I am a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Porto (DCC-FCUP) and a researcher at HASLab/INESC TECMy research interests lie in Cryptography  and Information Security and its intersection with Program Verification. 

I hold a Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Newcastle, an M.Sc. from the same University, and a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Porto. In the past I have been a visiting researcher at the University of Bristol, IT Porto and École Normale Supérieure.

I have been working on the development of high-assurance cryptographic implementations for the last 10 years, aiming to bridge the gap between theoretical security and real-world security. I am particularly interested in provable security and its interplay with the formal verification of cryptographic proofs and cryptographic software implementations. 

We are hiring! Contact me for more information on open Post-Doc and Ph.D. positions. 

My institutional contacts can be found here.