
Coelho F, Matos M, Pereira JO, Oliveira R.  2017.  Similarity Aware Shuffling for the Distributed Execution of SQL Window Functions : BPA. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems - 17th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2017, Held as Part of the 12th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2017, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, June 1. :3–18. Abstract


Maia F, Paulo J, Coelho F, Neves F, Pereira JO, Oliveira R.  2017.  DDFlasks: Deduplicated Very Large Scale Data Store. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems - 17th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2017, Held as Part of the 12th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2017, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, June 1. :51–66. Abstract


Masci P, Zhang Y, Jones P, Campos JC.  2017.  A Hazard Analysis Method for Systematic Identification of Safety Requirements for User Interface Software in Medical Devices. 15th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2017). LNCS, volume 10469, Springer Abstractsefm17-cameraready.pdf

Formal methods technologies have the potential to verify the usability and safety of user interface (UI) software design in medical devices, enabling significant reductions in use errors and consequential safety incidents with such devices. This however depends on comprehensive and verifiable safety requirements to leverage these techniques for detecting and preventing flaws in UI software that can induce use errors. This paper presents a hazard analysis method that extends Leveson's System Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) with a comprehensive set of causal factor categories, so as to provide developers with clear guidelines for systematic identification of use-related hazards associated with medical devices, their causes embedded in UI software design, and safety requirements for mitigating such hazards. The method is evaluated with a case study on the Gantry-2 radiation therapy system, which demonstrates that 1) as compared to standard STPA, our method allowed us to identify more UI software design issues likely to cause use-related hazards; and 2) the identified UI software design issues facilitated the definition of precise, verifiable safety requirements for UI software, which could be readily formalized in verification tools such as Prototype Verification System (PVS).

Pereira R, Carção T, Couto M, Cunha J, Fernandes JP, Saraiva J.  2017.  Helping Programmers Improve the Energy Efficiency of Source Code. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion. :238–240. Abstract
Pereira R.  2017.  Locating Energy Hotspots in Source Code. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion. :88–90. Abstract
Rahhal C, Yactine H.  2017.  Semantic Wikis Distributed on Structured Peer-to-Peer Networks. The Fourth International Conference on Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Education Technologies (CSCEET2017) . semantic wikis distributed on structured p2p networks.pdf
Gonçalves R, Almeida PS, Moreno CB, Fonte V.  2017.  DottedDB: Anti-Entropy without Merkle Trees, Deletes without Tombstones. 36th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems . Abstractdotteddb_srds.pdf

To achieve high availability in the face of network partitions, many distributed databases adopt eventual consistency, allow temporary conflicts due to concurrent writes, and use some form of per-key logical clock to detect and resolve such conflicts. Furthermore, nodes synchronize periodically to ensure replica convergence in a process called anti-entropy, normally using Merkle Trees. We present the design of DottedDB, a Dynamo-like key-value store, which uses a novel node-wide logical clock framework, overcoming three fundamental limitations of the state of the art: (1) minimize the metadata per key necessary to track causality, avoiding its growth even in the face of node churn; (2) correctly and durably delete keys, with no need for tombstones; (3) offer a lightweight anti-entropy mechanism to converge replicated data, avoiding the need for Merkle Trees. We evaluate DottedDB against MerkleDB, an otherwise identical database, but using per-key logical clocks and Merkle Trees for anti-entropy, to precisely measure the impact of the novel approach. Results show that: causality metadata per object always converges rapidly to only one id-counter pair; distributed deletes are correctly achieved without global coordination and with constant metadata; divergent nodes are synchronized faster, with less memory-footprint and with less communication overhead than using Merkle Trees.

Pontes R, Pinto M, Barbosa M, Vilaça R, Matos M, Oliveira R.  2017.  Performance trade-offs on a secure multi-party relational database. Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, {SAC} 2017, Marrakech, Morocco, April 3-7, 2017. :456–461. Abstract
Pontes R, Burihabwa D, Maia F, Paulo J, Schiavoni V, Felber P, Mercier H, Oliveira R.  2017.  SafeFS: a modular architecture for secure user-space file systems: one {FUSE} to rule them all. Proceedings of the 10th {ACM} International Systems and Storage Conference, {SYSTOR} 2017, Haifa, Israel, May 22-24, 2017. :9:1–9:12. Abstract
Nunes A, Couto R, Pacheco H, Bessa R, Gouveia C, Seca L, Moreira J, Nunes P, Matos P, Oliveira A.  2017.  Towards new data management platforms for a DSO as market enabler – UPGRID Portugal demo. cired_2017.pdf
Proença J, Moreno CB.  2017.  Quality-Aware Reactive Programming for the Internet of Things. 7th IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering. quarp.pdf
Halder R, Proença J, Macedo N, Santos A.  2017.  Formal Verification of ROS-based Robotic Applications using Timed-Automata. FME Workshop on Formal Methods In Software Engineering. ros-formalise17.pdf
Harrison MD, Drinnan M, Campos JC, Masci P, Freitas L, Di Maria C, Whitaker M.  2017.  Safety analysis of software components of a dialysis machine using model checking. 14th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) vol. 10487 Abstractpaper_7.pdf

The paper describes the practical use of a model checking technique to contribute to the risk analysis of a new paediatric dialysis machine. The formal analysis focuses on one component of the system, namely the table-driven software controller which drives the dialysis cycle and deals with error management. The analysis provided evidence of the verification of risk control measures relating to the software component. The paper describes the productive dialogue between the developers of the device, who had no experience or knowledge of formal methods, and an analyst who had experience of using the formal analysis tools. There were two aspects to this dialogue. The first concerned the translation of safety requirements so that they preserved the meaning of the requirement. The second involved understanding the relationship between the software component under analysis and the broader concern of the system as a whole. The paper focuses on the process, highlighting how the team recognised the advantages over a more traditional testing approach.

Palmieri M, Bernardeschi C, Masci P.  2017.  Co-simulation of semi-autonomous systems: the Line Follower Robot case study. 1st Workshop on Formal Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CoSim-CPS), LNCS Springer. 10729 Abstractcosim-cps-17_paper_4.pdf

Semi-autonomous systems are capable of sensing their environment and perform their tasks autonomously, but they may also be supervised by humans. The shared manual/automatic control makes the dynamics of such systems more complex, and undesirable and hardly predictable behaviours can arise from human-machine interaction. When these systems are used in critical applications, such as autonomous driving or robotic surgery, the identification of conditions that may lead the system to violate safety requirements is of main concern, since people actually entrust their life on them. In this paper, we extend an FMI-based co-simulation framework for cyber-physical systems with the possibility of modelling semi-autonomous robots. Co-simulation can be used to gain more insights on the system under analysis at early stages of system development, and to highlight the impact of human interaction on safety. This approach is applied to the Line Follower Robot case study, available in the INTO-CPS project.

Pinto M, Goncalves M, Masci P, Campos JC.  2017.  TOM: a Model-Based GUI Testing framework. 14th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software. 10487 Abstractpaper_25.pdf

Applying model-based testing to interactive systems enables the systematic testing of the system by automatically simulating user actions on the user interface. It reduces the cost of (expensive) user testing by identifying implementations errors without the involvement of human users, but raises a number of specific challenges, such as how to achieve good coverage of the actual use of the system during the testing process. This paper describes TOM, a model-based testing framework that uses a combination of tools and mutation testing techniques to maximize testing of user interface behaviors