Reviewing Human Robot Interaction, 17 Jun 2015


By Prof. Michael Harrison, Newcastle University, QMUL, and HASLab.

Abstract. While human robot interaction research often focuses on assessing the risks of collision between robots and people, there are many other issues of importance that are also the subject of research. The talk will review topics such as function allocation, adaptive automation and social issues such as co-operation, etiquette and multi-modal interactions. All these topics raise new issues for risk assessment. The talk is a preliminary review of these topics and will briefly touch on relevant issues for formal specification.

Keywords. Human robot interaction; interactive systems; formal methods.

A short bio. Michael Harrison is Emeritus Professor of Informatics at Newcastle University, research fellow at QMUL, and research fellow University of Minho March – June 2015. He has visiting professorships at University College London and Swansea University. His research focuses on the systematic analysis of the functional behaviour of interactive systems using a combination of model checking and automated theorem proving techniques. Michael has substantial project management experience including EPSRC and EU projects while professor at the University of York. He was programme chair of the international workshop on Designing Specifying and Verifying Interactive Systems (DSVIS’05) in 2005 and of the International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP 2008) and has given invited presentations at the Portuguese HCI conference (2007), panels at EDCC (2005, 2008), invited presentations at IFIP 10.4 (2004, 2009). He has been technical chair and papers chair as well as currently chair of the steering committee for the ACM Conference: Engineering Interactive Computer Systems.

Coffee session: at 1:30PM-2PM, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor

Talks session: at 2PM, Auditório A2, 1st Floor