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Wednesdays at 14:30 in the DI meeting room |
The CROSS Café is a monthly scientific colloquium organized by the CROSS project.
Moderator: Maria João Frade.
Attendance is open to all.
If you would like to contribute a talk, please contact the moderator.
Upcoming talks
None at the moment.
Past talks
Tue, 30 Nov, 2010 at 14:30 |
Quality Assessment of Java Source Code |
Miguel Veiga |
Software quality assessment is a crucial process in software development. To evaluate source code quality it is essential to use tools that help to analyse the code in its different aspects. Sonar is an open source tool used to analyse and manage source code quality. In this talk will we present a Sonar plugin (the TreeCycle) for design qual- ity assessment of Java programs. The TreeCycle plugin represents the dependencies between packages in a tree graph highlighting it’s dependency cycles. Moreover, for each package it represents in a graphical way the results of a suite of metrics for object-oriented design. This plugin provides an overall picture of the design quality of Java projects. We will make a concise presentation of the Sonar platform. We will also briefly describe the ISO/IEC 9126 model for software product quality and the main suites of object-oriented design metrics that are use in the plugin. |
Wed, 13 Jan, 2010 at 14:30 |
GamaSlicer: an online laboratory for program verification and analysis |
Daniela Cruz |
In the context of Software Engineering, Program Verification is a valuable area for program development, as is Program Analysis for program maintenance, but both should be effective. In this talk, we present a tool (GamaSlicer) that is two fold: a Verification Condition Generator and a Slicer. On one hand, it generates a set of proof obligations for a software component annotated with pre and postconditions (written in Java+JML). Generating such proof obligations in the SMT-lib language, we enable the use of different automatic provers (e.g. Z3, Alt-Ergo, CVC3, etc). The tool allows the execution step-by-step of the VCGen algorithm; it is particularly useful for teaching Program Verification. On the other hand, a set of slicing algorithms can be applied to the same annotated software component, for program analysis. These slicing algorithms take the annotations of a component into account to remove spurious code that does not contribute to the contract verification. In addition to pre and postcondition based slicing algorithms, the tool implements a new approach to specification-based slicing, that considers both preconditions and postconditions. This is a novelty of our work at the theoretical level, and in fact other current work at this level is being progressively incorporated in the tool. GamaSlicer is a module of GamaProject that also includes GamaViz, another tool to help program analysis; GamaProject will also be outlined. |
Wed, 11 Nov, 2009 at 14:30 |
GUISurfer as a starting point for CROSS Task 3 (slides) |
João Carlos Silva |
Correctness of GUI’s code is essential to the correct execution of the overall software. Models can help in the evaluation of interactive applications by allowing designers to concentrate on its more important aspects. This talk presents a generic approach for language-independent reverse engineering of graphical user interface based applications. It explores the integration of testing techniques in the proposed approach, thus allowin fogr the detection of faults in the GUI under analysis. A prototype tool has been constructed (GUISurfer), which is already capable of deriving and testing a user interface behavioral model of applications written in Java/Swing and WxHaskell. |
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