Recent Publications

Almeida JB, Pinto JS, Vilaça M.  2008.  A Tool for Programming with Interaction Nets. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 219:83-96. Abstract07tpin.pdf

This paper introduces INblobs, a visual tool developed at Minho for integrated development with Interaction Nets. Most of the existing tools take as input interaction nets and interaction rules represented in a textual format. INblobs is first of all a visual editor that allows users to edit interaction systems (both interaction nets and interaction rules) graphically, and to convert them to textual notation. This can then be used as input to other tools that implement reduction of nets. INblobs also allows the user to reduce nets within the tool, and includes a mechanism that automatically selects the next active pair to be reduced, following one of the given reduction strategies. The paper also describes other features of the tool, such as the creation of rules from pre-defined templates.

Saraiva JA, Bigonha R, Tirelo F.  2008.  Disentangling denotational semantics specifications. JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science. 14(21):3592--3607. Abstractjucs_14_21_3592_3607_tirelo.pdf

Denotational semantics is a powerful technique to formally define programming languages. However, language constructs are not always orthogonal, so many semantic equations in a definition may have to be aware of unrelated constructs semantics. Current approaches for modularity in this formalism do not address this problem, providing, for this reason, tangled semantic definitions. This paper proposes an incremental approach for denotational semantic specifications, in which each step can either add new features or adapt existing equations, by means of a formal language based on function transformation and aspect weaving.

Wang S, Barbosa LS, Ribeiro P.  2008.  An Exercise on Transition Systems. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 207:89-106. Abstractttff08-rwb.pdf

Labelled transition systems admit different but equivalent characterizations either as relational structures or coalgebras for the powerset functor, each of them with their own merits. Notions of simulation and bisimulation, for example, are expressed in the pointfree relational calculus in a very concise and precise way. On the other hand, the coalgebraic perspective regards processes as inhabitants of a final universe and allows for an intuitive definition of the semantics of process' combinators. This paper is an exercise on such a dual characterisation. In particular, it discusses how a notion of weak bisimilarity can be lifted from the relational to the coalgebraic level, to become an effective reasoning tool on coinductively defined process algebras.

Koehler C, Costa D, Proença J, Arbab F.  2008.  Reconfiguration of Reo Connectors Triggered by Dataflow. ECEASST - Electronic Communications of the EASST. 10 Abstractreconfiguration_of_reo_connectors-gt-vmt.pdf

Reo is a language for coordinating autonomous components in distributed environments. Coordination in Reo is performed by circuit-like connectors, which are constructed from primitive, mobile channels with well-defined behaviour. While the structure of a connector can be modeled as a graph, its behaviour is compositionally defined using that of its primitive constituents. In previous work, we showed that graph transformation techniques are well-suited to model reconfigurations of connectors. In this paper, we investigate how the connector colouring semantics can be used to perform dynamic reconfigurations. Dynamic reconfigurations are triggered by dataflow in the connector at runtime, when certain structural patterns enriched with dataflow annotations occur. For instance we are able to elegantly model dynamic Reo circuits, such as just-in-time augmentation of singlebuffered channels to a circuit that models a channel with an unbounded buffer. Additionally we extend Reo’s visual notation and the Reo animation language to describe and animate dynamically reconfiguring connectors.

Proença J, Clarke D.  2008.  Coordination Models Orc and Reo Compared. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 194(4):57–76. Abstractorcandreocompared.pdf

Orcand Reo are two complementary approaches to the problem of coordinating components or services. On one hand, Orc is highly asynchronous, naturally dynamic, and based on ephemeral connections to services. On the other hand, Reo is based on the interplay between synchronization and mutual exclusion, is more static, and establishes more continuous connections between components (services). The question of how Orcand Reo relate to each other naturally arises. In this paper, we present a detailed comparison between the two models. We demonstrate that embedding non-recursive Orc expressions into Reo connectors is straightforward, whereas recursive Orc expressions require an extension to the Reo model. For the other direction, we argue that embedding Reo into Orc would require signi cantly more e ort. We conclude with some general observations and comparisons between the two approaches.

Bernardeschi C, Francesco ND, Lettieri G, Martini L, Masci P.  2008.  Decomposing bytecode verification by abstract interpretation. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems. 31(1):1-63. Abstract

Bytecode verification is a key point in the security chain of the Java platform. This feature is only optional in many embedded devices since the memory requirements of the verification process are too high. In this article we propose an approach that significantly reduces the use of memory by a serial/parallel decomposition of the verification into multiple specialized passes. The algorithm reduces the type encoding space by operating on different abstractions of the domain of types. The results of our evaluation show that this bytecode verification can be performed directly on small memory systems. The method is formalized in the framework of abstract interpretation.

Almeida PS, Moreno CB, Preguiça N, Hutchison D.  2007.  Scalable bloom filters. Information Processing Letters. 101:255–261. Abstractdbloom.pdf

Bloom Filters provide space-efficient storage of sets at the cost of a probability of false positives on membership queries. The size of the filter must be defined a priori based on the number of elements to store and the desired false positive probability, being impossible to store extra elements without increasing the false positive probability. This leads typically to a conservative assumption regarding maximum set size, possibly by orders of magnitude, and a consequent space waste. This paper proposes Scalable Bloom Filters, a variant of Bloom Filters that can adapt dynamically to the number of elements stored, while assuring a maximum false positive probability.

Barbosa LS, Campos JC.  2007.  Towards a coordination model for interactive systems. Electronic Notes in Theorectical Computer Science. :73-88. Abstractbbc06_lsb.pdf

When modelling complex interactive systems, traditional interactor-based approaches suffer from lack of expressiveness regarding the composition of the different interactors present in the user interface model into a coherent system. In this paper we investigate an alternative approach to the composition of interactors for the specification of complex interactive systems which is based on the coordination paradigm. We layout the fundations for the work and present an illustrative example. Lines for future work are identified.

Carvalho N, Correia A, Pereira JO, Rodrigues L, Oliveira R, Guedes S.  2007.  On the use of a reflective architecture to augment database management systems. Journal Of Universal Computer Science. 13:1110-1135. Abstract10.

The Database Management System (DBMS) used to be a commodity software component, with well known standard interfaces and semantics. However, the performance and reliability expectations being placed on DBMSs have increased the demand for a variety add-ons, that augment the functionality of the database in a wide range of deployment scenarios, offering support for features such as clustering, replication, and selfmanagement, among others. The effectiveness of such extensions largely rests on closely matching the actual needs of applications, hence on a wide range of tradeoffs and configuration options out of the scope of traditional client interfaces. A well known software engineering approach to systems with such requirements is reflection. Unfortunately, standard reflective interfaces in DBMSs are very limited (for instance, they often do not support the desired range of atomicity guarantees in a distributed setting). Some of these limitations may be circumvented by implementing reflective features as a wrapper to the DBMS server. Unfortunately, this solutions comes at the expense of a large development effort and significant performance penalty. In this paper we propose a general purpose DBMS reflection architecture and interface, that supports multiple extensions while, at the same time, admitting efficient implementations. We illustrate the usefulness of our proposal with concrete examples, and evaluate its cost and performance under different implementation strategies.

Rivière E, Baldoni R, Li H, Pereira JO.  2007.  Compositional gossip: a conceptual architecture for designing gossip-based applications. Operating Systems Review. 41:43–50. Abstractrblp-osr.pdf

Most proposed gossip-based systems use an ad-hoc design. We observe a low degree of reutilization among this proposals. We present how this limits both the systematic development of gossip-based applications and the number of applications that can benefit from gossip-based construction. We posit that these reinvent-the-wheel approaches poses a significant barrier to the spread and usability of gossip protocols. This paper advocates a conceptual design framework based upon aggregating basic and predefined building blocks BD 2. We show how to compose building blocks within our framework to construct more complex blocks to be used in gossip-based applications. The concept is further depicted with two gossip-based applications described using our building blocks.

Almeida JB, Pinto JS, Vilaça M.  2007.  A Local Graph-rewriting System for Deciding Equality in Sum-product Theories. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 176(1):139-163. Abstract06sum-product.pdf

In this paper we give a graph-based decision procedure for a calculus with sum and product types. Although our motivation comes from the Bird-Meertens approach to reasoning algebraically about functional programs, the language used here can be seen as the internal language of a category with binary products and coproducts. As such, the decision procedure presented has independent interest.
A standard approach based on term rewriting would work modulo a set of equations; the present work proposes a simpler approach, based on graph-rewriting. We show in turn how the system covers reflection equational laws, fusion laws, and cancellation laws.

Barbosa LS.  2007.  Configurations of Web Services. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 175:39-57. Abstractbbfoclasa06_lsb.pdf

The quest for sound foundations for the orchestration of web services is still open. To a great extent its relevance comes from the possibility of defining formal semantics for new language standards (like BPEL4WS or WS-CDL) in this emerging and challenging technology. As a step in that direction, this paper resorts to a notion of configuration, developed by the authors in the context of a Reo-like exogenous coordination model for software components, to formally express service orchestration. The latter is regarded as involving both the architectural assembly of independent services and the description of their interactions.

Barbosa LS.  2007.  An Orchestrator for Dynamic Interconnection of Software Components. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 181:49-61. Abstract1-s2.0-s1571066107003684-main.pdf

Composing and orchestrating software components is a fundamental concern in modern software engineering. This paper addresses the possibility of such orchestration being dynamic, in the sense that the structure of component's interconnection patterns can change at run-time. The envisaged approach extends previous work by the authors on the use of coalgebraic models for the specification of software connectors.

Rodrigues N, Barbosa LS.  2007.  Higher-Order Lazy Functional Slicing. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 13:854–873. Abstract10.

Abstract: Program slicing is a well known family of techniques intended to identify and isolate code fragments which depend on, or are depended upon, specific program entities. This is particularly useful in the areas of reverse engineering, program understanding, testing and software maintenance. Most slicing methods, and corresponding tools, target either the imperative or the object oriented paradigms, where program slices are computed with respect to a variable or a program statement. Taking a complementary point of view, this paper focuses on the slicing of higher-order functional programs under a lazy evaluation strategy. A prototype of a Haskell slicer, built as proof-of-concept for these ideas, is also introduced.

Avvenuti M, Corsini P, Masci P, Vecchio A.  2007.  An application adaptation layer for wireless sensor networks. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 3:413–438. Abstract

In wireless sensor networks, poor performance or unexpected behavior may be experienced for several reasons, such as trivial deterioration of sensing hardware, unsatisfactory implementation of application logic, or mutated network conditions. This leads to the necessity of changing the application behavior after the network has been deployed. Such flexibility is still an open issue as it can be achieved either at the expense of significant energy consumption or through software complexity. This paper describes an approach to adapt the behavior of running applications by intercepting the calls made to the operating system services and changing their effects at run-time. Customization is obtained through small fragments of interpreted bytecode, called adaptlets, injected into the network by the base station. Differently from other approaches, where the entire application is interpreted, adaptlets are tied only to specific services, while the bulk of the application is still written in native code. This makes our system able to preserve the compactness and efficiency of native code and to have little impact on the overall application performance. Also, applications must not be rewritten because the operating system interfaces are unaffected. The adaptation layer has been implemented in the context of TinyOS using an instruction set inspired to the Java bytecode. Examples that illustrate the programming of the adaptation layer are presented together with their experimental validation.