Towards Interaction Reliability in Concurrent Applications

Bliudze S, Bruni R, Bruni R, Carbone M, Silva A.  2012.  Towards Interaction Reliability in Concurrent Applications. Scientific Annals of Computer Science. 22:1-4.

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Scientific Annals of Computer Science


Developing trustworthy concurrent applications is a seemingly never ending quest, which is necessary but dicult. It is necessary because mainstream systems and applications are inherently concurrent and they are pervasive to our daily life activities. It is dicult because such systems are inherently interactive and heterogeneous, so that boundaries can hardly be established for studying subsystems in isolation.
Formal methods are a key instrument in resolving ambiguities and design reliable applications in a rigorous way. The authors overview major problems in the application of formal methods and outline how they are tackled by the papers collected in this volume.

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