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- New paper accepted for publication at Int. J. Human-Computer Studies: Prototyping and Analysing Ubiquitous Computing Environments using Multiple Layers.
- New paper at EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems, A Virtual Environment based Serious Game to Support Health Education.
- Two new MSc thesis: 3D Virtual Environments' Generation by Tiago Gomes and Responsive Web Design by Ana Isabel Sampaio.
- Award: José Luís Silva's thesis won the Best Iberian Thesis Award! Congratulations.
- New MSc thesis: Simulating Ubiquitous Computing Environments by Samuel Moreira
- New PhD: Rapid Prototyping of Ubiquitous Computing Environments by José Luís Silva. Congratulations José!
- 2nd year Project workshop happening November 6-7, 2012.
- Two new papers at SEW: Guidelines for Modelling Reactive Systems with Coloured Petri Nets by Gonçalves and Fernandes; and A Java based PSM/PIM and pattern inference approach by Couto el al.
- New paper at MOMPES: MapIt: A model based pattern recovery tool by Couto et al.
- New MSc thesis: Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação web para dispositivos móveis by Joaquim Anacleto
- New paper at Formal H: Modelling and systematic analysis of interactive systems by M.D. Harrison et al.
- New paper at EICS 2012: Formal analysis of Ubiquitous Computing environments through the APEX framework by J.L. Silva et al.
- New MSc thesis: Integrating a 3D application server with a CAVE by Samuel Moreira
- Project workshop happening next Tuesday (September 27, 2011).
- Kick off meeting happened on the 2nd of February 2011.
-- JoseCampos - 03 Feb 2011
 Copyright © by the contributing authors. Ideas, requests, problems? Send feedback.
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