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Systems Analyst holds a master's degree of Systems and Computing at the Military Institute of Rio de Janeiro - RJ - IME-RJ.

Is currently licensed public servant of the National Cinema Agency, regulatory agency of the Brazilian government for the audiovisual industry.

With over 30 years of professional experience, has passages for companies with different profiles of services and products including the Petrobras Research Center, COPPE at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.

Throughout his professional experience has kept close contact with fields of academic research as Experimental Analysis of Structures (Civil Engineering) and Reservoirs Simulators (Petroleum Engineering).

The first contact with computer programming was through dedicated systems to control and capture real-time data from scientific experiments still in the 70s and later as a programmer in Fortran oil reservoir simulators.

In 2010 he obtained a master's degree with a dissertation involving self-organizing maps, geographic networks, clusters and autonomous determination of the centrality and the regions of influence of several Brazilian cities.

Currently in the first year of PhD in the Department of the University of Minho Information which seeks to establish a research focus on the analysis of patterns of  concurrent sequences of events described over time for its duration.