
Martins M, Madeira A, Barbosa LS.  2013.  A coalgebraic perspective on logical interpretations. Studia Logica. 101(4):783-825. Abstractmmbstudialogica2013.pdf

In Computer Science stepwise refinement of algebraic specifications is a well-known formal methodology for rigorous program development. This paper illustrates how techniques from Algebraic Logic, in particular that of interpretation, understood as a multifunction that preserves and reflects logical consequence, capture a number of relevant transformations in the context of software design, reuse, and adaptation, difficult to deal with in classical approaches. Examples include data encapsulation and the decomposition of operations into atomic transactions. But if interpretations open such a new research avenue in program refinement, (conceptual) tools are needed to reason about them. In this line, the paper’s main contribution is a study of the correspondence between logical interpretations and morphisms of a particular kind of coalgebras. This opens way to the use of coalgebraic constructions, such as simulation and bisimulation, in the study of interpretations between (abstract) logics.

Jin D, He D, Yang B, Moreno CB, Hu Q.  2013.  Extending a configuration moedel to find communities in complex networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2013(9):P09013. Abstract2013.08.11.doc.pdf

Discovery of communities in complex networks is a fundamental data analysis task in various domains. Generative models are a promising class of techniques for identifying modular properties from networks, which has been actively discussed recently. However, most of them cannot preserve the degree sequence of networks, which will distort the community detection results. Rather than using a blockmodel as most current works do, here we generalize a configuration model, namely, a null model of modularity, to solve this problem. Towards decomposing and combining sub-graphs according to the soft community memberships, our model incorporates the ability to describe community structures, something the original model does not have. Also, it has the property, as with the original model, that it fixes the expected degree sequence to be the same as that of the observed network. We combine both the community property and degree sequence preserving into a single unified model, which gives better community results compared with other models. Thereafter, we learn the model using a technique of nonnegative matrix factorization and determine the number of communities by applying consensus clustering. We test this approach both on synthetic benchmarks and on real-world networks, and compare it with two similar methods. The experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of our method over competing methods in detecting both disjoint and overlapping communities.

Liu D, Jin D, Moreno CB, He D, Yang B, Yu Q.  2013.  Genetic Algorithm with a Local Search Strategy for Discovering Communities in Complex Networks. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 6(2):354-369. Abstract1303.5909.pdf

In order to further improve the performance of current genetic algorithms aiming at discovering communities, a local search based genetic algorithm GALS is here proposed. The core of GALS is a local search based mutation technique. In order to overcome the drawbacks of traditional mutation methods, the paper develops the concept of marginal gene and then the local monotonicity of modularity function Q is deduced from each nodes local view. Based on these two elements, a new mutation method combined with a local search strategy is presented. GALS has been evaluated on both synthetic benchmarks and several real networks, and compared with some presently competing algorithms. Experimental results show that GALS is highly effective and efficient for discovering community.

Oliveira JN.  2013.  Weighted automata as coalgebras in categories of matrices. International journal of found of computer science. 24(6):709-728. Abstract_ol13.pdf

The evolution from non-deterministic to weighted automata represents a shift from qual- itative to quantitative methods in computer science. The trend calls for a language able to reconcile quantitative reasoning with formal logic and set theory, which have for so many years supported qualitative reasoning. Such a lingua franca should be typed, poly- morphic, diagrammatic, calculational and easy to blend with conventional notation.
This paper puts forward typed linear algebra as a candidate notation for such a unifying role. This notation, which emerges from regarding matrices as morphisms of suitable categories, is put at work in describing weighted automata as coalgebras in such categories.
Some attention is paid to the interface between the index-free (categorial) language of matrix algebra and the corresponding index-wise, set-theoretic notation.

Silva A, Bonchi F, Bonsangue M, Rutten J.  2013.  Generalizing determinization from automata to coalgebras. Logical Methods in Computer Science. 9(1):1-23. Abstract1302.1046v2_1.pdf

The powerset construction is a standard method for converting a nondeterministic automaton into a deterministic one recognizing the same language. In this paper, we lift the powerset construction from automata to the more general framework of coalgebras with structured state spaces. Coalgebra is an abstract framework for the uniform study of different kinds of dynamical systems. An endofunctor F determines both the type of systems (F-coalgebras) and a notion of behavioural equivalence (~_F) amongst them. Many types of transition systems and their equivalences can be captured by a functor F. For example, for deterministic automata the derived equivalence is language equivalence, while for non-deterministic automata it is ordinary bisimilarity. We give several examples of applications of our generalized determinization construction, including partial Mealy machines, (structured) Moore automata, Rabin probabilistic automata, and, somewhat surprisingly, even pushdown automata. To further witness the generality of the approach we show how to characterize coalgebraically several equivalences which have been object of interest in the concurrency community, such as failure or ready semantics. .

Kozen D, Silva A.  2013.  On Moessner's theorem. American Mathematical Monthly. 120(2):131–139. Abstractmoessner.pdf

Moessner's theorem describes a procedure for generating a sequence of n integer sequences that lead unexpectedly to the sequence of nth powers 1n, 2n, 3n, ... Paasche's theorem is a generalization of Moessner's; by varying the parameters of the procedure, one can obtain the sequence of factorials 1!, 2!, 3!, ... or the sequence of superfactorials 1!!, 2!!, 3!!, ... Long's theorem generalizes Moessner's in another direction, providing a procedure to generate the sequence a1n-1, (a+d)2n-1, (a+2d)3n-1, ... Proofs of these results in the literature are typically based on combinatorics of binomial coefficients or calculational scans. In this note we give a short and revealing algebraic proof of a general theorem that contains Moessner's, Paasche's, and Long's as special cases. We also prove a generalization that gives new Moessner-type theorems.

Bonsangue M, Milius S, Silva A.  2013.  Sound and complete axiomatizations of coalgebraic language equivalence. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL). 14(1):1-51. Abstract1104.2803v4.pdf

Coalgebras provide a uniform framework for studying dynamical systems, including several types of automata. In this article, we make use of the coalgebraic view on systems to investigate, in a uniform way, under which conditions calculi that are sound and complete with respect to behavioral equivalence can be extended to a coarser coalgebraic language equivalence, which arises from a generalized powerset construction that determinizes coalgebras. We show that soundness and completeness are established by proving that expressions modulo axioms of a calculus form the rational fixpoint of the given type functor. Our main result is that the rational fixpoint of the functor FT, where T is a monad describing the branching of the systems (e.g., non-determinism, weights, probability, etc.), has as a quotient the rational fixpoint of the determinized type functor F, a lifting of F to the category of T-algebras. We apply our framework to the concrete example of weighted automata, for which we present a new sound and complete calculus for weighted language equivalence. As a special case, we obtain nondeterministic automata in which we recover Rabinovich’s sound and complete calculus for language equivalence.

Backhouse R, Chen W, Ferreira JF.  2013.  The Algorithmics of Solitaire-Like Games. Science of Computer Programming. 78(11):2029-2046. Abstract2013-algorithmicsolitairegamesextended.pdf

One-person solitaire-like games are explored with a view to using them in teaching algorithmic problem solving. The key to understanding solutions to such games is the identification of invariant properties of polynomial arithmetic. We demonstrate this via three case studies: solitaire itself, tiling problems and a novel class of one-person games. The known classification of states of the game of (peg) solitaire into 16 equivalence classes is used to introduce the relevance of polynomial arithmetic. Then we give a novel algebraic formulation of the solution to a class of tiling problems. Finally, we introduce an infinite class of challenging one-person games, which we call “replacement-set games”, inspired by earlier work by Chen and Backhouse on the relation between cyclotomic polynomials and generalisations of the seven-trees-in-one type isomorphism. We present an algorithm to solve arbitrary instances of replacement-set games and we show various ways of constructing infinite (solvable) classes of replacement-set games.

Macedo N, Pacheco H, Cunha A, Oliveira JN.  2013.  Composing least-change lenses. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 57 AbstractWebsite
Silva JMC, Carvalho P, Lima SR.  2013.  A multiadaptive sampling technique for cost-effective network measurements. Computer Networks. 57:3357-3369. AbstractWebsite


Freire L, Arezes P, Campos JC.  2012.  A literature review about usability evaluation methods for e-learning platforms. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation. 41:1038-1044. Abstractfulltext.pdf

The usability analysis of information systems has been the target of several research studies over the past thirty years. These studies have highlighted a great diversity of points of view, including researchers from different scientific areas such as Ergonomics, Computer Science, Design and Education. Within the domain of information ergonomics, the study of tools and methods used for usability evaluation dedicated to E-learning presents evidence that there is a continuous and dynamic evolution of E-learning systems, in many different contexts -academics and corporative. These systems, also known as LMS (Learning Management Systems), can be classified according to their educational goals and their technological features. However, in these systems the usability issues are related with the relationship/interactions between user and system in the user’s context. This review is a synthesis of research project about Information Ergonomics and embraces three dimensions, namely the methods, models and frameworks that have been applied to evaluate LMS. The study also includes the main usability criteria and heuristics used. The obtained results show a notorious change in the paradigms of usability, with which it will be possible to discuss about the studies carried out by different researchers that were focused on usability ergonomic principles aimed at E-learning.

Leitão J, Marques J, Pereira JO, Rodrigues L.  2012.  X-BOT: A Protocol for Resilient Optimization of Unstructured Overlay Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 23(11):1. Abstract

Gossip, or epidemic, protocols have emerged as a highly scalable and resilient approach to implement several application level services such as reliable multicast, data aggregation, publish-subscribe, among others. All these protocols organize nodes in an unstructured random overlay network. In many cases, it is interesting to bias the random overlay in order to optimize some efficiency criteria, for instance, to reduce the stretch of the overlay routing. In this paper we propose X-BOT, a new protocol that allows to bias the topology of an unstructured gossip overlay network. X-BOT is completely decentralized and, unlike previous approaches, preserves several key properties of the original (non-biased) overlay (most notably, the node degree and consequently, the overlay connectivity). Experimental results show that X-BOT can generate more efficient overlays than previous approaches.

Alves T, Silva P, Visser J.  2012.  Constraint-aware Schema Transformation. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 290:3-18. Abstractrule08.pdf

Data schema transformations occur in the context of software evolution, refactoring, and cross-paradigm data mappings. When constraints exist on the initial schema, these need to be transformed into constraints on the target schema. Moreover, when high-level data types are refined to lower level structures, additional target schema constraints must be introduced to balance the loss of structure and preserve semantics.

We introduce an algebraic approach to schema transformation that is constraint-aware in the sense that constraints are preserved from source to target schemas and that new constraints are introduced where needed. Our approach is based on refinement theory and point-free program transformation. Data refinements are modeled as rewrite rules on types that carry point-free predicates as constraints. At each rewrite step, the predicate on the reduct is computed from the predicate on the redex. An additional rewrite system on point-free functions is used to normalize the predicates that are built up along rewrite chains.

We implemented our rewrite systems in a type-safe way in the functional programming language Haskell. We demonstrate their application to constraint-aware hierarchical-relational mappings.

Mu S, Oliveira JN.  2012.  Programming from Galois connections. Journal of Log. Algebraic Programming. 81:680-704. Abstracttr10009.pdf

Problem statements often resort to superlatives such as in eg. “. . . the smallest such number”, “. . . the best approximation”, “. . . the longest such list” which lead to specifications made of two parts: one defining a broad class of solutions (the easy part) and the other requesting the optimal such solution (the hard part).
This paper introduces a binary relational combinator which mirrors this linguistic structure and exploits its potential for calculating programs by optimization. This applies in particular to specifications written in the form of Galois connections, in which one of the adjoints delivers the optimal solution being sought.
The framework encompasses re-factoring of results previously developed by Bird and de Moor for greedy and dynamic programming, in a way which makes them less technically involved and therefore easier to understand and play with.

Oliveira JN.  2012.  Towards a linear algebra of programming. Formal Aspects of Computing. 24:433-458. Abstractfacsj11-r5.pdf

The Algebra of Programming (AoP) is a discipline for programming from specifications using relation algebra. Specification vagueness and nondeterminism are captured by relations. (Final) implementations are functions. Probabilistic functions are half way between relations and functions: they express the propensity, or like lihood of ambiguous, multiple outputs. This paper puts forward a basis for a Linear Algebra of Programming (LAoP) extending standard AoP towards probabilistic functions. Because of the quantitative essence of these functions, the allegory of binary relations which supports the AoP has to be extended. We show that, if one restricts to discrete probability spaces, categories of matrices provide adequate support for the extension, while preserving the pointfree reasoning style typical of the AoP.