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To enter the Doctoral Program in Informatics candidates must either:

  1. have a Master Degree in Informatics, Master Degree in Computer Engineering, Master Degree in Computer Science or equivalent;
  2. be graduated in Informatics or equivalent and have a specially relevant academic, scientific or professional curriculum;
  3. have a very relevant academic, scientific or professional curriculum.


Application must include:

  • Identification Document and Tax identification document (required)
  • Academic Certificates (certified copy), with completed course units and their final grade (required);
  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae (required)
  • Proof of payment of application fee (required)

Optionally, the following additional documents may be included:

  • English or Portuguese language proficiency certificate (optional, for foreign students only)
  • Motivation letter (optional)
  • Letter of reference (optional)

This information should be sent electronically using the School of Engineering website, or to the e-mail addresses posgrad@eng.uminho.pt and pdinf@di.uminho.pt.


There are 30 vacancies for the school year 2020/2021.

The schedule for enrollment and registration is the same as for the School of Engineering 3rd cycle courses, summarized below.


If you have any question, doubt or need more information, please you the form available at this link.


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