
...collaborate on
The following table contains the PhD projects of current grant-holders.

  Attachment Action Size Dateup Who Comment
doc CNECCO-planphdesp.doc props, move 34.0 K 15 Dec 2005 - 19:58 JorgeSousaPinto Claudia Necco
doc PlanMarioBeron.doc props, move 51.5 K 15 Dec 2005 - 20:00 JorgeSousaPinto Mario Berón
doc ThesisPlanMarioPeralta-SanLuis-CastillaLaMancha.doc props, move 40.0 K 15 Dec 2005 - 20:00 JorgeSousaPinto Mario Peralta
doc ThesisPlanDanielRomero-SanLuis-Valencia.doc props, move 38.0 K 15 Dec 2005 - 20:02 JorgeSousaPinto Daniel Romero
doc ThesisPlanSoniaFlores-SanLuis-Valencia.doc props, move 34.0 K 15 Dec 2005 - 20:03 JorgeSousaPinto Sonia Flores
pdf Plan_SVC_SanLuis-INRIA-20051220.pdf props, move 42.4 K 31 Jan 2006 - 15:14 JorgeSousaPinto Salvador Cavadini
doc THESIS_PLAN_JulioDondo_UCLM_UNSL.doc props, move 38.5 K 08 Jun 2006 - 09:55 PascualJulianIranzo Julio Dondo Gazzano
r3 - 08 Jun 2006 - 09:55:27 - PascualJulianIranzo
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