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List of Accepted Papers

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Authors Title
Gordon Pace, Fernando Schapachnik and Gerardo Schneider Conditional Permissions in Contracts
Sjoerd T. Timmer, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Henry Prakken, Silja Renooij and Bart Verheij Explaining Legal Bayesian Networks Using Support Graphs
Thy Pham Judges predict directors’ liability
Charlotte Vlek, Henry Prakken, Silja Renooij and Bart Verheij Representing the quality of crime scenarios in a Bayesian network
Trevor Bench-Capon and Floris Bex Cases and Stories, Dimensions and Scripts
Llio Humphreys, Cristiana Santos, Luigi di Caro, Guido Boella, Livio Robaldo and Leon van der Torre Mapping Recitals to Normative Provisions in EU Legislation to Assist Legal Interpretation
Fabien Tarissan and Raphaëlle Nollez-Goldbach Temporal properties of legal decision networks: a case study from the International Criminal Court
Víctor Rodríguez Doncel, Cristiana Santos, Pompeu Casanovas and Asunción Gómez-Pérez A Linked Term Bank of Copyright-Related Terms
Guido Governatori Burden of Compliance and Burden of Violation
Tommaso Agnoloni and Ugo Pagallo The Power Laws of the Italian Constitutional Court, and Their Relevance for Legal Scholars
Jaromir Savelka, Gaurav Trivedi and Kevin D. Ashley Applying an Interactive Machine Learning Approach to Statutory Analysis
Yannis Panagis and Urska Sadl The force of EU case law: A multi-dimensional empirical study
Cristian Cardellino, Laura Alonso Alemany, Serena Villata and Elena Cabrio Information Extraction with Active Learning: a Case Study in Legal Text
Emiliano Lorini and Giovanni Sartor Influence and secondary responsibilities: A logical model

Short Papers

Authors Title
Federico Capuzzimati, Andrea Violato, Matteo Baldoni and Guido Boella Business Process Management for Legal Domains: supporting execution and management of Preliminary Injunctions
Wolfgang Alschner and Dmitriy Skougarevskiy Treaty texts as data – Developing new tools for negotiators and litigators to compare bilateral investment treaties
Sjoerd T. Timmer, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Henry Prakken, Silja Renooij and Bart Verheij Capturing Critical Questions in Bayesian Network Fragments
Bipin Indurkhya and Joanna Misztal On modeling cognitive and affective factors in legal decision making
Giuseppe Contissa Modelling the law through argument maps: legal analysis and design
Réka Markovich. No match-making but biconditionals Agents and the role of the State in legal relations
Marc van Opijnen and Alexander Ivantchev Implementation of the European Case Law Identifier – State of Play
Michal Araszkiewicz and Tomasz Zurek Comprehensive Framework Embracing the Complexity of Statutory Interpretation
Giovanni Sileno, Alexander Boer and Tom Van Engers Bridging Representations of Laws, of Implementations and of Behaviors


Authors Title
Wim Peters and Adam Wyner Extracting Hohfeldian Relations from Text
Biralatei Fawei, Adam Wyner and Jeff Pan Passing a US National Bar Exam - a First Experiment
Michał Łopuszyński and Michał Jungiewicz Towards Meaningful Maps of Polish Case Law
Trevor Bench-Capon and Thomas Gordon Tools for Rapid Prototyping of Legal Case Based Reasoning
Erich Schweighofer The Role of AI & Law in Legal Data Science
Florian Kuhn Building a German Legal Decision Corpus for Argumentation Mining
Bernhard Waltl LEXIA: A Data Science Environment for Legal Texts
Mustafa Hashmi and Guido Governatori Permissions in Deontic Event-Calculus
Nada Mimouni, Adeline Nazarenko and Sylvie Salotti Search and Discovery in Legal Document Networks
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