
Cunha A, Belo O.  1997.  Resource Allocation on Agent Meta-Societies. 8th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence - EPIA. 1323:343–348. Abstractepia97.pdf

This paper is concerned with the formalization of a automated contracting mechanism that enables a society of cooperative resource allocation agents to negotiate rationally in a self-interested meta-society. Such environments induce agents to adopt different social behaviors according to the negotiation partner. This problem may be solved by taking an economic perspective in all the decisions, namely, by using utility based agents, through the use of marginal utility calculations, and defining dynamically the market extent for a task. The risk attitude and reactivity of each agent can be parameterized in order to achieve different negotiation strategies. The framework presented in this paper can be applied in a wide variety of situations, ranging from electronic commerce on virtual economic markets, to load distribution problems.

Sousa AL, Moreno CB, Pereira JO, Oliveira R, Moura F.  1996.  A human centered perspective for mobile information sharing and delivery. ECOOP - Workshop Reader of the 10th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. :412. Abstractwmr96.pdf

This paper focus on the design and implementation of a suitable communication layer to be used with groups of mobile systems, targeted to support personal information management and exchange applications. A PIM was used as case study, focusing on the problems raised by the process of scheduling meetings. As a first step, the environment is evaluated in order to establish some facts and assumptions that should shape the system. We also think that the observation of human behavior, in particular the study of human information interchange techniques.

Campos JC, Martins F.  1996.  Context Sensitive User Interfaces. Formal Aspects of the Human Computer Interface. Abstractfahci96.pdf

This paper presents a conceptual design model for user interfaces (MASS1) and a general formalism for dialogue specification (Interaction Scripts) which are the most important components of an approach to the methodological, iterative design of Interactive Systems from formal, model-based specification of both the application and the User Interface (UI).
This approach allows the integration of both dialogue and application semantics from the beginning of the design process, by using prototypes derived from both specifications. Assuming that all the application semantics is available at early design stages, the MASS model defines a set of guidelines that will enforce the designer to create user interfaces that will present a prophylactic instead of the usual therapeutic behaviour. By a prophylactic behaviour it is meant, metaphorically, that the UI will exhibit a behaviour that prevents and avoids both syntactic and semantic user errors, in contrast with the most usual therapeutic, or error recovery, behaviour.
The dialogue specification formalism(Interaction Scripts) despite being general, in the sense that it may be applied to the specification of any kind of dialogue, is specially suited to the specification of UIs with the behaviour prescribed by the MASS design model. In addition, it is independent from concrete environment details, therefore allowing for different implementations of the same specification, that is, different looks and feels. The operational semantics of the Interaction Script notation is also presented in terms of Petri-Nets that are automatically generated from the Interaction Script specification of the dialogue controller.

Moreno CB, Oliveira R, Moura F.  1995.  Integration of concurrency control in a language with subtyping and subclassing. Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies - USENIX. :13–13. Abstract10.

This paper describes the integration of concurrency control in BALLOON, an object-oriented language that separates the concepts of type and class as well of subtyping and subclassing. Types are interface specifications enriched with concurrency control annotations. Classes are used to implement the operational functionality of types as well as concurrency control mechanisms. Types, classes and concurrency control annotations are independently reusable and derivable. The language takes advantage of this separation to solve the typical problems of the inheritance anomaly.

Moreno CB, Fonte V, Moura F, Oliveira R.  1995.  MobiScape: WWW browsing under disconnected and semi-connected operation. Proceedings of 1st Portuguese WWW National Conference. Abstractmobiscape.pdf

Although WWW browsers such as Netscape already offer some support for operation under low bandwidth connections, this is still unsuited for mobile environments. In contrast to fixed networks, here connection time is usually expensive and thus clients cannot afford long sessions. MobiScape uses the proxy interface present on modern navigation tools. It intercepts the HTTP data flow, compresses it, and applies caching, hoarding and prefetching policies to both the mobile host and its support station. The Support Station proxy keeps a given subset of remote documents in local store and up-to-date; occasionally it will prefetch. The Mobile Host proxy will hoard according to its profile, trying to minimize the need for a connection. The system also maximizes the use of the cache by using dynamic caching policies. No modifications were made to the existing HTTP server, proxies or browsers.

Menezes R, Moreno CB, Moura F.  1994.  A portable lightweight approach to NFS replication. Proceedings of ROSE’94 . Abstract10.

Under normal circumstances, NFS provides transparent access to remote file systems. Nevertheless, a failure on a single file server compromises the operation of all clients, and thus various replication schemes have been devised to increase file system availability. The approach described in this paper is lightweight in the sense that it strives to make no changes to the NFS protocol nor to the standard NFS client and server code. Rather, a thin layer is introduced between the clients and the original server daemons, which intercepts all NFS requests and propagates the updates to the replicas. Replication is hidden under a primary-secondary update policy and an improved automounter. If the primary server fails, the automounters elect a new primary and remount the relevant file systems. Secondary server failures remain unnoticed by the clients. A prototype version is operational and preliminary results under the Andrew benchmark are presented.

Menezes R, Moreno CB, Moura F.  1994.  A Lightweight Approach to NFS Replication. Proceedings of ROSE'94 Conference. Abstract09e4150c616a28621e000000_1.pdf

Under normal circumstances, NFS provides transparent access to remote file systems. Evertheless,a failure on a single fi le server compromises the operation of all clients, and thus various replication schemes have been devised to increase fi le system availability.The approach described in this paper is lightweight in the sense that it strives to make no changes to the NFS protocol nor to the standard NFS client and server code. Rather,a thin layer is introduced between the clients and the original server daemons, which intercepts all NFS requests and propagates the updates to the replicas. Replication is hidden under a primary-secondary update policy and an improved automounter. If the primary server fails, the automounters elect a new primary and remount the relevant file systems. Secondary server failures remain unnoticed by the clients. A prototype version is operational and preliminary result sunder the Andrew benchmark are presented.The gures obtained show that while read overhead is negligible, the performance of updates is severely impaired by the naive synchronous multi-server write operation.

Campos JC, Martins F.  1994.  O Sistema GAMA - Arquitectura e Implementação. 6º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica. :2-15. Abstractcamposm94.pdf

Este artigo apresenta o Sistema GAMA, um Sistema de Geração de Interfaces Humano-Computador com um elevado grau de assistência semântica no âmbito de uma metodologia rigorosa para o desenvolvimento de Sistemas Interactivos. O sistema é composto por um módulo de geração semi-automática da especificação da interface (MGI) e outro de animação da interface com base na especificação anterior (MIU). A implementação do MIU é feita com base no Modelo de Seeheim, utilizando três processos, um para cada um dos componentes do modelo. Cada um dos componentes é apresentado bem como os protocolos de comunicação entre eles. É também mostrado como o sistema permite, facilmente, obter tanto uma interface VT100 como uma X11.

Campos JC, Martins F.  1993.  GAMA-X - Uma Arquitectura Software para o Desenvolvimento Semi-Automático de Interfaces Utilizador-Sistema. 5º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica. :197-209. Abstractcamposm93.pdf

Apresenta-se neste artigo uma arquitectura software destinada a fornecer o suporte tecnológico ao desenvolvimento de Interfaces Utilizador no enquadramento de uma metodologia rigorosa para o desenvolvimento de Sistemas Interactivos.
Assim, partindo da especificação formal da camada aplicativa, usando modelos matemáticos, a metodologia visa a sistematização do processo de construção do sistema interactivo, segundo princípios que têm por objectivo a criação de interfaces de qualidade dado o seu grau de assistência ao utilizador, dadas as suas características preventivas de erros e finalmente dada a sua sensibilidade contectual.
O sistema apresentado, GAMA-X, oferece uma arquitectura de apoio ao desenvolvimento sistemático e semi-automático deste tipo de interfaces, incorporando ferramentas que apoiam os diferentes passos de desenvolvimento.
Apresenta-se neste artigo em maior detalhe a composição do GAMA-X, com relevo para os módulos mais ligados à IU, bem como a linguagem de especificação do controlador de diálogo.
Referem-se ainda questões relacionadas com a camada de apresentação e com a comunicação entre os diferentes módulos.

Watson N, Reeves S, Masci P.  201.  Integrating user design and formal models within PVSio-Web. Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment (F-IDE 2018), EPTCS, to appear. Abstractmain201807200104.pdf

Creating formal models of interactive systems has wide reaching benefits, not only for verifying low-level correctness, but also as a tool for ensuring user interfaces behave logically and consistently. Despite this, tools for designing user experiences and tools for creating and working with formal models are typically distinctly separate systems. This work aims to bridge this divide by allowing the generation of state machine diagrams and formal models via a simple, interactive prototyping tool that mirrors the basic functionality of many modern digital prototyping applications.

Lopes N, Faria J.  2018.  A Cybersecurity Model for Electronic Governance and Open Society. EGOSE 2018-Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia. Abstract

This paper starts by present the research landscape of the vulnerabilities of cyberspace, then makes a classification of the cyber vulnerabilities identified in literature, and at the end proposes a cybersecurity framework to tackle those cyberspace vulnerabilities. The proposed framework is grounded in three main pillars: a cybersecurity governance model, cybersecurity capabilities, and cybersecurity best practices. The research methodology used to conduct this study is based on a quantitative and qualitative analyses of the literature on the field. The paper concludes that the framework can be a useful tool for preventing and mitigating cyber-attacks in public and private organizations.

Shoker A, Yactine H, Moreno CB.  2017.  As Secure as Possible Eventual Consistency (Work in Progress). EuroSys PAPOC'17 workshops: International Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data. :1-5.Secure EC
Shoker A, Yactine H, Moreno CB.  2017.  As Secure as Possible Eventual Consistency. In the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (EuroSys PAPOC’17). As Secure as Possible Eventual Consistency.pdf