Recent Publications

Ferreira JF, Mendes A.  2009.  Students' feedback on teaching mathematics through the calculational method. 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE'09). :1-6. Abstract2009-studentsfeedback.pdf

This paper describes a study conducted at the University of Nottingham, whose goal was to assess whether the students registered on the first-year module "Mathematics for Computer Scientists" appreciate the calculational method. The study consisted of two parts: Proof Reading and Problem Solving. The goal of "Proof Reading" was to determine what the students think of calculational proofs, compared with more conventional ones, and which are easier to verify; we also assessed how their opinions changed during the term. The purpose of "Problem Solving" was to determine if the methods taught have influenced the students' problem-solving skills. Frequent criticisms of our approach are that we are too formal and that the emphasis on syntactic manipulation hinders students' understanding. Nevertheless, the results show that most students prefer or understand better the calculational proofs. On the other hand, regarding the problem-solving questions, we observed that, in general, the students maintained their original solutions.

Clarke D, Proença J.  2009.  Coordination via Interaction Constraints I: Local Logic. Proceedings 2nd Interaction and Concurrency Experience: Structured Interactions - ICE. :17–39. Abstract0911.5445.pdf

Wegner describes coordination as constrained interaction. We take this approach literally and define a coordination model based on interaction constraints and partial, iterative and interactive constraint satisfaction. Our model captures behaviour described in terms of synchronisation and data flow constraints, plus various modes of interaction with the outside world provided byexternal constraint symbols, on-the-fly constraint generation, and coordination variables. Underlying our approach is an engine performing (partial) constraint satisfaction of the sets of constraints. Our model extends previous work on three counts: firstly, a more advanced notion of external interaction is offered; secondly, our approach enables local satisfaction of constraints with appropriate partial solutions, avoiding global synchronisation over the entire constraints set; and, as a consequence, constraint satisfaction can finally occur concurrently, and multiple parts of a set of constraints can be solved and interact with the outside world in an asynchronous manner, unless synchronisation is required by the constraints. This paper describes the underlying logic, which enables a notion of local solution, and relates this logic to the more global approach of our previous work based on classical logic.

Oliveira N, Pereira MJV, Henriques PR, da Cruz D.  2009.  Visualization of Domain-Specific Program's Behavior. Proceedings of VISSOFT 2009, 5th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis. :37–40.vissoftvdspbvcr3cameraready.pdf
Oliveira N, Henriques PR, da Cruz D, Pereira MJV.  2009.  VisualLISA: Visual Programming Environment for Attribute Grammars Specification. Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology - 2nd Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages (WAPL'2009). :689–696.wapl09_visuallisa_vf.pdf
Oliveira N, Henriques PR, da Cruz D, Pereira MJV, Mernik M, Kosar T, Črepinšek M.  2009.  Applying Program Comprehension Techniques to Karel Robot Programs. Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology - 2nd Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages (WAPL'2009). :697–704.wap09_karel_vf.pdf
Mernik M, Kosar T, Črepinšek M, Henriques PR, da Cruz D, Pereira MJV, Oliveira N.  2009.  Comparison of {XAML} and {C#} Frorms using Cognitive Dimensions Framework. INForum'09 –- Simpósio de Informática: 3rd Compilers, Programming Languages, Related Technologies and Applications (CoRTA'2009). :180–191.corta09_mernik.pdf
Oliveira N, Pereira MJV, Henriques PR, da Cruz D, Cramer B.  2009.  VisualLISA: A Domain Specific Visual Language for Attribute Grammars. INForum'09 –- I Simpósio de Informática: 3rd Compilers, Programming Languages, Related Technologies and Applications (CoRTA'2009). :155–-167.paper_4.pdf
Kosar T, Mernik M, Črepinšek M, Henriques PR, da Cruz D, Pereira MJV, Oliveira N.  2009.  Influence of domain-specific notation to program understanding. Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology - 2nd Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages (WAPL'2009). :673–680.wapl09_kosar2.pdf
Oliveira N, Henriques PR, da Cruz D, Pereira MJV.  2009.  XAGra - An XML Dialect for Attribute Grammars. INForum'09 –- Simpósio de Informática: 7th XML: Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas (XATA'2009). :409–420.xata09xagra_vf.pdf
Oliveira N, Pereira MJV, Henriques PR, daand Cruz D.  2009.  Domain-Specific Languages: a Theoretical Survey. INForum'09 –- Simpósio de Informática: 3rd Compilers, Programming Languages, Related Technologies and Applications (CoRTA'2009). :35–46.corta09dslsurvey_vf.pdf
van de Ven P, Bourke A, Tavares C, Feld R, Nelson J, Rocha A, Laighin GO.  2009.  Integration of a suite of sensors in a wireless health sensor platform. Sensors, 2009 IEEE. :1678–1683. Abstractintegration_of_a_suite_of_sensors_in_a_wireless_health_sensor_platform.pdf

In this paper we discuss the development and clinical evaluation of a wireless platform for health signs sensing. The sensors measure physical activity, ECG, blood oxygen saturation, temperature and respiratory rate. An important aspect of the approach is that the sensors are integrated into one waist-worn device. A mobile phone collects data from this device and uses data fusion in the scope of a decision support system to trigger additional measurements, classify health conditions or schedule future observations. In these decisions, the user’s current physical activity plays an important role as the validity of many health signs measurements is strongly related to physical activity. Due to the integration of the sensors and the use of data fusion it is possible to accurately identify health risks and to react promptly. During clinical trials, for which proper ethical approval was obtained, the system was used by healthy elderly volunteers in Limerick (Ireland) and Ancona (Italy). Results of these trials are also discussed in this paper.

Gonçalves RC, Sobral JL.  2009.  Pluggable Parallelization. HPDC '09: Proceedings of the 18th ACM international symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing. :11–20. Abstractgoncalves-2009.pdf

This paper presents the concept of pluggable parallelisation that allows scientists to develop “sequential like” codes that can take advantage of multi-core, cluster and grid systems. In this approach parallel applications are developed by plugging parallelisation patterns/idioms into scientific codes (e.g., “sequential like” codes), softening the move from sequential to parallel programming and promoting the separation between domain specific code and parallelisation issues. Pluggable parallelisation combines three characteristics: 1) parallelisation is performed from “outside to inside”, localising parallelisation concerns into well defined modules, reducing changes required to the domain specific code and avoiding invasive parallelisation of base code; 2) control view is separated from data view promoting a stronger separation of concerns which improves reuse of parallelisation concerns across platforms and enables fine-grained refinements; and 3) abstractions can be composed, supporting the development of more complex patterns based on fine-grained features. This paper presents the concept of pluggable parallelisation and shows how some well-known parallelisation strategies can be implemented in this approach. Results show that this is a feasible approach and performance is competitive with traditional parallel programming.

Avvenuti M, Bernardeschi C, Francesco ND, Masci P.  2009.  A tool for checking secure interaction in Java Cards. Proceedings of the 12th European Workshop on Dependable Computing, EWDC 2009 12th European Workshop on Dependable Computing, EWDC 2009. :8pages. Abstract

We present an approach based on a multilevel security policy and the theory of abstract interpretation for checking secure interaction between applications in Java Cards. The security policy is defined by the user, which assigns security levels to Java Card applications. Actual values are abstracted into security levels, and an abstract interpreter executes the bytecode of applications in the abstract domain. We show JCSI, a tool that implements the presented approach. JCSI can be used to check the binary code of Java Card.

Bernardeschi C, Masci P, Pfeifer H.  2009.  Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network Protocols in Dynamic Scenarios. SSS09, the 11th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems. 5873:105–119. Abstract

We describe an approach to the analysis of protocols for wireless sensor networks in scenarios with mobile nodes and dynamic link quality. The approach is based on the theorem proving system PVS and can be used for formal specification, automated simulation and verification of the behaviour of the protocol. In order to demonstrate the applicability of the approach, we analyse the reverse path forwarding algorithm, which is the basic technique used for diffusion protocols for wireless sensor networks.

Masci P, Tedeschi A.  2009.  Modelling and Evaluation of a Game-Theory Approach for Airborne Conflict Resolution in Omnet++. 2nd International Conference on Dependability (DEPEND09). :162–165. Abstract

Airborne self-separation is an air-traffic management concept in which pilots are allowed to select the optimal route for the aircraft in real time. In such environments, pilots are assisted by an airborne system that detects possible route conflicts with neighbouring aircraft and gives advice for maneuvering solutions to avoid conflicts. In this paper, we evaluate a game-theory approach for conflict resolutions between aircraft.We modelled the aircraft in a well established simulation framework. Preliminary results give an insight into the dependability of the approach when dealing with the lossy nature of the wireless environment.