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Edição 2020/2021


30 vacancies were defined for the edition of PDInf 2020/2021.

Applications and Enrollments

Starting in  September 2020
1st PHASE (Not available)    
2nd PHASE 10 to 30 July 2020 (to be defined) 12 to 18 August 2020
3rd PHASE 1 to 24 September 2020 (to be defined) 6 to 8 October 2020

NOTE: The doctoral program in Informatics is not available in the 1st phase because it is awaiting dispatch of the new study plan.

Starting in February 2021
1st PHASE 10 to 30 July 2020 (to be defined) 12 to 18 August 2020
2ND PHASE 7 to 18 July 2020 (to be defined) 25 to 29 January 2021


Th syllabus

The syllabus of the Doctoral Program in Informatics, in the academic year of 2020/2021, is made of two parts, the Doctoral Course and the Thesis in Informatics, according to the following table:

  1st semester 2nd semester
1st year Doctoral Course
corresponds to the academic year and takes place during the first two semesters of the doctoral program
2nd year Thesis in Informatics
corresponds to the doctoral thesis and takes place between the third and eighth semesters of the doctoral program
3rd year
4th year


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