Project Publications and Reports
Journal Papers
- A. Sanchez, N. Oliveira, L. S. Barbosa, and P. R. Henriques, "A perspective on architectural re-engineering", in Science of Computer Programming, 2013, Elsevier (in print).
- S. Fernandes, L. S. S. Barbosa, and A. Cerone, "FLOSS communities as learning networks", in International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 3(2):95–146, 2013, IACSIT Press.
- P. Martins, J.P. Fernandes, J. Saraiva, "A combinator language for software quality reports", in International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 2, Number 3, pp. 377-382, May 2013.
- A. Simões and N.R. Carvalho, "Desenvolvimento de Aplicações em Perl com FreeLing 3", Linguamática, Volume 4, Number 2, 2012, pp. 87–92, UVigo.
- J. Barros, D. da Cruz, P.R. Henriques, J.S. Pinto, "Assertion-based Slicing and Slice Graphs", Formal Aspects of Computing, Volume 24, Number 2, 2012, Springer.
- M.J. Frade, J.S. Pinto, "Verification Conditions for Source-level Imperative Programs", in Computer Science Review, Volume 5, Issue 3, August 2011, pp. 252-277, Elsevier.
- S. Areias, D. Cruz, P.R. Henriques, J.S. Pinto, "GammaPolarSlicer", ComSIS, Computer Science an Information Systems Journal, (special issue on Advances in Formal Languages, Modeling and Applications), Vol. 8, Num. 2, pp. 477-499, May 2011.
- L.S. Barbosa, A. Cerone, A.K. Petrenko, S.A. Shaikh, "Certification of open-source software: A role for formal methods?", International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, CRL Publishing Ltd. Vol. 25, Nº4, pp.273-281, 2010.
- J. B. Almeida, M. J. Frade, J. S. Pinto, S. Melo de Sousa. "Rigorous Software Development - An Introduction to Program Verification". Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science, Springer, 2011. ISBN 978-0-85729-017-5.
Book Chapters
- J.C. Campos, J. Saraiva, C. Silva and J.C. Silva. "GUIsurfer: A Reverse Engineering Framework for User Interface Software". In A.C. Telea, editor, Reverse Engineering - Recent Advances and Applications, pages 31-54. InTech, 2012.
Conference Papers
- S. Fernandes, M. H. Martinho, L S. Barbosa, and A. Cerone, "Integrating formal and informal learning through a FLOSS-based innovative approach", in Gert-Jan de Vreede and Julita Vassileva, editors, 19th International Conference on Collaboration and Technology (CRIWG’13), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013, Springer (accepted for publication).
- S. Fernandes, A. Cerone, L S. Barbosa, and P. M. Papadopoulos, "FLOSS in technology-enhanced learning", in Antonio Cerone and Donatella Persico, editors, 1st International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability in Education (InSuEdu’12), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2013. Springer (in print).
- P. Martins, N.R. Carvalho, J.P. Fernandes, J.J. Almeida, J. Saraiva, "A Framework for Modular and Customizable Software Analysis", in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2013), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp. 443-458, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013, Springer.
- N. Oliveira and J.G. Rocha. "Tiling 3D Terrain Models", in Proceedings of Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2013, Heidelberg, pp. 550-561, Volume 7971 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013, Springer.
- N. Oliveira and J.G. Rocha. "Web 3D Service Implementation", in Proceedings of Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2013, Heidelberg, pp. 538-549, Volume 7973 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013, Springer.
- N.R. Carvalho, A. Simões and J.J. Almeida, "Defining a Probabilistic Translation Dictionaries Algebra", in XVI Portuguese Conference on Artificial Inteligence (EPIA 2013) (forthcoming).
- N.R. Carvalho, "An Ontology Toolkit for Problem Domain Concept Location in Program Comprehension", in Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013), San Francisco, USA, IEEE Press, 2013.
- N.R. Carvalho, A. Simões and J.J. Almeida, "Open Source Software Documentation Mining for Quality Assessment", in Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, Olhão, Portugal, 2013.
- D. Cruz, "Semantic-based Slicing through the use of Program Contracts", in 1st International Workshop on Interference and Dependence (ID2013), January 21, 2013, Roma, Italy.
- N.R. Carvalho, A. Simões and J.J. Almeida, "Probabilistic SynSet Based Concept Location", in Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies (SLATE 2012), Braga, Portugal, 2012.
- P. Martins, J.P. Fernandes, J. Saraiva, "A Purely Functional Combinator Language for Process Management,", in Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies (SLATE 2012), Braga, Portugal, 2012.
- N.R. Carvalho, A. Simões and J.J. Almeida, "Generating flex Lexical Scanners for Perl Parse::Yapp", in Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies (SLATE 2012), Braga, Portugal, 2012.
- P. Martins, J.P. Fernandes, J. Saraiva, "A Web Portal for the Certification of Open Source Software", Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification (OpenCert 2012) (Satellite Event of SEFM'12), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2012.
- N. Oliveira and J.G. Rocha. "Geoserver based W3DS", in AGILE 3D Web Visualization Workshop, Avignon, France, April 2012.
- J.G. Rocha, N. Oliveira, P. Machado, P. Mendes, and R. Alves. "Servicio Web 3D (W3DS) en Geoserver", in VI JORNADAS DE SIG LIBRE. Servei de Sistemes D’Informació Geogràfica I Telederecció, Universitat de Girona, 2012.
- D. Cruz, M.J. Frade, J. S. Pinto, "Verification Conditions for Single-assignment Programs", in Software Verification and Testing 2012, (a track of the ACM 27th Symposium On Applied Computing, SAC 2012), March 26-30, 2012, Riva de Garcia (Trento), Italy.
- M. Regedor, D. Cruz, P.R. Henriques, "The role of best practices in assessing software quality", in Luis Barbosa and Dimitrius Settas, editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification (OpenCert 2011) (Satellite Event of SEFM'11), Montevideu, Uruguay. EASST, 2011. (pdf)
- Sara S. Fernandes, "Quality, success, communication and contribution in open source software", in Luis Barbosa and Dimitrius Settas, editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification (OpenCert 2011) (Satellite Event of SEFM'11), Montevideu, Uruguay. EASST, 2011.
- L.S. Barbosa, P.R. Henriques, Alejandro Sanchez, "Towards rigorous analysis of Open Source Software", in Volker Stolz and Sun Meng, editors, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Harnessing Theories for Tool Support in Software, TTSS'2011, Oslo, September 2011.
- N. Carvalho, A. Simões, J.J. Almeida, P.R. Henriques, M.J. Varanda, "PFTL: A Systematic Approach for Describing Filesystem Tree Processors", in Luis Caires and Raul Barbosa, editors, INForum 2011; Simpósio de Informática (CoRTA2011 track), Coimbra, Portugal, Setembro 2011. Universidade de Coimbra. (pdf)
- N. Carvalho, J.J. Almeida, A. Simões, "Weaving OML in a General Purpose Programming Language", in Luis Caires and Raul Barbosa, editors, INForum 2011; Simpósio de Informática (CoRTA2011 track), Coimbra, Portugal, Setembro 2011. Universidade de Coimbra. (pdf)
- P. Martins, P. Lopes, J.P. Fernandes, J. Saraiva, J. Cardoso, "Program and Aspect Metrics for MATLAB", in the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2012), Salvador da Bahia, Brasil, pp. 217-233, Volume 7336 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, Springer.
- A. Barbosa, A. Paiva and J.C. Campos, "Test Case Generation from Mutated Task Models", in Paternò, Luyten, Maurer, Dewan and Santoro, editors, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2011), pages 175-184. Pisa, Italy - June 13-16, 2011.
- N. Carvalho, A. Simões, J.J. Almeida, "xml2pm: A Tool for Automatic Creation of Object Definitions Based on XML Instances", XATA2011 - 9ª Conferência Nacional em XML, Aplicações e Tecnologias Aplicadas, Vila do Conde, Portugal, Junho de 2011. (pdf)
- N. Carvalho, A. Simões, J.J. Almeida, "OML: A Scripting Approach for Manipulating Ontologies", 6ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, Chaves, Portugal, Junho de 2011. (pdf)
- J.L. Freitas, D. Cruz, P.R. Henriques, "The role of Comments on Program Comprehension", in Luis Caires and Raul Barbosa, editors, INForum 2011; Simpósio de Informática (CoRTA2011 track), Coimbra, Portugal, Setembro 2011. Universidade de Coimbra. (pdf)
- A. Simões, N. Carvalho, J.J. Almeida, "Testing as a Certification Approach", Proc. of 4th Int. Wksh. on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification (OpenCert 2010), Pisa, Italy, September 2010, Electronic Communications of the EASST, volume 33 (2010), 10 pages. (pdf)
- J.C. Silva, J.C. Campos, J.A. Saraiva, "GUI Inspection from Source Code Analysis", Proc. of 4th Int. Wksh. on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification (OpenCert 2010), Pisa, Italy, September 2010, Electronic Communications of the EASST, volume 33 (2010), 18 pages.
- S. Areias, D. Cruz, P.R. Henriques, J.S. Pinto, "GammaPolarSlicer, a Contract-based Tool to Help on Reuse", Proc. of INForum 2010 - Simpósio de Informática (CoRTA2010 track), Braga, Portugal, September 2010, Universidade do Minho, pp. 137-148. (pdf)
- S. Areias, D. Cruz, P.R. Henriques, J.S. Pinto, "Safe Integration of Annotated Components in Open Source Projects", Proc. of 4th Int. Wksh. on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification (OpenCert 2010), Pisa, Italy, September 2010, Electronic Communications of the EASST, volume 33 (2010), 17 pages.
- S. Areias, D. Cruz, J.S. Pinto, "Contract-based Slicing helps on safety Reuse (poster)", Proc. of 18th Int. Conf. on Program Comprehension (ICPC'10), Braga, Portugal, June 2010, IEEE Computer Society, CPS, pp. 62-63. (pdf)
- J.C. Silva, C.E. Silva, R.D. Gonçalo, J.A. Saraiva, J.C. Campos, "The GUISurfer tool: towards a language independent approach to reverse engineering GUI code", In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS '10), Berlin, Germany, June 19-23, 2010, ACM, pp. 181-186.
- J.C. Silva, C.E. Silva, J.C. Campos, J.A. Saraiva, "GUI Behavior from Source Code Analysis", Proc. of 4a. Conf. Nac. em Interacção Humano-Computador (Interacção 2010), Aveiro, Portugal, Outubro 2010, pp. 81-88.
- Carlos Miguel Regedor Torres, "Analyzing and Measuring Open-Source Projects". MSc thesis. Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho, Abril, 2013. (pdf)
- Nuno Gil Correia Veloso da Veiga, "Generating Automated Test Cases Based on Models". MSc thesis. Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho, Abril, 2012. (pdf)
- José Luís Freitas. "Comments Analysis for Program Comprehension". MSc thesis. Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho, December, 2011. (pdf)
- Daniela Cruz. "Verification, Slicing, and Visualization of Programs with Contracts". PhD thesis. Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho, October 2011. (pdf)
- Sérgio Areias. "Contracts and Slicing for Safety Reuse". MSc thesis. Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho, December, 2010. (pdf)
- João Miguel Veiga. "Quality Assessment of Java Source Code". MSc thesis. Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho, December, 2010. (pdf)
- Carlos Eduardo Silva. "Reverse Engineering of Rich Internet Applications". MSc thesis. Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho, Setembro, 2010. (pdf)
- João Carlos Silva. "GUIsurfer: A Generic Framework for Reverse Engineering of Graphical User Interfaces". PhD thesis. Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho, December 2010. (pdf)
Technical Reports
- Paulo Almeida, "Globo Virtual (Android)", Departamento de Informática, Universidade do Minho, Junho 2013. (pdf)
- R. Gonçalo, "Automated Teste Generation Survey", Departamento de Informática, Universidade do Minho, December 2012. (pdf) (slides)
- J.J. Pereira, "Fundamentos do `Bounded Model Checking' de Programas", Departamento de Informática, Universidade do Minho, November 2012. (pdf)
- Nuno Oliveira, "Web 3D Service", Departamento de Informática, Universidade do Minho, Junho 2012. (pdf)
- S. Areias, D. da Cruz, P.R. Henriques, "GamaPolarSlicer, technical report", University of Minho, June 2012. (pdf)
- J.M. Veiga, M.J. Frade, "TreeCycle: a Sonar plugin for design quality assessment of Java programs". Techn. Report CROSS-10.07-1. Departamento de Informática, Universidade do Minho, July 2010. (pdf)
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