Relational calculus

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Pacheco H, Macedo N, Cunha A, Voigtländer J.  2013.  A Generic Scheme and Properties of Bidirectional Transformations. CoRR. arXiv/1306.4473:19. Abstract1306.4473v2.pdf

The recent rise of interest in bidirectional transformations (BXs) has led to the development of many BX frameworks, originating in diverse computer science disciplines. From a user perspective, these frameworks vary significantly in both interface and predictability of the underlying bidirectionalization technique. In this paper we start by presenting a generic BX scheme that can be instantiated to different concrete interfaces, by plugging-in the desired notion of update and traceability. Based on that scheme, we then present several desirable generic properties that may characterize a BX framework, and show how they can be instantiated to concrete interfaces. This generic presentation is useful when exploring the BX design space: it might help developers when designing new frameworks and end-users when comparing existing ones. We support the latter claim, by applying it in a comparative survey of popular existing BX frameworks.

Macedo N, Pacheco H, Cunha A.  2012.  Relations as executable specifications: taming partiality and non-determinism using invariants. :146-161. Abstractndlenses12tech.pdf

The calculus of relations has been widely used in program specification and reasoning. It is very tempting to use such specifications as running prototypes of the desired program, but, even considering finite domains, the inherent partiality and non-determinism of relations makes this impractical and highly inefficient. To tame partiality we prescribe the usage of invariants, represented by coreflexives, to characterize the exact domains and codomains of relational specifications. Such invariants can be used as pre-condition checkers to avoid runtime errors. Moreover, we show how such invariants can be used to narrow the non-deterministic execution of relational specifications, making it viable for a relevant class of problems. In particular, we show how the proposed techniques can be applied to execute specifications of bidirectional transformations, a domain where partiality and non-determinism are paramount.

Macedo N.  2010.  Translating Alloy specifications to the point-free style. Abstractnunomacedomsc.pdf

Every program starts from a model, an abstraction, which is iteratively re ned until we reach the
nal result, the implementation. However, at the end, one must ask: does the nal program resemble
in anyway the original model? Was the original idea correct to begin with? Formal methods
guarantee that those questions are answered positively, resorting to mathematical techniques. In
particular, in this thesis we are interested on the second factor: veri cation of formal models.
A trend of formal methods defends that they should be lightweight, resulting in a reduced
complexity of the speci cation, and automated analysis. Alloy was proposed as a solution for this
problem. In Alloy, the structures are described using a simple mathematical notation: relational
logic. A tool for model checking, automatic veri cation within a given scope, is also provided.
However, sometimes model checking is not enough and the need arises to perform unbounded
veri cations. The only way to do this is to mathematically prove that the speci cations are correct.
As such, there is the need to nd a mathematical logic expressive enough to be able to represent
the speci cations, while still being su ciently understandable.
We see the point-free style, a style where there are no variables or quanti cations, as a kind
of Laplace transform, where complex problems are made simple. Being Alloy completely relational,
we believe that a point-free relational logic is the natural framework to reason about Alloy
speci cations.
Our goal is to present a translation from Alloy speci cations to a point-free relational calculus,
which can then be mathematically proven, either resorting to proof assistants or to manual proving.
Since our motivation for the use of point-free is simplicity, we will focus on obtaining expressions
that are simple enough for manipulation and proofs about them.