Project Publications and Reports
Publications (Conference Papers)
- On the Specification of a Component Repository, Rodrigues, N. and Barbosa, L., FACS'03 (Int. Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software), FME, Pisa. September, 2003. (pdf)
- Automatic Visualization of Recursion Trees: a Case Study on Generic Programming, Cunha, A., WFLP'03 (12th International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming). In volume 86.3 of ENTCS: Selected papers of WFLP'03. 2003. (pdf)
- Towards a Relational Model for Component Interconnection, Barbosa, M. A. and Barbosa, L. SBLP'04, Niteroi. May, 2004.
- Tutorial on Strategic Programming Across Programming Paradigms, Joost Visser and João Saraiva, SBLP'04, Niteroi. May, 2004.
- On Refinement of Generic Software Components, Meng, S. and Barbosa, L., AMAST'04 (10th Int. Conf. on Algebraic Methods and Software Technology), Stirling, August, 2004 (Best Student Co-authored Paper Award). Springer LNCS 3116 (pag. 506 - 520).
- Transposing Relations: from Maybe Functions to Hash Tables, Oliveira J.N and Rodrigues C.J., MPC'04 (Int. Conf. on the Mathematics of Program Construction), Stirling, August 2004, Springer LNCS 3125 (pag. 334-356).
- A Coalgebraic Semantic Framework for Component Based Development in UML, Meng, S. and Aichernig, B. and Barbosa, L. and Naixiao, Z., CTCS'04 (Int. Conf. on Category Theory and Computer Science), Copenhagen. August, 2004 (to appear ENTCS)
- Design, Implementation and Animation of Spreadsheets in the Lrc System, João Saraiva, FoS'04 (Int. Workshop on Foundations of Spreadsheets), Rome, Italy, September, 2004 (to appear ENTCS)
- On Semantics and Refinement of Statecharts: A Coalgebraic View, Meng, S. and Naixiao, Z and Barbosa, L., II SEFM (2nd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods), Beijing. September, 2004. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Bounded Version Vectors, Almeida J. B. and Almeida P. S. and Baquero C., Proceedings of DISC 2004 (18th International Symposium on Distributed Computing), Springer-Verlag LNCS 3274 (pag. 102 - 116). October, 2004.
- Specifying Software Connectors, Barbosa, M. A. and Barbosa, L. ICTAC'04 (to appear in Springer LNCS), Guyang, China, September, 2004.
- Functional Programming and Program Transformation with Interaction Nets, Mackie I., Pinto J.S, Vilaça M. In preliminary proceedings of International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2005).
- A Framework for Point-free Program Transformation, Alcino Cunha, Jorge Sousa Pinto and José Proença. In Revised Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL'05). To appear in Springer LNCS.
- Structure Metrics for XML Schema, Joost Visser. Proceedings of XATA2006.
- A Local Graph-rewriting System for Deciding Equality in Sum-product Theories, José Bacelar Almeida, Jorge Sousa Pinto, and Miguel Vilaça. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Term Graph Rewriting (TERMGRAPH 2006), Vol. 176(1) Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, pags. 139-163, 2007.
- Type-safe Two-level Data Transformation, Alcino Cunha, José Nuno Oliveira, Joost Visser. In Formal Methods 2006, LNCS 4085, pp. 284?299, 2006. © Springer-Verlag.
- Strongly Typed Rewriting For Coupled Software Transformation, Alcino Cunha, Joost Visser. In Proceedings of RULE 2006, ENTCS, to appear.
- Strong Types for Relational Databases, Alexandra Silva and Joost Visser. In Proceedings of Haskell Workshop 2006, to appear.
Publications (Journal Papers and Book Chapters)
- A Relational Model for Component Interconnection, Barbosa, M. A. and Barbosa, L., Jour. Universal Computer Science, 10 (7), pag. 808-823, 2004.
- (accepted) On the Semantics of Componentware: A Coalgebraic Perspective, Barbosa, L. and Meng, S. and Aichernig, B. and Rodrigues, N., chapter in "Mathematical Frameworks for Component Software - Models for Analysis and Synthesis", Jifeng He and Zhiming Liu (eds), Review Volume in the Series on Component-Based Development, World Scientific. 2004.
- (accepted) Components as Coalgebras: the Refinement Dimension, Sun Meng and Barbosa, L., Theor. Computer Science, Elsevier, 2004.
- Point-free Program Transformation, Cunha, A. and Pinto, J.S., Fundamenta Informaticae Volume 66, Number 4 (Special Issue on Program Transformation), April-May 2005, IOS Press, 2005.
- Object Matching without Language Extension, Joost Visser, Journal of Object Technology, accepted for publication in the Nov/Dec 2006 issue.
Other Publications
Technical Reports
- Recursion Patterns as Hylomorphisms, Cunha, A., DI-Research.PURe-03:11:01, November, 2003. (pdf)
- A Brief Introduction to Bicategories, Barbosa, L.S., DI-Research.PURe-03:12:01, December, 2003. (pdf)
- An Exercise in Program Transformation Using Factorisation, Barros, J., DI-Research.PURe-04:02:01, February, 2004. (pdf)
- Transposing Relations: from Maybe Functions to Hash Tables, Oliveira J.N and Rodrigues C.J., DI-Research.PURe-04:02:02, February, 2004. (pdf)
- Point-free Program Transformation, Cunha, A. and Pinto, J.S., DI-Research.PURe-04:02:03, February, 2004. (pdf)
- On Refinement of Generic State-based Software Components, Sun Meng, Barbosa, L. S, DI-Research.PURe-04:04:01, April, 2004. (pdf)
- Generalizing Hylo-shift, Sousa Pinto J., DI-Research.PURe-04:10:01, October, 2004. (pdf)
- Generalized LR Parsing in Haskell, João Fernandes, DI-Research.PURe-04.11.01, November 2004. (pdf)
- Conversão de Código Pointwise para Código Pointfree, José Vilaça, DI-Research.PURe-04.11.02, November 2004. (pdf)
- Functional dependency theory made 'simpler', J.N. Oliveira, DI-Research.PURe-05.01.01, January 2005. (pdf)
- Tranformações pointwise - point-free, José Proença, DI-Research.PURe-05.02.01, February 2005. (pdf)
- Development of an Industrial Strength Grammar for VDM, Tiago Alves and Joost Visser, DI-Research.PURe-05.04.29, April 2005. (pdf)
- Metrication of SDF Grammars, Tiago Alves and Joost Visser, DI-Research.PURe-05.05.01, May 2005. (pdf)
- Functional Programming and Program Transformation with Interaction Nets, Ian Mackie, Jorge Sousa Pinto and Miguel Vilaça, DI-Research.PURe-05.05.02, May 2005 (pdf)
- Down with Variables, Alcino Cunha, Jorge Sousa Pinto, and José Proença, DI-Research.PURe-05.06.01, June 2005 (pdf)
- Point-free Simplification, José Proença, DI-Research.PURe-05.08.01, August 2005. (pdf)
- ProveIt - An interactive point-free proof editor, José Pedro Correia, DI-Research.PURe-05.08.02, August 2005. (pdf)
- A Local Graph-rewriting System for Deciding Equality in Sum-product Theories, José Bacelar Almeida, Jorge Sousa Pinto, and Miguel Vilaça. DI-Research.PURe-06.02.01, February 2006 (revised in June 2006). (pdf)
- Type-safe Two-level Data Transformations -- with appendix on derecursivation and dynamic typing, Alcino Cunha, José Nuno Oliveira, Joost Visser. DI-Research.PURe-06.03.01, March 2006. (pdf)
- A Tool for Programming with Interaction Nets, José Bacelar Almeida, Jorge Sousa Pinto and Miguel Vilaça. DI-Research.PURe-06.04.01, April 2006. (pdf)
- Deriving Sorting Algorithms, José Bacelar Almeida, Jorge Sousa Pinto. DI-Research.PURe-06.04.02, April 2006. (pdf)
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