertLibrelotto
 13 JoseCarlosRamalho
 12 AlbertoSimoes
 10 PedroRangelHenriques


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WebTopicList 24 Nov 2001 - 11:40 - NEW PeterThoeny?

See also the verbose WebIndex.

WorkshopOntology2004 22 Apr 2004 - 19:23 - r2 GiovaniRubertLibrelotto

Workshop Ontology 2004

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