
EEUM 2020 Graduation Ceremony

Graduation Ceremony EEUM 2020. List of new PhDs in Informatics from the University of Minho 2020 (PDInf). Message from the director of the Doctoral Program in Informatics Professor Paulo Novais. More details in: https://www.engium.uminho.pt/graduacao/grad2020/

Admission to the 3rd phase 2019/2020 completed. Formalize registration until February 7th!

The steering committee ended the admission process to the PDInf - 3rd phase. Candidates admitted and already notified must now formalize their enrollment by the 7th of February, without fail, according to information available on Academic Portal - New Admissions. After enrollment, the next step is to prepare an individual study plan, using the form available in the Documents section of this website.

Carlos César Loureiro Silva's PhD Exam

Public defense of the doctoral thesis - Carlos César Loureiro Silva On December 13th, at 2:30 pm, at the "Sala de Atos" of Campus de Azurém, Guimarães, Carlos César Loureiro Silva's PhD Exam will take place, with the title 'Using Predictive and Descriptive Cognitive Models for Evaluation of Interactive Computing Systems'.

PhD Viva of Ricardo Martini

Defesa de tese de doutoramento de Ricardo Giuliani Martini

Realiza-se no dia 26 de setembro de 2018, pelas 10:30, no Auditório B2 @ CP2, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, as provas de doutoramento de Ricardo Giuliani Martini com o título "Formal Description and Automatic Generation of Learning Spaces based on Ontologies".


PhD Viva of Bruno Moisés Oliveira

Defesa de tese de doutoramento de Bruno Moisés Oliveira

Realiza-se no dia 21 de junho de 2018, pelas 14:30, no Auditório B2 @ CP2, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, as provas de doutoramento de Bruno Moisés Oliveira com o título "A Pattern-Based Approach for ETL Systems Modelling and Validation".



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