
I am an assistant professor at the Foundations group in the Institute for Computing and Information Science of the Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands). I am also a member of HASLab, the University of Minho's High-Assurance Software Laboratory.

From September 2010 to August 2011, I was a post-doc at the Foundations of software engineering group, at the CWI, in Amsterdam. During that period, I spent some wonderful months in Ithaca visiting Dexter Kozen at Cornell University. Until September 2010, I was a happy PhD student at the CWI under the great supervision of Jan Rutten and Marcello Bonsangue. My thesis, entitled Kleene coalgebra, was defended on the 21st December 2010 at the Radboud University, in Nijmegen. Before, I was a graduate student at University of Minho (Braga, Portugal). I completed my 5-year Maths and Computer Science degree in May 2006. My final project, Strong Types for Relational Data Stored in Databases or Spreadsheets, was supervised by J.N.Oliveira and Joost Visser.