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recent PURe news.
News archive
2006 (until March)
March, 25 The lambda-coinduction by calculation stuff was presented today in Wien by
AlexandraSilva as a short communication to CMCS'06.
March, 24 A paper on
Slicing by Calculation (
NunoRodrigues and
LuisSoaresBarbosa) and another one on
Generic Process Algebra (Paula Ribeiro,
MarcoAntonioBarbosa and
LuisSoaresBarbosa) accepted for SBLP'06 (acceptance rate: 35%).
March, 20 Research.PURe
Year 2 Progress Report was released. Once again the project performance was very good: 4 journal papers (1 was expected), 9 conference papers (5 expected), 1PhD thesis and 2 MSc dissertations.
March, 9 A technical report by Alcino Cunha, José Nuno Oliveira, and Personal.Joost Visser entitled
Type-safe Two-level Data Transformation is available
Jan, 23 A paper by
Personal.Joost Visser entitled
Structure Metrics for XML Schema will be presented at
Jan, 6 The paper by by
JorgeSousaPinto, and
JoseProenca presented in September at the IFL'05 Workshop has been accepted for publication in the Revised Papers (Springer LNCS).
Dec, 9 A paper by Miguel Cruz,
LuisSoaresBarbosa and
JoseNunoOliveira, entitled
From Algebras to Objects: Generation and Composition was published today in the Journal of Universal Computer Science (vol 11 (10)).
Dec, 3 A paper by
Personal.Joost Visser entitled
Matching Objects without Language Extension was accepted for publication in the Journal of Object Technology.
Nov, 14 NunoRodrigues participated in the Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar 05451 on "Beyond Program Slicing", presenting a
paper on "Calculating Functional Slices". His group received the Best Presentation Award.
Sep, 19 Paper accepted at FACS'05 on Component Identification Through Program Slicing (by
NunoRodrigues and
August 15 II Research.PURe Workshop scheduled for 11-12 October, 2005. Invited speaker: Jeremy Gibbons (Oxford)
July 20 Paper accepted at ICTAC 2005 on Refinement of Software Architectures (by Sun Meng,
LuisSoaresBarbosa and Zhang Naixiao).
April 9 Paper accepted at FM 2005 on
VooDooM (by
JoseNunoOliveira, and
April 5 The first distribution of the
UMinho Haskell Software was released.
Mar 21 The
PUReCafe slot will open each Tuesday on 12:00 (was 11:00).
Jan 17 Good News: The expected number of publications in the original Research.PURe proposal for
the fisrt year has been largely surpassed (5 expected vs 11 published + more 5 accepted).
More details on the project performance can be read on the
Y1 Progress Report.
Sep 27 Various tools from
PUReSoftware are now available online.
Sep 26 The
PUReCafe slot was moved to Tuesday's between 11:00 and 13:00.
Sep 20 The EVENTS topic was updated with information on the workshop. Authors: please upload your slides!
Sep 7 2nd Announcement and Programme:
First Project Workshop, 13-14 September 2004
Aug 25 Research.PURe paper accepted at
ICTAC2004 on coalgebraic models for software connectors (by
MarcoAntonioBarbosa and
July 26 Call for Participation:
First Project Workshop, 13-14 September 2004
June 17 Matthijs Kuiper, main developer of the LRC attribute grammar system, will be visiting the department in the week of June 21-25.
June 4 Another date for all Research.PURe people: First Project Workshop scheduled for 13-14 September. Alberto Pardo (Uruguay) is an invited speaker.
June 4 First Research.PURe Seminar on
Algebras of Program Construction by
R. Backhouse, 21-22 June
June 3 Research.PURe paper accepted at
CTCS2004 on the semantics of UML components (by
LuisSoaresBarbosa, Sun Meng, B. Aichernig and Zhang Naixiao).