As the JURIX'2015 conference is approaching, this Survival Guide was elaborated in order to simplify and help you through out your stay in Braga.
Portugal is a member of the Eurozone, making our currency the Euro (€).
The best way to travel to Braga is by plane.
Once you arrive at the airport we recommend transportation: please see here.
Buses you can use in order to travel from the Historical Center to the University:
[2] Ponte de Prado - Bom Jesus
[7] S. Mamede D’Este – Celeirós
[24] Sequeira - Gualtar
[43] Estação CF – Universidade do Minho
[943] Estação CF – Universidade do Minho
Taxis from University to Center Town: € 5
Taxis from University to Bom Jesus: € 8
Braga is known for being one of the cities where it rains the most in Portugal, but it can also be quite unpredictable, allowing the sun to shine even in the winter. The weather will also be cold, but never bellow 4ºCelsius.
We would advise you to bring your umbrella.
BRAGA’S HISTORICAL CENTER (Get to know a little of the culture)
Braga is a city with over 2000 years of age and holds a rich history and culture still alive as shown by our monuments. Known as the “Portuguese Rome”, the city has preserved its long Roman legacy. But it is the Roman Catholic Church that carves the feature that prevails the most: belief, faith. Braga is the home of numerous beautiful churches.
To visit Braga is to travel in time within modernity.
Main sites:
Universidade do Minho has two main Campi, the one in Braga is the Campus de Gualtar (the other main Campus being the Azurem Campus in Guimarães).
School of Law is located in Building nr. 17 in Campus de Gualtar. Almost all the sessions both of JURIX Conference and of the Workshops will be in the School of Law building. The only exception will be the VI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and the Complexity of Legal Systems (AICOL) that will take place at the Informatics Department in building nr. 7
The Welcome Reception on the 9th December afternoon will be in the Town Hall (Câmara Municipal de Braga) located in Center Town.
Welcome to Portugal
A country where “marmelada” does not mean marmalade but “quince sweet”.
A country where the days of the week are numbered by ordinal numbers: Monday is segunda-feira (literally 2nd Fair), Tuesday is terça-feira (literally 3rd Fair), Wednesday is quarta-feira (literally 4th Fair), Thursday is quinta-feira (literally 5th Fair), Friday is sexta-feira (literally 6th Fair). But Saturday is “sábado” and Sunday is “domingo”.
A country where “exquisito” does not mean exquisite but “weird”!
Are we a weird country? Maybe, but surely you will enjoy Braga!