Minho Aveiro Porto
  • Fees and financial support
Universidade do Minho
Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade do Porto

MAP-fis Fees

The annual fee is 2750€ per academic year. FCT, IDPASC and Research Center PhD  grants include the program tuition  fees, payed directly to the institution.   An application fee may also be applied. 

If you are financing yourself, it is usually possible to pay the annual fees in two or three installments.

Research Grants / Scholarships

  • MAP-fis grants (ended 2017)

Portugal's Science Funding Agency, FCT,  launched a competitive call for doctoral programs at the beginning of 2013. MAP-fis was awarded a number of PhD grants for the next 4 editions. This program was extended for one year and MAP-fis awarded 5 phD grants in 2017. The FCT program for direct financing of Doctoral programs has ended

  • Research Center Grants 

From 2020 onwards PhD grants will be awarded by research centers. The research Centers associated with MAP-fis (MAP-fis research centers) applied  for several PhD grants per year for MAP-fis. This grant program will finance students of MAP-fis from 2020-2021 onwards.

Research Centers associated with MAP-fis are now announcing or about to announce PhD grants that may be awarded to students registered in MAP-fis. These announcements will be published in the ERA careers portal.


Currently the Following Calls for PhD grants  are open:

Centro de Física da Universidade do Minho e Porto, CF-UM-UP:

Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL)
The work is to be carried out at INL, in the Quantum Portuguese Inictiative,   but students must be enrolled in an accredited PhD program like MAP-fis.

I3N - Aveiro
  • a PhD schollarship for MAP-fis will be announced soon.

FCT PhD grants (BD)

Applicants may apply to  FCT annual  call for regular PhD grants (referenced as BDs). Calls usually happen in the beginning of the civil year, The application is made online  and requires previous registration with FCT. Please refer to FCT website for dates and instructions on how to apply. These grants  take some months to be decided,

  • IDPASC PhD grants

MAP-fis is part of a consortium of doctoral programs,  IDPASC,  dedicated to the areas of Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology. Students of MAp-fis intending to carry their work in these areas are elligible do IDPASC grants.

Check the IDPASC web site for details.

Although accumulation of grants is obviously not allowed, MAP-fis applicants are encouraged to to apply to these alternative possibilities of financing.

FCT applications require indication of a supervisor and of a detailed work plan. Contact us if you need assistance concerning this matter. You may also contact directly researchers in the MAP-fis research centers to inquire about their interest in your collaboration.

  • FCT industrial partnership grants (BDE)

This possibility is open permanently. It is possible to apply directly to FCT for a PhD research grant involving an industrial partner. You will need a supervisor from MAP-fis, a company interested in supporting you and a research project that is of interest to all parties and suitable for a PhD. The value of a BDE grant is the same as the BD grants, but half of which is paid by the company involved in the research project. Please visit the FCT and ADI websites for more information on these scholarships.

Funding Institutions

FCT: http://www.fct.mctes.pt/pt/apoios/bolsas

IDPASC: http://www.idpasc.lip.pt/

ADI: http://www.adi.pt/BDE.htm