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All institutions
- identify projects and themes
- identify supervisors, make contact, and make working plans in the next two months
- discuss short flows (Eu -> LA)
Host universities
- confirm assigned numbers and origins
- September 30: host conditions on the web
Home universities
- confirm assigned numbers and destinations
Formal Problems
- transfer scholarships to degree-granting institutes (8 grants from EAFIT/Santiago -> Montevideo, Minas Gerais, san Luís)
- agree on number of grants and where
- keep transferred institutes involved
- solve problems with alfa asap
- should we find other sites?
- Bolivia partner?
- fix new flows
Implementing Mobility
- matches
- checkpoint 15 july
- local mobility announcement
- selection of candidate
- make a financial plan for each candidate for the complete three years
- documents
-- DoaitseSwierstra - 15 Jun 2005
 Copyright © by the contributing authors. Ideas, requests, problems? Send feedback.
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