Control of object sharing in programming languages

Almeida PS.  1998.  Control of object sharing in programming languages.

Thesis Type:

PhD Thesis


Current data abstraction mechanisms are not adequate to control sharing of state in the general case involving objects in linked structures. They only prevent the direct access to the state variables of single objects, as opposed to considering the state reachable by an object and the inter-object references, neglecting the fact that an object is not, in general, self-contained. The pervading possibility of sharing is a source of errors and an obstacle both to reasoning about programs and to language implementation techniques.
This thesis presents balloon types, a general extension to programming languages which makes the ability to share state a first class property of a data type, resolving a long-standing flaw in existing data abstraction mechanisms. Balloon types provide the balloon invariant, which expresses a strong form of encapsulation of state: it is guaranteed that no state reachable (directly or transitively) by an object of a balloon type is referenced by any `external' object.
The mechanism is syntactically very simple, relying on a non-trivial static analysis to perform checking. The static analysis is presented as an abstract interpretation based on a denotational semantics of a simple imperative first-order language with constructs for creating and manipulating objects.
Balloon types are applicable in a wide range of areas such as program transformation, memory management and distributed systems. They are the key to obtaining self-contained composite objects, truly opaque data abstractions and value types---important concepts for the development of large scale, provably correct programs.

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