Minho Aveiro Porto
  • Admissions
Universidade do Minho
Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade do Porto
Applications for the 2019-20 open until 

How to apply to MAP-fis?

To apply refer to this application page.

You will be required to create a Login in the Information System of Porto University

The number of positions is 30.

In the application the following documents will be required:

Copies of academic transcripts;
    • First degree certificate with final grade;
    •  MSc degree certificate with final grade if you have one. If you have not yet completed the MSc but expect to do by September 30th ,  submit a transcript of your grades so far. MSc grades will only count if you complete the master by  the registration data (not applications date). Degrees of foreign Universities must have been previously recognised by Direção Geral do Ensino Superior or by a Portuguese Higher Education Institution,  See the DGES site https://www.dges.gov.pt/en/pagina/degree-and-diploma-recognition
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Letter of intent  describing why you  wish to enroll in the MAP-fis program; This letter should contain a description of the research you would like to carry on in MAP-fis;
  • Photocopy of Identity document (passport, citizen card);
  •  Make sure you have three reference letters on you behalf mailed to fmartins@fc.up.pt.

2020/21  edition  dates

  • Applications will be open  until the July 10th;
  • Preliminary results of applications are announced by July 31st;
  • Applicant's may file preliminary hearing appeals from 03/08/2020 until  14/08/2020;
  • Definitive ranking by 04/09/2020;
  • Classes scheduled to begin by 21/09/2020.

Opportunities for grants

MAP-fis has been considered a program of excellence by FCT, the Portuguese Government Science and Technology funding agency,  It was  funded with grants from  2013-2017. FCT direct  finnancing of Doctoral programs has ended-

From 2020 onwards grants will be awarded by the research centers. Research Centers associated with MAP-fis are now announcing or about to announce PhD grants that may be awarded to students registered in MAP-fis. These announcements will be published in the ERA careers portal.


Currently the Following Calls for PhD grants  available to MAP-fis students are open:

Centro de Física da Universidade do Minho e Porto, CF-UM-UP:

FCT also  has   a National Call for PhD grants, in the beginning of the year, but again the next call should be for students starting in 2021-2022.

In addition,  MAP-fis a part of the consortium of Doctoral Programs IDPASC , and MAP-fis applicants in the fields of

  • Particle Physics;
  • Astrophysics; 
  • Cosmology
are also elligible to apply to IDPASC grants. Check the IDPASC web site for details.

If you apply to the FCT national call,  or the 
IDPASC call for grants, or any of
the research Center Grants, you must still apply
to entry in the MAP-fis Program.

Please visit section on *Fees and financial support* for a more detailed description on research grant opportunities and application.

Questions and further inquiries should be directed to