2nd CROSS Workshop: 19th December 2012, Braga
Location: DI-A1
9:30 | Welcome (Maria João Frade) |
9:40 | Policy-Driven Electronic Governance and Opportunities for Software-Focused Research (Tomasz Janowski) |
| This talk will discuss the concept of electronic governance and its evolution along the last 2 decades. We'll then identify problems, models, trends and research challenges for this domain, highlighting the role and challenges put to and by Open Source Software and Open Standards. |
10:15 | A Web Portal for the Certification of Open Source Software (Pedro Martins) |
| In this talk we will present a web portal for the certification of open source software. The portal aims at helping programmers in the internet age, when there are (too) many open source reusable libraries and tools available. Our portal offers programmers a web-based and easy setting to analyze and certify open source software, which is a crucial step to help programmers choosing among many available alternatives, and to get some guarantees before using one piece of software.The paper presents our first prototype of such web portal. It also describes in detail a domain specific language that allows programmers to describe with a high degree of abstraction specific open source software certifications. The design and implementation of this language is the core of the web portal. |
10:45 | Coffee break |
11:00 | Open Source Software Documentation Mining for Quality Assessment (Nuno Carvalho) |
| Besides source code, the fundamental source of information about Open Source Software lies in documentation, and other non source code files, like README, INSTALL, or HowTo files, commonly available in the software ecosystem. These documents, written in natural language, provide valuable information during the software development stage, but also in future maintenance and evolution tasks. DMOSS (Documentation Mining Open Source Software) is a toolkit designed to systematically assess the quality of non source code text found in software packages. The toolkit handles a package as an attribute tree, and performs several tree traverse algorithms through a set of plugins, specialised in retrieving specific metrics from text, gathering information about the software. These metrics are later used to infer knowledge about the software, and composed together to build reports that assess the quality of specific features of the software. This presentation discusses the motivations for this work, continues with a description of the toolkit implementation and design goals. Illustrates an example of its usage to process software package,s and the produced reports. Finally some conclusions and trends for future work are presented. |
11:30 | FLOSS in Technology-Enhanced Learning (Sara Fernandes) |
| This talk presents a comparative analysis of Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) Learning Management System (LMS). Following a selection process we analyze the functionalities and characteristics of 8 tools commonly used in formal and informal education. More specifically we focus on the availability of different tools concerning communication and assistance, such as, forum, email, calendar, portfolios, etc. Our analysis showed that despite their similarities, the appropriateness of different FLOSS LMSs can be greatly affected by the specific needs of students, instructors and institutions. We will also discuss the relevance of software quality and its certification in this context. |
12:00 | From Raw Data to Virtual Globes on the Mobile Phone (Jorge Rocha) |
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12:30 | Lunch |
14:30 | Modelery: A Models Refinery (Rui Couto) |
| Models play a relevant role in the development and analysis of software systems. Over the years we have been developing a number of model based approaches to support different phases of software development. This has results in a number of languages, tools, and, more importantly, a large number of actual actual models. From our need to archive, organize, store and retrieve all these research output, stemmed the development of a web based repository for Model Driven Development artifacts. In this repository we intent to store all kind of artifacts, such as models, patterns, meta-models and processes. In order to provide community functionalities and support information exchange, social functionalities, such as discussion groups have been included. This talk describes the main features of the repository. |
15:00 | Comment Analysis for Program Comprehension (Daniela Cruz) |
| Comments are interspersed by the Programmer among code lines, at software development phase, with two main purposes: to help himself during the development phase; to help other programmers later on, during the maintenance phase. The former are memos to help him remembering to do something; they are not useful for those willing to understand code. The latter are explanations about the ideas he has in mind when he wrote the code; they can be a relevant aid for others and should be taken into consideration as a first step in program comprehension. In this talk we will discuss an approach to locate a relevant code chunk (one where the programmer should focus the attention for software maintenance), using information retrieval techniques to locate problem domain concepts within comments. In our approach, comments are isolated marking their type (inline, block or javadoc comment) and keeping their context (code lines to which they are associated). Picking up concepts from the ontology that describes the problem, it is possible to find all the comments that contain that concept (similar words) and rate them. Reading comments from the retrieved list, the programmer can select those that seem to him meaningful and dive directly into the associated chunk. In the talk, we will also survey Comment Analysis techniques and describe an environment, Darius, that aims at automatizing the approach proposed. |
15:30 | On the Use of GUI Implementation Languages as Modelling Languages (Carlos Silva) |
| The current diversity of available devices and form factors increases the need for model-based techniques to support adapting applications from one device to another. Most work on user interface modelling is built around declarative markup languages. Markup languages play a relevant role, not only in the modelling of user interfaces, but also in their implementation. However, the languages used by each community (modellers/developers) have, to a great extent evolved separately. This means that the step from concrete model to final interface becomes needlessly complicated, requiring either compilers or interpreters to bridge this gap. In this talk we compare a modelling language (UsiXML? ) with several markup implementation languages. We analyse if it is feasible to use the implementation languages as modelling languages. |
16:00 | Automated Test Generation Using CBMC (Rui Gonçalo) |
| Test generation remains a largely manual process in industry, bringing high costs and time consuming to the testing phase. An automated mechanism able to produce test cases and achieve full coverage becomes mandatory. The evolution of model checkers and new techniques, namely, bounded model checking, introduce effective ways to perform the desired automated test generation. The CBMC tool applies bounded model checking to ANSI C programs in order to verify safety properties. However, it has been proved that CBMC might be used to generate tests in critical software industry, achieving the required coverage. (slides) |
16:30 | Project Meeting |
-- MariaJoaoFrade - 17 Dec 2012
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