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Recommended Hotels

Bom Jesus Hotels

Rates for JURIX 2015 Conference

Parque Hotel / Elevador Hotel / Templo Hotel

    Single B/B - € 50 / day
    Double B / B - € 62 / day
    Suite B / B ( 2 Pax) - € 102 / day
    Extra bed - € 23 / day

Lago Hotel

    Single B / B - € 38 / day
    Double B / B - € 44 / day
    Extra Bed - € 17,5 / day

The Recommended Hotels are up the Hill. Transfers to the University and back will be provided.
In order to benefit from the special prices for JURIX 2015 Conference, please send the reservation order to

and in the email message please refer "attending Conferência JURIX'2015".

Other Hotels

Besides the Recommended Hotels, there is also a 5 star Hotel at walking distance from the University: Hotel Meliã Braga

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