I am a Professor in the Department of Informatics Engineering within FEUP and an area coordinator at the High Assurance Laboratory (HASLab) within INESC TEC. From 1994 till mid-2021 I was affiliated with the Informatics DepartmentUniversidade do Minho, where I concluded my PhD (2000) and Habilitation/Agregação (2018).

My research interests cover data management in eventual consistent settings, distributed data aggregation and causality tracking. In the last years, I have collaborated with my co-authors in the development of data summary mechanisms such as Scalable Bloom Filters, causality tracking for dynamic settings with Interval Tree Clocks and Dotted Version Vectors and in predictable eventual consistency with Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types. My recent work has been applied in the Riak distributed database, Redis CRDBs, Akka distributed data, Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB, and is running in production systems serving millions of users worldwide.

Professional Activities:

Supervisions (concluded):

  • Broadcast Cancellation in Unstructured Networks. Rui Lima. PhD, 2018.
  • Robust Distributed Data Aggregation. Paulo Jesus . PhD, 2012
  • Causality Tracking in Dynamic Distributed Systems. Victor Fonte . PhD, 2009
  • Information Search in Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Systems. Nuno Lopes. PhD, 2009

Links: DBLP, Google Scholar, ACM DL, ORCID.