Toward dependable interactive systems


By Camille Fayollas, Université de Toulouse, France.

Abstract. Engineering interactive systems for safety critical applications such as in avionic digital cockpits (and more generally Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)) is a challenge from a dependability viewpoint. The dependability of the user interface and its related hardware and software components must be consistent with the criticality of the functions to be controlled. This talk will introduce the challenges existing for using interactive systems for the command and control of critical functions. This talk will then present and a dual approach based on fault prevention and fault tolerance for dealing with system faults both at development and run time. Firstly, we propose a model-based approach to describe in a complete and unambiguous way interactive software components to prevent as much as possible development software faults. Secondly, we propose a fault tolerant approach to deal with operational natural faults. This is achieved through the implementation of a fault tolerant architecture based on the principle of self-checking components.

Keywords. Software engineering, Interactive Systems, Dependability, Aircraft cockpits.

About the speaker. Camille Fayollas is a temporary assistant professor in Computer Science at National Polytechnic Institute (University of Toulouse, INP-ENSEEIHT), France. She completed her PhD, focusing on a Generic Software Architecture and a Model-Based Approach for the Dependability of Critical Interactive Systems in July 2015. Her research involves techniques, notations and tools to analyse dependability and fault-tolerance of interactive critical systems.


Address:  University of Minho, Gualtar campus, Braga, Portugal.

Building. Departamento de Informatica, Building 07.

Coffee session: at 1:30PM-2PM, Sala de Estar, 4th floor.

Talks session: at 2PM-2:45PM, Auditório 2, first floor.