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PhD in Informatics

The PhD program in Informatics of the University of Minho (PDINF) aims to train Doctors in Informatics, promoting excellence and research in this area of ​​knowledge, providing advanced quality training supported by own research and with international recognition.

The PhD in Informatics lasts for 4 academic years (8 semesters), corresponding to a total of  240 ECTS credits, according to the Curriculum Structure defined for the corresponding Study Plan.

This is a PhD program strongly focused on the Research component, a component that will begin in the first year, with the preparation and submission of a Thesis Planning in Informatics, in which the doctoral student must identify and characterize the problem to be addressed, perform a survey of state of the art and carry out research planning.

The PhD in Informatics has two editions for each academic year, coinciding with the beginning of each academic semester at the University of Minho. The 1st edition begins in September, and the 2nd edition begins in February, according to the school calendar approved by the Dean for each academic year.

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