Recent Publications

Farsi M, Ratcliff K, Barbosa MB.  1999.  An overview of Controller Area Network. Computing & Control Engineering Journal. 10:113-120. Abstract

The controller area network is a well-established networking system specifically designed with real-time requirements in mind. Developed in the 1980s by Robert Bosch, its ease of use and low cost has led to its wide adoption throughout the automotive and automation industries. However, for the beginner using CAN may seem somewhat bewildering. This article goes some way into explaining how CAN is used both at the hardware and the software levels.

Farsi M, Ratcliff K, Barbosa MB.  1999.  An introduction to CANopen. Computing & Control Engineering Journal. 10(4):161-168. Abstract

CANopen is a truly open protocol that has not been developed by one company alone. Several working groups, consisting of many different device manufacturers and end-users, have co-operated to produce the CANopen standards, now under the supervision of the CAN in Automation organisation. CANopen has been produced as a result of EU funding. This article gives an overview of some of the fundamental concepts of CANopen communication and of CANopen implementation.

Almeida PS.  1999.  Type-checking balloon types. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 20:1–27. Abstracttype-checking_balloon_types_1.pdf

Current data abstraction mechanisms are not adequate to control sharing of state in the general case involving objects in linked structures. The pervading possibility of sharing is a source of errors and an obstacle to language implementation techniques. Balloon types, which we have introduced in [2], are a general extension to programming languages. They make the ability to share state a rst class property of a data type. The balloon invariant expresses a strong form of encapsulation: no state reachable (directly or transitively) by a balloon object is referenced by any external object. In this paper we describe the checking mechanism for balloon types. It relies on a non-trivial static analysis, described as an abstract interpretation. Here we focus in particular on the design of the abstract domain which allows the checking mechanism to work under realistic assumptions regarding possible object aliasing.

Sousa AL, Coutinho A, Moreno CB, Moura F, Oliveira JP, Pereira JO.  1999.  Broms : Gestão Uniforme de um Parque Computacional Multi-Plataforma. Ingenium. Abstractbroms.pdf

O crescimento dos parques de máquinas pessoais levanta consideráveis problemas de administração, contrastando com o que o ocorre com recursos centralizados. Nenhuma das soluções existentes para o efeito apresenta um compromisso aceitável entre a liberdade de configuração que se espera de uma máquina pessoal e o controlo eficiente dos recursos resultante de uma gestão centralizada. Neste contexto propõe se uma solução deste dilema através da coordenação de um sistema de boot remoto avançado com um conjunto de serviços de rede. A aplicação deste sistema à gestão e manutenção de laboratórios pedagógicos demonstrou que se pode assim criar um ambiente de ensino muito mais fiável e flexível do que o tradicional.

Moreno CB, Moura F.  1998.  Improving causality logging in mobile computing networks. Mobile Computing and Communications Review. 2:62–66. Abstract10.

This paper builds on previous techniques for efficient causality logging in mobile networks and presents a lighter logging mechanism. The technique is based on a particular partial order that is generated by the interleaving of events on mobile hosts that are mediated by the same support station. I. Introduction Mobile computing systems are frequently designed as a network of fixed nodes, mobile support stations (MSS), that give connectivity to a set of mobile hosts (MH) [1]. The MSSs are interconnected by a high bandwidth wire-line network where communication costs are inexpensive. In contrast, the MHs always communicate with the mediation of a hosting MSS using a low-bandwidth wireless or phone channel where costs are at issue. This class of mobile computing systems, although excluding direct communication among MHs, models a vast range of existing systems that include wireless networks of MHs bound to local cells, and nomadic MHs that bind to different MSSs as access points to a wide area network. Distributed applications that build on this class of mobile computing systems are often modeled as a set of concurrent activities distributed among different MHs. Tracking the causal relationships among these concurrent activities is a basic mechanism for the analysis and debugging of distributed applications and a step towards the design of message delivery and replica consistency policies. It is well established [7] that in a distributed system the causal dependency can be fully characterized by the use of vector clocks [7, 2, 5]. However vector clocks are very sensitive to scalability issues since the vector size is bound to the number of activities, which are here bound to the number of MHs. Clearly, a dependency tracking mechanism that is bound to the number of MSSs an.

Moreno CB, Moura F.  1994.  Concurrency annotations in C++. ACM SigPlan Notices. 29:61–67. Abstract10.

This paper describes CA/C++, Concurrency Annotations in C++, a language extension that regulates method invocations from multiple threads of execution in a shared-memory multiprocessor system. This system provides threads as an orthogonal element to the language, allowing them to travel through more than one object. Statically type-ckecked synchronous and asynchronous method invocations are supported, with return values from asynchronous invocations accessed through first class future-like objects. Method invocations are regulated with synchronization code defined in a separate class hierarchy, allowing separate definition and inheritance of synchronization mechanisms. Each method is protected by an access flag that can be switched in pre and post-actions, and by a predicate. Both must evaluate to true in order to enable a thread to animate the method code. Flags and method predicates are independently redefinable along the inheritance chain, thus avoiding the inheritance anomaly.

Fernandes S, Barbosa LS, Cerone A.  1992.  FLOSS Communities as Learning Networks. International Journal of Information and Education Technology. 3:278-281. Abstractfbc13-iceit.pdf

This paper discusses FLOSS communities as a prime example of learning networks, i.e. informal, interconnected sets of individuals mutually supporting shared knowledge acquisition and committed to self-defined goals. In particular, it addresses how the incorporation of a web-based, certification platform for Free / Libre Open Source Software in community culture and practice may increase the community impact both as learning network and open, high-quality software producer.

Oliveira JN.  1990.  A Reification Calculus for Model-Oriented Software Specification. Formal Aspects of Computing. 2:1–23. Abstract0046352b7f39f4aa10000000.pdf

This paper presents a transformational approach to the derivation of implementations from model-oriented specifications of abstract data types.
The purpose of this research is to reduce the number of formal proofs required in model refinement, which hinder software development. It is shown to be applicable to the transformation of models written in META-IV (the specification language of VDM ) towards their refinement into, for example, PASCAL or relational DBMSs. The approach includes the automatic synthesis of retrieve functions between models, and data-type invariants.

The underlying algebraic semantics is the so-called final semantics ``à la Wand'': a specification ``is'' a model (heterogeneous algebra) which is the final object (up to isomorphism) in the category of all its implementations.

The transformational calculus approached in this paper follows from exploring the properties of finite, recursively defined sets.

This work extends the well-known strategy of program transformation to model transformation, adding to previous work on a transformational style for operation-decomposition in META-IV. The model- calculus is also useful for improving model-oriented specifications.

Calvary G, Nichols J, Campos JC, Nunes N, Campos P.  2017.  Welcome to the First Issue of PACMHCI EICS [Editorial]. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact.. 1:1:1–1:2. Abstract


Cunha A, Kindler E.  2015.  Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations. Editorship of Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations, STAF 2015. preface.pdf
Zhang Y, Jones P, Masci P.  2015.  Model Based Design and Safety Analysis of Medical Device User Interfaces. Abstract

Plain Language Synopsis: This research applies model based engineering techniques to develop novel verification and hazard analysis methods, which help manufacturers establish the quality and safety in medical device user interface designs. Artifacts produced by these methods provide evidence for regulators to quickly and objectively assess the safety of devices' interaction with users.

Abstract: Designs of medical device Human Computer Interfaces (HCI) need to be robust and appropriately reactive to user actions. There is evidence that the HCI design of some devices on the market can cause use errors and erroneously process user input, which may subsequently lead to serious patient harm. Model based engineering (MBE) technology can be used to model HCI design decisions with mathematical precision. This technology can facilitate the development of HCI models that clearly define the device's interaction behavior with users; offering a formal (mathematical) basis to reason about and verify the safety of the design. Automatic tool support is available to facilitate such reasoning and verification activities. Tool artifacts provide manufacturers and regulators an objective and scientific basis for assessing the safety of medical device user interfaces. The authors have successfully applied MBE techniques to the analysis of medical device user interfaces in two studies. In the first study, automatic model extraction was applied to the user interface software of a marketed infusion pump to produce a model that resembles the pump's use interaction behavior. Automated formal proving on the model uncovered several design flaws in the pump's user interface that could lead to severe consequences including the pump ignoring key presses that might cause patient overdose. In the second study, the authors captured the user interface software design common in medical devices with a generic user interface model. Based on this generic model, a hazard analysis technique was proposed that integrates human cognition process models and general interaction design principles to guide more comprehensive and systematic identification of design flaws in user interfaces. Preliminary experiments showed that this hazard analysis technique can identify 3 times more software-related hazards in user interface designs, compared to standard hazard analysis techniques.

Oliveira JN, Miraldo VC.  2015.  Keep definition, change category: a practical approach to state-based system calculi. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. Abstract_om15-draft.pdf

Faced with the need to quantify software (un)reliability in the presence of faults, the semantics of state-based systems is urged to evolve towards quantified (e.g. probabilistic) nondeterminism. When one is approaching such semantics from a categorical perspective, this inevitably calls for some technical elaboration, in a monadic setting.
This paper proposes that such an evolution be undertaken without sacrificing the simplicity of the original (qualitative) definitions, by keeping quantification implicit rather than explicit. The approach is a monad lifting strategy whereby, under some conditions, definitions can be preserved provided the semantics moves to another category.
The technique is illustrated by showing how to introduce probabilism in an existing software component calculus, by moving to a suitable category of matrices and using linear algebra in the reasoning.
The paper also addresses the problem of preserving monadic strength in the move from original to target (Kleisli) categories, a topic which bears relationship to recent studies in categorial physics.