
Barbosa LS.  2005.  A Perspective on Component Refinement. Formal Methods for Components and Objects, Third International Symposium, FMCO 2004, Leiden, The Netherlands, November 2 - 5, 2004, Revised Lectures. 3657:23–48. Abstract

This paper provides an overview of an approach to coalgebraic modelling and refinement of state-based software components, summing up some basic results and introducing a discussion on the interplay between behavioural and classical data refinement. The approach builds on coalgebra theory as a suitable tool to capture observational semantics and to base an abstract characterisation of possible behaviour models for components (from partiality to different degrees of non-determinism).

Ferreira JF, Sobral JL.  2005.  ParC#: Parallel Computing with C# in .NET. Parallel Computing Technologies (LNCS 3606). Abstract

This paper describes experiments with the development of a parallel computing platform on top of a compatible C# implementation: the Mono project. This implementation has the advantage of running on both Windows and UNIX platforms and has reached a stable state. This paper presents performance results obtained and compares these results with implementations in Java/RMI. The results show that the Mono network performance, critical for parallel applications, has greatly improved in recent releases, that it is superior to the Java RMI and is close to the performance of the new Java nio package. The Mono virtual machine is not yet so highly tuned as the Sun JVM and Thread scheduling needs to be improved. Overall, this platform is a new alternative to explore in the future for parallel computing.

Oliveira JN, Rodrigues C.  2004.  Transposing Relations: from Maybe Functions to Hash Tables. MPC - 7th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction. 3125:334-356. Abstract

Functional transposition is a technique for converting relations into functions aimed at developing the relational algebra via the algebra of functions. This paper attempts to develop a basis for generic transposition. Two instances of this construction are considered, one applicable to any relation and the other applicable to simple relations only. Our illustration of the usefulness of the generic transpose takes advantage of the free theorem of a polymorphic function. We show how to derive laws of relational combinators as free theorems of their transposes. Finally, we relate the topic of functional transposition with the hashing technique for efficient data representation.

Pereira JO, Rodrigues L, Oliveira R.  2002.  Semantically Reliable Broadcast: Sustaining High Throughput in Reliable Distributed Systems. Concurrency in Dependable Computing. Abstract

Replicated services are often required to sustain high loads of multiple concurrent requests. This requirement is hard to balance with strong consistency. Typically, to ensure inter-replica consistency, all replicas should receive all updates. Unfortunately, in this case, a single slow replica may degrade the performance of the whole system. This paper proposes a novel reliable broadcast primitive that uses semantic knowledge to weaken reliable delivery guarantees while, at the same time, ensuring strong consistency at the semantic level. By allowing some obsolete messages to be dropped, the protocol that implements this primitive is able to sustain a higher throughput than a fully reliable broadcast protocol. The usefulness of the primitive and the performance of the protocol are illustrated through a concrete example.

Noble J, Vitek J, Lea D, Almeida PS.  1999.  Aliasing in object oriented systems. Object-Oriented Technology ECOOP’99 Workshop Reader. :793–793. Abstract

This chapter contains summaries of the presentations given at the Intercontinental Workshop on Aliasing in Object-Oriented Systems (IWAOOS’99) at the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP’99) which was held in Lisbon, Portugal on June 15, 1999.

Almeida PS.  1997.  Balloon types: Controlling sharing of state in data types. ECOOP'97—Object-Oriented Programming. :32–59. Abstract

Current data abstraction mechanisms are not adequate to control sharing of state in the general case involving objects in linked structures. The pervading possibility of sharing is a source of errors and an obstacle to language implementation techniques.
We present a general extension to programming languages which makes the ability to share state a first class property of a data type, resolving a long-standing flaw in existing data abstraction mechanisms.
Balloon types enforce a strong form of encapsulation: no state reachable (directly or transitively) by a balloon object is referenced by any external object. Syntactic simplicity is achieved by relying on a non-trivial static analysis as the checking mechanism.
Balloon types are applicable in a wide range of areas such as program transformation, memory management and distributed systems. They are the key to obtaining self-contained composite objects, truly opaque data abstractions and value types—important concepts for the development of large scale, provably correct programs.

Cledou G, Barbosa L.  Submitted.  Modeling Families of Public Licensing Services: A Case Study. FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (FormaliSE). formalise2017.pdf
Neves F, Vilaça R, Pereira JO, Oliveira R.  Submitted.  Prepared Scan: Efficient Retrieval of Structured Data from HBase. {Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, Sac 2017, Marrakech, Morocco, April 3-7, 2017}. {Part F128005}:{462-464}. Abstractp462-neves.pdf


Cledou G, Nakajima S.  2019.  A Net-Based Formal Framework for Causal Loop Diagrams. Complex Systems Design {&} Management Asia. :1–12. Abstractcsdm2018.pdf

Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs) are a modeling tool employed in Business Dynamics. Such a diagram consists of many tightly coupled loops to capture dynamic behavior of systems. Intuitive operational semantics, describing how changes are propagated among the loops, provide a basis for model animation or manual inspection. They are, however, not precise enough to enable automated property checking. This paper proposes and defines a net-based formal framework, showing true concurrency, so that automated analysis is made possible.

Santos A, Cunha A, Macedo N.  2019.  Static-time Extraction and Analysis of the ROS. Abstractros_model.pdf

The Robot Operating System (ROS) is one of the most popular open source robotic frameworks, and has contributed significantly to the fast development of robotics. Even though ROS provides many ready-made components, a robotic system is inherently complex, in particular regarding the architecture and orchestration of such components. Availability and analysis of a system’s architecture at compile time is fundamental to ease comprehension and development of higher-quality software. However, ROS developers have to overcome this complexity relying mostly on testing and runtime visualisers. This work aims to enhance static-time support by proposing, firstly, a metamodel to describe the software architecture of ROS systems (the ROS Computation
Graph) and, secondly, model extraction and visualisation tools for such architectural models. The provided tools allow users to specify custom-made queries over these models, enabling the static verification of relevant properties that had to be (manually) checked at runtime before.

Lourenço CB, Frade MJ, Pinto JS.  2019.  A generalized program verification workflow based on loop elimination and {SA} form. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering, FormaliSE@ICSE 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 27, 2019.. :75–84. Abstractmain.pdf

This paper presents a minimal model of the func- tioning of program verification and property checking tools based on (i) the encoding of loops as non-iterating programs, either conservatively, making use of invariants and assume/assert commands, or in a bounded way; and (ii) the use of an intermediate single-assignment (SA) form. The model captures the basic workflow of tools like Boogie, Why3, or CBMC, building on a clear distinction between operational and axiomatic semantics. This allows us to consider separately the soundness of program annotation, loop encoding, translation into SA form, and verification condition (VC) generation, as well as appropriate notions of completeness for each of these processes.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first formalization of a bounded model checking of software technique, including soundness and completeness proofs using Hoare logic; we also give the first completeness proof of a deductive verification tech- nique based on a conservative encoding of invariant-annotated loops with assume/assert in SA form, as well as the first soundness proof based on a program logic.

Cledou G, Proença J, Sputh BHC, Verhulst E.  2019.  Coordination of Tasks on a Real-Time OS. Coordination Models and Languages. :250–266. Abstract

VirtuosoNext{\$}{\$}^{\{}{\backslash}text {\{}TM{\}}{\}}{\$}{\$}is a distributed real-time operating system (RTOS) featuring a generic programming model dubbed Interacting Entities. This paper focuses on these interactions, implemented as so-called Hubs. Hubs act as synchronisation and communication mechanisms between the application tasks and implement the services provided by the kernel as a kind of Guarded Protected Action with a well defined semantics. While the kernel provides the most basic services, each carefully designed, tested and optimised, tasks are limited to this handful of basic hubs, leaving the development of more complex synchronization and communication mechanisms up to application specific implementations. In this work we investigate how to support a programming paradigm to compositionally build new services, using notions borrowed from the Reo coordination language, and relieving tasks from coordination aspects while delegating them to the hubs. We formalise the semantics of hubs using an automata model, identify the behaviour of existing hubs, and propose an approach to build new hubs by composing simpler ones. We also provide tools and methods to analyse and simplify hubs under our automata interpretation. In a first experiment several hub interactions are combined into a single more complex hub, which raises the level of abstraction and contributes to a higher productivity for the programmer. Finally, we investigate the impact on the performance by comparing different implementations on an embedded board.

Bernardeschi C, Masci P, Santone A.  2018.  Data Leakage in Java applets with Exception Mechanism. Proceedings of Italian Conference on Cyber-Security (ITASEC18). CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2018, to appear)santone.pdf
Bernardeschi C, Masci P, Caramella D, Dell'Osso R.  2018.  The benefits of using interactive device simulations as training material for clinicians: an experience report with a contrast media injector used in CT. Medical Cyber Physical Systems Workshop 2018. SIGBED Review newsletter (2018, to appear)stellant-v3.pdf
Silva CC, Masci P, Zhang Y, Jones P, Campos JC.  2018.  A Use Error Taxonomy for Improving Human-Machine Interface Design in Medical Devices. Medical Cyber Physical Systems Workshop 2018. SIGBED Review newsletter (2018, to appear)mcps-taxonomy-v3g.pdf