Automated synthesis of dependable mediators for heterogeneous interoperable systems

Di Giandomenico F, Itria ML, Masci P, Nostro N.  2014.  Automated synthesis of dependable mediators for heterogeneous interoperable systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 132:220-232. copy at


Approaches to dependability and performance are challenged when systems are made up of networks of heterogeneous applications/devices, especially when operating in unpredictable open-world settings. The research community is tackling this problem and exploring means for enabling interoperability at the application level. The EU project CONNECT has developed a generic interoperability mechanism which relies on the on-the-fly synthesis of CONNECTors, that is software bridges that enable and adapt communication among heterogeneous devices. Dependability and Performance are relevant aspects of the system. In our previous work, we have identified generic dependability mechanisms for enhancing the dependability of CONNECTors. In this work, we introduce a set of generic strategies for automating the selection and application of an appropriate dependability mechanism. A case study based on a global monitoring system for environment and security (GMES) is used as a means for demonstrating the approach.

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