SSQSA: Set of Software Quality Static Analyzers


By Gordana Rakić, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Systematic application of static analysis techniques from the earliest development phases can significantly improve the quality of a software product. The main problem in this direction lays in limitations and inappropriateness of involved tools (e.g. input language dependency). This issue becomes more important in modern software projects when products become more complex and heterogeneous (diversity of functionalities, variety of computer languages and technologies used, etc.). Because of that, consistency in static analysis becomes more important than it was earlier. SSQSA: Set of Software Quality Static Analyzers is an example of a platform for static analysis which can make multiple steps towards the overcome of the discovered difficulties in the field. It is developed with an intention to fill the gaps noticed while analysis of available tools.

About the Speaker:
Gordana Rakić holds a position of assistant professor at Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, since 2016. She has got all her degrees at Faculty of Sciences University of Novi Sad: B.Sc. degree in informatics in 2006, M.Sc. degree in business informatics in 2010, and PhD degree in computer science in 2015. Her research interests are in software engineering, software quality, static analysis and computer languages. She participated in several ongoing and completed research projects of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, an international project. She has published more than 40 scientific papers, given more than 20 workshop presentations, and received more than 30 exchange grants for research and teaching visits at different Universities in Europe through different programs. She has participated in the organization of several international scientific conferences, symposia and workshops, as a member, secretary, co-chair, and chair of the organizing and program committees. In the period 2011 - 2013 she was one of the managing editors of "ComSIS: Computer Science and Information Systems" journal. Currently. she serves as a member of the Review committee of The Programming Journal and the Program committee of Programming Conference.


Address:  University of Minho, Gualtar Campus, Braga, Portugal

Building: Departamento de Informatica, Building 07

Networking Session: 01:45 PM, Auditorium A2, First floor

Talk Session: 02:00 PM, Auditorium A2, First floor