
I am a software engineer, and an associate researcher at HASLab (INESC TEC).  My current research is focused on the design of efficient large scale analytical query processing systems.

Between May 2015 and July 2016 I was a postdoctoral researcher at HASLab, where I worked on the LeanBigData project.

I completed my PhD in 2015 at MAP-i doctoral program in Computer Science from the Universities of Minho, Aveiro, and Porto.  My PhD research was focused on the development of a conceptual framework to encode and systematize domain-specific knowledge used to develop efficient parallel applications (these ideas were implemented in the ReFlO tool).

Before, I studied Mathematics and Computer Science at University of Minho, where I got my Bachelor degree in 2008.  I also collaborated on several research projects that promoted the development of methodologies and tools to ease the process of parallelizing legacy applications.

You can check my list of publications here, and my full CV here.