Andy Gordon Empowering Spreadsheet Users with Probabilistic Programming
Catuscia Palamidessi Foundations of Privacy and Quantitative information Flow
Christel Baier On classical and non-classical stochastic path problems
Frank Wood Inference Compilation and Universal Probabilistic Programming
Hongseok Yang Semantics of Higher-Order Probabilistic Programs with Continuous Distributions
Javier Esparza Verification of probabilistic infinite-state systems
Peter Selinger Quantum Programming
Prakash Panangaden Equational reasoning about probabilistic programs
Sriram Sankaranarayanan Concentration of Measure Inequalities and Quantitative Analysis of Probabilistic Programs
Vitaly Shmatikov Machine Learning Meets Privacy
Dexter Kozen Foundations of probabilistic programming: operational and denotational semantics, conservation laws, and duality
Michael Carbin Managing and Exploiting Uncertainty for Fast Approximate Computations

Time table

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9.30 - 10.20 Yang (Lecture 1) Panangaden (Lecture 1) Baier (Lecture 1) Gordon (Lecture 1) Palamidessi (Lecture 1) Selinger (Lecture 1)
10.20 - 10.35 Break Break Break Break Break Break
10.35 - 11.25 Yang (Lecture 2) Panangaden (Lecture 2) Baier (Lecture 2) Gordon (Lecture 2) Palamidessi (Lecture 2) Selinger (Lecture 2)
11.25 - 11.40 Break Break Break Break Break Break
11.40 - 12.30 Yang (Lecture 3) Panangaden (Lecture 3) Baier (Lecture 3) Gordon (Lecture 3) Palamidessi (Lecture 3) Selinger (Lecture 3)
14.30 - 15.20 Sankaranarayanan (Lecture 1) Esparza (Lecture 1) Shmatikov (Lecture 1) Kozen (Lecture 1) Wood (Lecture 1) Carbin (Lecture 1)
15.20 - 15.35 Break Break Break Break Break Break
15.35 - 16.25 Sankaranarayanan (Lecture 2) Esparza (Lecture 2) Shmatikov (Lecture 2) Kozen (Lecture 2) Wood (Lecture 2) Carbin (Lecture 2)
16.25 - 16.40 Break Break Break Break Break Break
16.40 - 17.30 Sankaranarayanan (Lecture 3) Esparza (Lecture 3) Shmatikov (Lecture 3) Kozen (Lecture 3) Wood (Lecture 3) Carbin (Lecture 3)