Recent Publications

Campos JC, Fayollas C, Gonçalves M, Martinie C, Navarre D, Palanque P, Pinto M.  2017.  A ``More Intelligent'' Test Case Generation Approach through Task Models Manipulation. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction – EICS. 1:Article9. Abstractpacmhci-eics17-accepted.pdf

Ensuring that an interactive application allows users to perform their activities and reach their goals is critical to the overall usability of the interactive application. Indeed, the effectiveness factor of usability directly refers to this capability. Assessing effectiveness is a real challenge for usability testing as usability tests only cover a very limited number of tasks and activities. This paper proposes an approach towards automated testing of effectiveness of interactive applications. To this end we resort to two main elements: an exhaustive description of users’ activities and goals using task models, and the generation of scenarios (from the task models) to be tested over the application. However, the number of scenarios can be very high (beyond the computing capabilities of machines) and we might end up testing multiple similar scenarios. In order to overcome these problems, we propose strategies based on task models manipulations (e.g., manipulating task nodes, operator nodes, information...) resulting in a more intelligent test case generation approach. For each strategy, we investigate its relevance
(both in terms of test case generation and in terms of validity compared to the original task models) and we illustrate it with a small example. Finally, the proposed strategies are applied on a real-size case study demonstrating their relevance and validity to test interactive applications.

Campos JC, Abade T, Silva JL, Harrison MD.  2017.  Don't Go In There! Using the APEX framework in the design of Ambient Assisted Living Systems. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 8:551-566. Abstract17-jaihc-author-2.pdf

An approach to design Ambient Assisted Living systems is presented, which is based on APEX, a framework for prototyping ubiquitous environments. The approach is illustrated through the design of a smart environment within a care home for older people. Prototypes allow participants in the design process to experience the proposed design and enable developers to explore design alternatives rapidly. APEX provides the means to explore alternative environment designs virtually. The prototypes developed with APEX offered a mediating representation, allowing users to be involved in the design process. A group of residents in a city-based care home were involved in the design. The paper describes the design process as well as lessons learned for the future design of AAL systems.

Zan T, Pacheco H, Ko H, Hu Z.  2017.  BiFluX: A Bidirectional Functional Update Language for XML. 12(Information and Media Technologies):1-23.biflux.pdf
Campos JC, Sousa M, Alves M, Harrison M.  2016.  Formal Verification of a Space System's User Interface with the IVY workbench. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 46(2):303-316. Abstractthms-paper-author_version.pdf

This paper describes the application of the IVY workbench to the formal analysis of a user interface for a safety-critical aerospace system. The operation manual of the system was used as a requirement document, and this made it possible to build a reference model of the user interface, focusing on navigation between displays, the information provided by each display, and how they are interrelated. Usability-related property specification patterns were then used to derive relevant properties for verification. This paper discusses both the modeling strategy and the analytical results found using the IVY workbench. The purpose of the reference model is to provide a standard against which future versions of the interface may be assessed.

Gonçalves RC, Batory D, Sobral JL.  2016.  ReFlO: an interactive tool for pipe-and-filter domain specification and program generation. Software and Systems Modeling. 15(2):377-395. Abstract22.pdf

ReFlO is a framework and interactive tool to record and systematize domain knowledge used by experts to derive complex pipe-and-filter (PnF) applications. Domain knowledge is encoded as transformations that alter PnF graphs by refinement (adding more details), flattening (removing modular boundaries), and optimization (substituting inefficient PnF graphs with more efficient ones). All three kinds of transformations arise in reverse-engineering legacy PnF applications. We present the conceptual foundation and tool capabilities of ReFlO, illustrate how parallel PnF applications are designed and generated, and how domain-specific libraries of transformations are developed.

Jongmans S-STQ, Clarke D, Proença J.  2016.  A procedure for splitting data-aware processes and its application to coordination. Science of Computer Programming. 115-116:47-78. Abstractsplitreo-scp.pdfWebsite


J P, JO P.  2016.  Efficient Deduplication in a Distributed Primary Storage Infrastructure. ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS). 12(4):35.pp16.pdf
Lourenço CB, Frade MJ, Pinto JS.  2016.  A Single-Assignment Translation for Annotated Programs. CoRR. abs/1601.00584 Abstractsatranslation.pdfWebsite

We present a translation of While programs annotated with loop invariants into a dynamic single-assignment language with a dedicated iterating construct. We prove that the translation is sound and complete. This is a companion report to our paper Formalizing Single-assignment Program Verification: an Adaptation-complete Approach.

Macedo N, Jorge T, Cunha A.  2016.  A feature-based classification of model repair approaches. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. repair16.pdf
Almeida JB, Barbosa M, Pacheco H, Pereira V.  2016.  A Tool-Chain for High-Assurance Cryptographic Software. ERCIM News. 2016 Abstract16ercimnews.pdfWebsite

Cryptography is an inherently interdisciplinary area and the development of high-quality cryptographic software is a time-consuming task drawing on skills from mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering, only achievable by highly skilled programmers. The challenge is to map high-level cryptographic specifications phrased using mathematical abstractions into efficient implementations at the level of C or assembly that can be deployed on a target computational platform, whilst adhering to the specification both in terms of correctness and security. The High Assurance Software Laboratory at INESC-TEC maintains a domain-specific toolchain for the specification, implementation and verification of cryptographic software centred on CAO, a cryptography analyses and operations-aware language.

Fontaínhas EG, Andrade F, Almeida JB.  2016.  Do consentimento para a utilização de testemunhos de conexão (cookies). SCIENTIA IVRIDICA. 65(341):173-206. Abstract16scientiaivridica.pdf

O n.º 3 do artigo 5.º da Diretiva da Privacidade Eletrónica ( Directiva 2002/58/CE) estabelece os requisitos para o armazenamento e acesso a informação armazenada no terminal do utilizador ou assinante. Esta norma aplica-se à utilização de testemunhos de conexão (cookies), entendidos na aceção da definição dada pela norma RFC 6265 da Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

Na sua versão original, a Diretiva da Privacidade Eletrónica permitia a utilização de redes de comunicações eletrónicas para a armazenagem de informações ou para obter acesso à informação armazenada no equipamento terminal de um assinante ou utilizador, na condição de serem prestadas ao assinante ou utilizador informações claras e completas, nomeadamente sobre as finalidades do processamento e de, cumulativamente, lhe ser garantido o direito de recusar o tratamento (direito de autoexclusão ou direito de opt-out). Em 2009, a Diretiva dos Cidadãos (Diretiva 2009/136/CE) veio dar uma nova redação ao n.º 3 do artigo 5.º da Diretiva da Privacidade Eletrónica e passou a fazer depender a utilização de cookies da prévia obtenção do consentimento da pessoa em causa (direito de opt-in).

O novo requisito de consentimento veio abalar as práticas correntes no que respeita à utilização de cookies e está na base de um aceso debate sustentado pelas dúvidas acerca da sua interpretação e condições de implementação prática.

Procuramos, com este trabalho, contribuir para o esclarecimento dos conceitos de cookies e de consentimento enquanto fundamento legitimante para a sua utilização.

Ramos MVM, Almeida JB, Moreira N, de Queiroz RJGB.  2016.  Formalization of the Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages. Journal of Formalized Reasoning. 9(2):53-68. Abstract16jfr.pdfWebsite

Context-free languages are highly important in computer language processing technology as well as in formal language theory. The Pumping Lemma is a property that is valid for all context-free languages, and is used to show the existence of non context-free languages. This paper presents a formalization, using the Coq proof assistant, of the Pumping Lemma for context-free languages.

Madeira A, Neves R, Martins MA.  2016.  An exercise on the generation of many-valued dynamic logics. J. Log. Algebr. Meth. Program.. 85:1011–1037. Abstract8.pdfWebsite


Neves R, Madeira A, Martins MA, Barbosa L{\'ı}s S.  2016.  Proof theory for hybrid(ised) logics. Sci. Comput. Program.. 126:73–93. AbstractWebsite
Madeira A, Neves R, Barbosa L{\'ı}s S, Martins MA.  2016.  A method for rigorous design of reconfigurable systems. Sci. Comput. Program.. 132:50–76. AbstractWebsite