In order to register, one may send an email to probprog2017 (at) gmail (dot) com informing of his or
her intention to attend the school.
Registration fee
340€ (Early registration); 380€ (Late registration).
These fees include all meals and accommodation for the seven nights.
Payment methods
The registrant may pay via bank transfer to the account IBAN PT50 0035 0823 00008830700 58.
It is also possible to pay with cash on-site. If the first case applies we ask the registrant to send us
a copy of the bank transfer receipt (probprog2017 (at) gmail (dot) com).
We have a few scholarships for the registration fee. In order to apply please send us, no later than
the 15th of April, a motivation letter (about half A4 page) explaining why you are interested in the
summer school and your financial need of a scholarship.
Registration (update)
We reached full capacity and thus unfortunately we cannot take any more registrations.
However, if you wish to register please tell us so that we can put you in the waiting list.