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Thesis Planning in Informatics

The main goal of the curricular unit "Thesis Planning in Informatics" is to enable each student to identify the problem to be tackled in the thesis and planning the methodology to be used in addressing this problem. In addition, the assessment by a panel of researchers provides the students with opinions and suggestions that will help them to better conduct its research work. Successful completion of this unit is mandatory for admission to the Thesis in Informatics.

To be assessed in this unit, students must:
  1. Submit the document of the Thesis Planning in Informatics, which should include:
    • the identification and motivation to the problem to be addressed;
    • the identification of the objectives to be achieved during the research;
    • the state of the art and the description of the main bibliographic references;
    • the description of the methodology to be used for treating the identified problem.
  2. Present and defend this document before a jury chaired by the director of PDINF (or his representative), together with the tutor, an internal and an external examiner, relative to UMinho.

2016/2017 school year

This year, the examination of the Thesis Planning in Informatics will occur in two moments:

[M1] at the end of the first semester (February, 2017), for the students who started the Doctoral Course in February 2016;

[M2] at the end of the second semester (September, 2017), for the students who started the Doctoral Course in September 2016.

Thus, it is established that:
  • the tutor must suggest the names for the internal and external examiners until [M1] 31st of January 2017 or [M2] 31st of July 2017, sending the information to the Direction Board;
  • the student must submit the Thesis Planning in Informatics report until [M1] 31st of January 2017 or [M2] 31st of July 2017;
  • the examination will occur between [M1] 27th of February and 3rd of March 2017 or [M2] 18th and 23rd of September 2017.

Public examination procedure

The presentation and discussion session of the Thesis Planning in Informatics report is a public event and is held at a date and time set by the Direction Board. For this public examination will be appointed a jury, chaired by the director of PDINF (or his representative), together with the tutor, an internal examiner and an external examiner. The session will last an hour, consisting of a presentation by the doctoral student never exceeding 15 minutes, following a period of questions from the internal and external examiners, with a maximum duration of 40 minutes, shared betwein the examiners and the student, finishing with the interventions of each of the other members of the jury. The result of this proof will be expressed qualitatively as FAILED or APPROVED and, in the latter case, completed by a quantitative evaluation between 10 and 20 points.


The scheduling of the thesis planning public examinations may be accessed through the PDINF Agenda.

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