Minho Aveiro Porto
  • Overview
Universidade do Minho
Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade do Porto


The MAP Doctoral Program in Physics is organized within the Bologna scheme (3rd cycle) and corresponds to 180 units in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

As of 2020-21 (just pending publication in Diário da República, the journal where all laws and official decisions are published)  the study plan has been simplified. It now comprises one semester of courses with 30 ECTS and a thesis of 150 ECTS.

The core of MAP-fis is the Doctoral thesis. Students are expected to carry out a research project, under the supervision of MAP-fis staff (Professors and/or Researchers), and produce original research, of publication quality.

The following Curricular units occupy the first semester, from September to March.

  • Advanced Physics Topics I (12 ECTS)
A set of modular advanced courses,  tailored to the needs of each student. They take the form of lecture courses or reading assignments. Students have to choose  a minimum of four modular courses, and must gain approval in at least 3.
  • Essay (12 ECTS)
A supervised and critical literature research, leading to an written  essay on a topic of interest to the future research in the thesis. The essay is defended in a public presentation and should present a coherent work proposal for a PhD thesis.Presentations at the end of March.
  • Entrepeneurship (3 ECTS)
A short intensive course on knowledge and technology transfer, and its economic value.
  • Communication in Science (3ECTS)
A practical course emphasizing communication skills, written and oral.

To register for the thesis students must have completed APT I  and the Essay.

A detailed description of  the courses and Essay themes that were available in previous editions are available in this site

 MAP universities have agreed upon a general model, in which the curricular part is taught entirely in one of the institutions, rotating each year between Minho, Aveiro and Porto.

The 2020-2021 edition  of the curricular part 
will take place in Porto at the
Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto

Each student will receive individual guidance from a director of studies, who will advise on a suitable thesis supervisor and possibly a co-supervisor.

Thesis submission and defense follow standard international practice. A student will be awarded a doctorate degree, in the form of a joint PhD degree by the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto if the thesis is judged to represent an original contribution to the knowledge in the chosen area of study.

In addition, the student can simultaneously be awarded a doctorate/PhD degree by a foreign university, in the case of the thesis being co-tutored following an agreement between the MAP universities and the foreign institution.