PETTool: a pattern-based GUI testing tool

Cunha M, Paiva ACR, Ferreira HS, Abreu R.  2010.  PETTool: a pattern-based GUI testing tool. 2nd International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering - ICSTE. 1:V1–202.

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Nowadays, the usage of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in order to ease the interaction with software applications is preferred over command line interfaces. Despite recent advances in software testing, GUIs are still tested in a complete ad-hoc, manual fashion, with little support from (industrial) testing tools. Automating the process of testing GUIs has additional challenges when compared to command-line applications. This paper presents an approach for GUI (semi-automated) testing which uses knowledge of the common behaviour of a GUI. To do so, the most common aspects in a GUI are identified and then a suite of test cases is automatically generated and executed. To validate our approach, we have run it against well known web-based applications, such as GMail.

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