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Project Events
Final Project workshop
June 25, 2014 (Prototyping Ubicomp Environments - invited session at DAPI 2014) |
| Models as a Starting Point of Software Development for Smart Environments | Forbrig et al. |
| Prototyping Distributed Physical User Interfaces in Ambient Intelligence Setups | Varela et al. |
| Design and Evaluation of a Smart Library using the APEX Framework | Abade et al. |
| Constructing the Immersive Interactive Sonification Platform (iISoP) | Jeon et al. |
| Designing an Ambient Interaction Model for Mobile Computing | Elslander et al. |
| Towards a Design Space for Ubiquitous Computing | Shmorgun et al. |
| User Indoor Positioning System with Passive Infrared Motion Sensors and space Subdivision | Sioutis et al. |
3rd year Project workshop
December 20, 2013 (DI-A2) |
| Responsive Web Design | Ana Sampaio |
| Geração de Ambientes Virtuais 3D | Tiago Gomes |
2nd year Project workshop
November 6, 2012 (CPII, B2) |
14h30 | Rapid Prototyping of Ubiquitous Computing Environments | José Luís Silva |
November 7, 2012 (DI, meeting room) |
09h30 | APEX project status | José Creissac Campos |
09h40 | Guidelines for Modelling Reactive Systems with Coloured Petri Nets | Madalena Pacheco |
10h00 | Simulating Ubiquitous Computing Environments | Samuel Moreira |
10h20 | Can GUI implementation markup languages be used for modelling? | Carlos Silva |
10h40 | A Java based PSM/PIM and pattern inference approach | Rui Couto |
11h00 | Discussion |
Invited talk (DI, A1) |
13h45 | HCI for Safety Critical Interactive Applications: Commonalities and Differences between Air Traffic Control, Satelite Ground Segments and Large Civil Aircrafts Cockpits | Philippe Palanque |
1st year Project workshop
September 27, 2011 (DI) |
| The APEX framework: current state | J.L. Silva |
| Simulation as an evaluation technique for Ubiquitous Computing Environments | R.J. José |
| The Laboratory of Visualization and Perception | J. Santos |
| Integrating a 3D application server with a CAVE | R. Moreira |
| Encouraging patient flow through a hospital environment | M. Harrison |
Kick-Off Meeting
Project start
-- JoseCampos - 05 Nov 2012
 Copyright © by the contributing authors. Ideas, requests, problems? Send feedback.
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