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EEUM 2020 Graduation Ceremony

New PhDs in Informatics from the University of Minho 2020 (PDInf):

  • Bruno Silvestre Medeiros
  • Carlos César Loureiro Silva
  • Diogo Alberto Rocha Lopes
  • Mariana Reimão Queiroga Valério de Carvalho
  • Roberto Carlos Sá Ribeiro
  • Tatiana Amaral Sorrentino
  • Vítor Manuel Sá Pereira

Message from the Director of PDInf, Professor Paulo Novais:

"Dear Doctors in Informatics 2020, The scientific research of quality and of recognized merit that was done in the DI in the last 4 years, has your name written there, in an indelible way. We are a University that sees in research the basis on which everything the rest is built. And you did and are a part of it. From today on we have a common history of which we are very proud and for that we thankfully share all the joy of your success! Many congratulations. We are all UMinho! "

Paulo Novais, Diretor of PDInf

See ceremony

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